Guilty Laziness

United States
January 15, 2009 11:57am CST
Have you ever gotten a lot accomplished, but still feel like you've been lazy and didn't do enough? I have decided I'm going to try to get more accomplished during my day, and spend less time at the computer, which so far I've been doing pretty well. But I still feel guilty whenever I'm spending time at the computer. I feel like I haven't gotten enough done, or that I just shouldn't be sitting down. Some days are better than others. Yesterday I didn't do much except walk down to the store (I could have driven, but chose to take a walk). But other than that, I played games online most of the day. I had an excuse to be lazy, my husband was home all day, lol. Today I've already got dinner cooking, done a load of laundry, excersized for about half an hour, and did some dishes, but I still feel like I've spent too much time at this computer. Although on an average day I would have spent twice as much time at the computer as I have today. Do you ever have that guilt? Do you sometimes feel like you shouldn't be at the computer or watching TV even if you've already accomplished so much?
11 responses
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
15 Jan 09
I have days where I think I am being lazy and I really should be doing other things. Today is not one of those days though. I have done little of anything all morning long, but I don't feel bad about it. lol
• United States
15 Jan 09
Normally I don't feel bad about it either, normally I couldn't care less. But the fact that I've been determined to do more around the house and be on my feet a bit more often has got me feeling guilty anytime I sit for a break.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
15 Jan 09
If you run out of things to do I have some laundry and dishes you could work on.
• United States
16 Jan 09
Those are the 2 things I never run out of in this house. Luckily they've become a part of my daily routine to the point where I don't even view them as chores anymore, they're just something I do at least once a day.
@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Jan 09
I never feel like I accomplish a lot, especially once the computer is turned on!! Just lately though I have been taking the kids to school, coming home and making sure I get the stuff done that I want before turning it on, because once it is on I am on it all day on facebook all day just lately lol!!!
@GreenMoo (11834)
30 Jan 09
I don't feel guilty when I'm not busy, but I sometimes get grumpy with myself towards the end of the day when I realise how little I've acheived.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
16 Jan 09
Hey kats! Yes, I do sometimes feel guilty that I am spending too much time on the computer even if I have done work in the apartment! I don't know why I should feel guilty! I can list the things that I have done and see that I did get some work done so why should I feel guilty? I guess because there is always more things that I could do! I just think that after awhile I don't feel like doing anything else and I want to just sit down and veg out! That's not a good excuse, but at least I'm being honest! I feel that if I get done what I need to then why shouldn't I take a break?
• United States
16 Jan 09
For me it's more like I just don't feel like doing the things that I could be doing. I COULD clean my house on a daily basis, but I don't want to. I'd rather sit here all day and do nothing. So it's a constant struggle with me.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
16 Jan 09
There are many days that I feel like this. But there are many days that I know that once the kids get home I will get no rest at all, they keep me pretty busy. Every day I have to do my dishes and at least every second day I have to do laundry. But then there are days when I have to clean my whole house, I guess that if I broke it up between more days I wouldn't have to take a whole day to do it.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
15 Jan 09
I am guilty of being lazy but I don't feel bad about it IF I truly have accomplished everything that needs to be accomplished - unfortunately that almost never happens. I have a big problem with motivation (partly due to a thyroid condition, partly because I am just lazy) so I try to bribe myself. If I get the kitchen cleaned up right after work then I can sit down and have a snack, if I get the bathroom done then I can go shopping etc. The only problem is I tend to over rule myself and hit the couch instead. Anyways, I think that if you accomplish say even half the stuff you want to then don't beat yourself up for taking a little siesta!
• United States
15 Jan 09
I never really give myself a list of things to do, unless I wake up with the intention of cleaning the house, then there's a particular list I have to follow before I consider the job done. Other than that, whatever gets done gets done, and whatever doesn't, doesn't. It's not a big deal around here. We aren't total neat freaks, even if I do spend all day cleaning it won't look like it 5 minutes after the kids get home. My husband could assume I clean everyday, he never can tell a difference.
• United States
15 Jan 09
I've felt this way before but I think we are allowed to be lazy sometimes. Sometimes we do too much and it's nice to have a break now and then. However, with my crazy class schedule these days I feel like the only things I can do are either do nothing or do everything all day every day! I need to really sit down this weekend and organize my week just a bit more. Kind of make some sort of schedule so I can get everything done that needs done!
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
16 Jan 09
Hello There! Yeah, I had the same feeling last year. I have done all my chores at home even done my task in the office the whole day but I feel guilty because it seems that I still need to do something other than sitting and browsing on my computer... especially when watching my favorite movies and series! lolz! but trust me, I got over it... i really don't know why I felt that way at times... but it was just like something is bothering me from being lazy or from being happy resting all day after a long day of work! lolz Happy Mylotting! Have a nice day and thank you for the discussion! Cheers!
• Brazil
16 Jan 09
Sometimes I do. But I feel more guilty spending my day in a job I really don´t enjoy and this is my case right now :-(. i spend my whole day working here and I could be studying or doing something that would make me grow as human being but unfortunatelly I can´t right now.
• Philippines
16 Jan 09
Yes, because sometimes I'm lazy to do those thing.
@chriswolf (360)
• China
16 Jan 09
Oh, you must be a very ambitious guy. Maybe the happinesses of life really matter for me. No matter what I have done for a day, it is OK if only I am happy. Of course, it will be different when doing something important. Tasks must be accomplished as soon as possible for me too.