Your child's birth.. tell me about it.
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
United States
January 15, 2009 7:03pm CST
I love to hear stories about children being born. Some are so exciting. Some are sad. Some are scary. Some are funny while others are downright weird.
Children often love to hear about when they were born and my son was no exception. I found myself telling him often but I left out the details and just shared with him my feelings of first seeing him and holding him and how much love I never knew I could have for another person.
Tell me about the day you had your babies (even if they are older now).
I'll share mine first:
A year before my son was born, I had several miscarriages - one being rather emotional and difficult. I was already 6 months pregnant and I lost the baby because of an ovarian cyst the size of a small watermelon. I ended up needing surgery to have my left ovary removed and I thought I was doomed to never have children. But I was wrong!
I found out I was pregnant 4 months after my ovary was removed and I was overjoyed but also really scared that I would lose this baby too. I tried not to get too excited and I pretty much kept things to myself for most of the pregnancy. The doctors told me he would be due on January 3rd, 1991. On December 3rd, 1990 - I went in for a sonogram and they told me he was already 9 pounds and was going to be a very large baby. I was worried considering I still had a month to go before his due date.
January 3rd came and went and no baby was born. Then they changed my due date to January 16th but that date came and went without any baby being born. Now I'm starting to get really concerned because over a month earlier they told me he was already 9 pounds! Imagine what he was going to weigh when he finally decided to enter this world!
On January 22nd, around 8pm, I started to feel some pains but they were not consistent and they would come and go - some times close together and other times really far apart. I was 20 years old without any female to talk to and I'm one of those people who does not want to be a burden or for people to think I'm concerned for nothing so I kept waiting for the contractions to be "normal". The whole time I thought it was false labor. I also had no lost my "plug" and the water had not broken so I thought it was all a bunch of nothing at that point. Finally later that night, they stopped completely and I went to sleep.
On January 23rd, everything was back to normal until about 7:30pm when the pains started up again. This time I said forget it.. I was going to the doctors and if it was nothing, then so be it but better safe than sorry. When I walked into the hospital the nurses laughed and said I did not look like someone in labor. They wanted to brush me off but I was mad. Just because I can contain my pain doesn't mean they should have laughed at me - that was the reason I didn't come in sooner! But they said they would go ahead and hook me up to the machines and see what was going on. Sure enough, I was in labor. He was still really high up and had not dropped. They had to break my water and they attached that thing to his head. Ends up he was in fetal distress and had swallowed some of the amniotic fluid so next thing I know - they are pulling cords out of the wall and rushing me to the ER for an Emergency C-Section.
I was a nervous wreck.. they had to do a spinal and I was in shock .. shaking like crazy. They had this super sweet big nurse come in and hold me up so they could put the shot in my back.
Shortly thereafter.. the doctor sitting by my head says "congratulations". I said "what is it!?" No one had bothered to tell me - I guess they were too busy making sure he was o.k. I turned my head and all I could see were two little legs kicking around. They took him to NICU and the doctors sewed me up but while they were doing that, I heard them talking and they said "it's a good thing she came in when she did - had she waited another hour, he wouldn't have made it".
Even though I had a c-section - I was determined to see and hold my baby. He was in NICU and they said I would have to walk down there if I wanted to see him so within 24 hours, I was out of my bed and SLOWLY walking down the hall to see my little miracle. I still remember the day they let me go in and hold him for the first time. That day will forever be burned into my memory. When he finally came out of NICU, I remember they would ask if I wanted to be woken up to feed him during the night and I said "YES!" while the other new mom's in the room opted to have the nurse feed their babies while they slept. I wanted to spend every moment I could with him even if it meant waking up at 2am to feed him. Those were our special moments together.. where I would talk to him and count his finger and toes.. those are moments I will cherish for the rest of my life. We bonded and I wouldn't have traded it for the world.
I am so thankful for this beautiful young man that God gave me. He has been the biggest blessing in my life. He will be turning 18 next Friday and it seems like the years have just flown by. I want to rewind the clocks and start over. He has been such a joy to raise and to call my son. I wish everyone had a son like mine.
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3 responses
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
16 Jan 09
Depends which child. My most recent( and last) birth was my son. Dec 10, 2008 This time I had a planned c-section. He was born at 7:57 am. We had the blue curtain routine.
With my daughter, my mother was telling me a joke. I don't remember the joke. But I was laughing really hard. And my water broke. We went to the hospital. I was in labor for several hours. I got to 10 cm dilated. And she got stuck. Basically they had to push her back up then do an emergency c-section.
All I can say is thank goodness for c-sections. I have a girl and a boy I might not have been able to have otherwise.
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@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
16 Jan 09
Yes, thank goodness for c-sections!
I forgot to mention that my son was born on January 23rd at 11:23pm. He ended up only weighing 7 lbs 13oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. I have no clue why they said he was already 9 pounds back on December 3rd but he wasn't large at all. He was almost 3 weeks late!
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
16 Jan 09
Daughter was 6lbs 14 oz Son 7 lbs 8 oz both were 19 1/2 inches long
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@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
18 Jan 09
When I was pregnant with my daughter I started preterm labor at 22 weeks. It kept going and kept having to be stopped until she was born at 37. I had numerous Terbutaline shots, was on magnesium in an IV for a week and a half, on pills round the clock. But I got her to term! I ended up with preeclampsea (sp) so they had to induce labor. Everything was going good and fast. I was in labor for 8 hours, and was 8cm with NO meds at all and then everything changed. Her heartrate started dropping so they had to do an emergency csection. It took me a long time to come to terms with the csection, and the fact that I didn't even get to hear her cry. But she's here so that's the important thing. She's now 2 and a half years old!!
We're currently pregnant again with a boy. I started preterm labor at 22 weeks exactly with him too. They took me off work and I'm on complete bedrest until he's born. The dr wont let me do a VBAC but that's ok. Hopefully I can get him to term too!
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