Can you and I help to bring peace in the world?
By Pose123
@Pose123 (21635)
January 15, 2009 7:15pm CST
There is a prayer that goes like this "let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me". I like that thought because that is how it must begin. We all have to remember that violence will not bring an end to violence and hurt does not heal hurt. So lets not miss the chance to start practicing this, the next time someone speaks to us in anger, let's think before responding, try to put ourselves in their place, or think what may be making them act in that way. Then when we do respond lets try to find a new way - one that will lead to a peaceful solution rather than a shouting match.
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11 responses
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
18 Jan 09
I dont think you and I can bring any long lasting peace to the world.We may try to bring harmony within a localised area but it may not last .My reason for saying this is that I believe these wars are all fulfillment of a higher prophetic mandate and only Jehovah's kingdom can bring peace,at least long lasting peace.This is in keeping with what is in the scriptures that these wars must occur before teh time of the end and that Jehovahs Kingdom will bring the peace
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@gaylalou690 (361)
• Philippines
16 Jan 09
try to begin to urself. weve always thinking how we can change the world but are we think also that we must change ourselves first before changing others.
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@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
16 Jan 09
Hello pose I quite agree with you.And I am basically a peace loving person to the core.Even at home when I am angry I do not shout at anybody,but just try to withdraw into a shell and try to listen to some soothing music or take a duster and scrub the furniture (which will get an extra much needed polish,and which will help me to went out all my anger in the process)......,till I have cooled down before I speak again.I hate fights or shouting and very much appreciate the prayer you have written here.I ma sure if each human being start thinking and sharing this ,then the world will be a much better place to live.After all anger and enemity are two of man's greatest weaknesses which pave the wave for unrest ,tension,ill health and destruction......Thank you Pose dear for this wonderful discussion....
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@futuremba (97)
• India
16 Jan 09
i do not think so you and i both bring peace but into our room only ,not in world ,this si quite diffucult even impossible to do,there as uncounted people with different thoughts,so we can not change their way of thinking,they will think the way they think
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
18 Jan 09
I think each individual can contribute to world peace. I don't think there is any sane person who wants violence. Everybody wants peace. However, I think we just don't know how to bring peace. To bring peace we have fought so many wars. I think one of the reason why we don't have peace is because we just don't know how to talk. Many a time we try to subdue the others. We don't want to talk as equals. We hate people. We don't like those who are not like us... who are different. One nation fighting another nation; follower of one religion killing another one; one colour not accepting the other one etc. Since we are different there will be different in the way we think, but I guess in spite of all these things we need to love and to respect... to learn to disagree. Not to tell lies about others even if we can't love them.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
18 Jan 09
Hi headhunter, Thank you very much for responding, your comments make a lot of sense. My thought here is for each of us to begin with ourselves, which is really all that most of us can do. I often think that the language barrier is a big reason that we don't trust each other. Maybe a universal language would heap. Blessings.
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
16 Jan 09
Hi there Pose!
You're right and that song really speaks of the truth. It will be really hard to have peace on earth straight away even though we want to have it really bad. The biggest thing that we can do is to let peace start on ourself. If more and more people will realize its effects, I'm sure the word will be a better place.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
16 Jan 09
Hi Pose123! I really like that prayer-song. I usually find myself humming that prayer. I do believe in that song and hopefully we will all believe in achieving peace, we can all begin with ourselves. I do agree that violence can only spark more violence and hatred. I do hope that we can all stop hurting one another and just learn to love and understand each other. I do believe that everyone of us want peace..
Take care and have a nice day!
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
16 Jan 09
That is a great concept and it would be nice if everyone would try it, really worldwide.. I don't think it will happen because some people thrive on hate, and that is such a waste of time.. I will remember this discussion the next time someone speaks badly to me and will utilize it to make a bad situation better..
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@ktosea (2026)
• China
16 Jan 09
what you are thinking about is totally right,but the power to control the peace or violence is grabbed in few peoples' hand,we can pray to let there be peace on the earth but it may doesn't make sense at all.but for a long period I think if everyone think and act in the way you said,the world will be all peace everywhere.let's pray for the day's comming
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