Extra Marratial Affairs!!!!!

January 14, 2009 9:26am CST
do u thnk dat a person should have an extra marratial affair... and do u people thnk dat extra marratial affairs generates exceptional desire towards life....
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3 responses
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
14 Jan 09
Hello deepak_unlimited! I don't think extra marital affair is good. I don't believe with it. When I am committed to a person, I won't consider cheating on that person. I am a possessive person and I don't want my partner to cheat as well.
• India
14 Jan 09
hii aisaellis u r right but jst tell me dat if u r committed its fine bt d same person for whom u r doing all dese ditches u den hw u vl feel???
• United States
14 Jan 09
Well, I will feel bad actually..
• India
15 Jan 09
thats wat i was asking.....d same thing has happened 2 me..jst think hw should i feel....
• United States
26 Jan 09
Hi I totally disagree with having extra marital affairs. Before you get married to your spouse I believe you should know wha tyou want and who you want. There has been many divorces in teh past year because of adultry. That's really what it should be called. See we like to beat around the bush and say what it really is. Men and women are old enough to know if they are truely ready to be married or not. With marriage that is a union between two people not 3 and four but two. When you decide to commit adultry which is a sin in Gods eyes you are breaking that covenant that you had with him when you took those vows in the first place. Right then before the IDOs you had an opportunity to decide whether you wanted to be in a relationship with that person and that person only. Nowa days people are doing whatever they want because they think there's no consequences what so ever behind it. When making this type of decision you also have to think of the children if any when it comes to these types of decisions as well as the feeling of the other person involved in the marriage. Some people take this for a joke because they feel they can get away with it. Mainly all that person is doing is just fulfilling what the flesh wants. Why would I want to be married to someone who wants to cheat and do whatever they want to me . Especially when there is children involved you are not the only that will be apart of this but your children will be too. Tehy will be the one/ones to really suffer because of your selfish needs. Then again when you look back at it is it really all that worth it loosing your family because you wanted to be a hoeish. Well before you say I Do rethink it adn see if that's what you are really prepared to do before you go around jsut hurting people and the ones you claim to love.
• India
27 Jan 09
i do agree with u...the things you r telling some are philosphy and the rest is true....what you are telling people know everything then also they do the samee...
• Philippines
14 Jan 09
I don't think there is a real good excuse for this, and it makes me sad knowign that there are indeed cases of these affairs happening. Makes it even harder if children are involved
• India
15 Jan 09
my friend u r telling correct if childrens r involve den it vl be horrrible... better it should happen only before marraige only...