Farewell Prs. George W. Bush.. and Thank You!
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
January 16, 2009 12:27am CST
Prs. Bush gave his farewell speech today, and thanked the people of the United States. He acknowledged the thing he would do differently if he could, and reminded us of some of the successes of his adiminstration.
Prs. Bush has been a lot of things, but mostly he was a president who did what he thought was right in situations that would have caused a lesser man to flea in fright. He has brought the fight to the terrorists and as a result, we have enjoyed the longest period between terrorist attacks against Americans since the 70s. He helped our economy survive devastating attacks and record natural disasters.
He never shirked his responsibilities as president and commander in chief, and faced some of the most vile false accusations known to the English (and other) language.
I have to laugh at those who have claimed Prs. Bush would do something to circumvent the US Constitution and stay in office beyond his 8 years. To them, I simply point, laugh and dismiss you as ignorant conspiracy nutcase.
Prs. Bush did make mistakes and was dead wrong in some cases. But so has every other president, including the ones we have elevated to mythical status.
So, Thank you Prs. Bush. May the post presidential life of you and your family be long, prosperous and happy.
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15 responses
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
16 Jan 09
I'm not so sure that I believe that he did everything that he thought was right for America. I will say, however, that he hasn't been THAT disasterous of a President that people make him out to be. So I thank him for that. I also have to praise his sense of humor and say that I really love it when he has his blonde moments. And I admire his ability to dodge shoes. ummm... yeah, thank you George!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
16 Jan 09
Yeah, we can all laugh at the "Bushisms".... and look forward to the Obamaisms to come! :~D
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
16 Jan 09
My favorite blonde moment was his press conference a year after Abu Ghraib and a bunch of other disasterous incidents with military contractors in Iraq, with nothing being done about it and only more contractors being hired, George Bush said that he had no idea what standards these contractrs are held to. That press conference just made me wonder what is going on in that mans mind. George Bush, what a mysterious man.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
16 Jan 09
I look back on this administration with mixxed reaction. I applaud that he lead the country in a time of unprecidented crisis. He did in fact make tough decisions. I cannot blame the economy entirely on him, that would be both in error and plain rediculous. the conspiricy theories that were atributed him were of course laughable, especialy the whole "canceling the elections" thing, well we had elections didn't we, we didn't invade Iran, did we. I must say though his treatment of the constitution and his habbit of amending legislation with his little notes had me seriously unsettled, his continuation and increase of various "police state" style things distrubed me, such as broder patrol practices with in U.S. soil, the authorization of U.S. troops to perform civil police action on u.s. soil and of course T.A.A.R.P. the biggest transfer of power in this nations history to a single section of government.
But, I will say good bye, good luck and thank you for your service Mr. Bush. May life now bring you peace, enjoy retirement, you've earned it.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
16 Jan 09
It seems ppl are so quick to point fingers and blame especially AFTER the situation has passed. Personally, I think that Prs. Bush was put in an impossible situation with 9-11...if he did nothing, ppl would call him a coward...if he went to war, ppl would call him a war monger. He did what he thought was best for the country. I do notice that the ppl that claim to hate him so much and point out all his flaws are still living in the US so he couldn't have done that terrible of a job or they would have moved to one of the many other countries around the world.
As for me, he is/was our President and I believe he's done his best for the ppl. I hope he and his family have a long and happy life. I'm actually sorry to see him go.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Well, I post as this thread was intended and actually thank Bush for things that I felt he did right.
Thank you for making us feel safe at a time when many thought that was impossible
Thank you for taking the fight to the terrorists when they wanted to take it to us.
Thank you for understanding that the safety of our nation is more important than approval ratings or the opinions of elitist Europeans.
Thank you for fixing airport security.
Thank you for not lashing out when many in this country turned on you
Finally, Thank you for graciously working on a smooth transition with our incoming president. I am glad to see a mature civil transition without the vandalism, theft, and fraternity style pranks that occurred under your predecessor.
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@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
16 Jan 09
I am not an american but I felt sad of Pres. Bush finishing his term. I believed he did more rights than wrong. He may have failures but more success and who's perfect by the way. With the good relationship of the Philippines to the U.S. and the support of the Bush Administration to the Phils, Filipinos I know, has a big heart for Pres. Bush and like you, we would like to thank him and wish him and his family as well a peaceful and a happy life ahead.
@SeoulBoy_Art (193)
• Japan
16 Jan 09
I am not a fan of Bush and I can't sat that I am not glad to see him go. It asppears to me he was wrong more then he was right. History will show this. Iraq wrong. The economy wrong. In reference to not being a coward and attacking terroists, well he got that wrong too. Instead of sending in the US troops when he had Osama trap in Tora Bora he outsourced the battle and look at what happen. Instead of finishing the Job he started a new war in Iraq. Say what you will but he was wrong yesterday, he is wrong today, and he will be wrong tomorrow.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
16 Jan 09
Is there anything you can find where you think he was right?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
16 Jan 09
Or, I'll ask it this way... Is there anything good you can say about George Bush either as a person or as a president?
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
16 Jan 09
While I do not agree with you, I respect your right to an opinion.
Iraq was not wrong in my opinion. It is possible to try and take care of two problems at once and Iraq was a huge problem in the making. I'm not one to want things to happen before I take action and I am not a fan of Presidents *cough cough Clinton cough* who do sit on issues until people are killed (9/11 anyone?).
There are people in Iraq that would beg to differ with you .. people who are alive thanks to the U.S. soldiers who caught Saddam.
Had someone paid attention to Osama prior to 9/11 .. the way Bush paid attention to Saddam, maybe.. just maybe the attack on the US on 9/11 wouldn't have happened.
It's easy to say it was a mistake because Bush took action and because of that action, the war taking place did not take place on U.S. soil so American's are smug and sit back saying Bush was wrong because they have no clue (thankfully) of what could have happened had Saddam been left alone - but we can look at the action, or lack thereof, that Clinton took when he was warned about Osama and see that as an example of what can happen when people do not stand up and take action when they should.
I firmly believe that had Saddam not been removed, he would have been a huge threat to this country just like Osama was.
And for what it's worth, the war for Osama was still going on at the same time the war in Iraq was getting under way. One did not stop for the other.. attention was placed in both areas to try and catch a man who already attacked and to take out a man who had the potential to attack in the future.
In my world, that's called multi-tasking and only a select few can do it.

@laglen (19759)
• United States
17 Jan 09
I agree with you. I too am one of the few Bush supporters left. But you did leave one thing out...... he was very entertaining! If you look up Bush bloopers on you tube, you can be entertained for a while. He can laugh at himself and I can truly appreciate that. That was also one of my favorite things about Bob Dole.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
19 Jan 09
Yup, supporters and detractors alike can join together and laugh about his faux pas.
Now he is going into history, but not to worry, we have many, many, many Obamaisms to enjoy over the next 4 years!
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
16 Jan 09
I couldn't have said it better.
I do not care what people say about this man - one thing they cannot call him is a coward. The same can't be said for the President directly before him and we shall see if the same can be said about the President after him.
I thank you Mr. President and I wish you and your family a long and happy life.
You will always be a hero in my book.
@zydecokitten (451)
• United States
17 Jan 09
It is easy to be brave when you are sending other people's children into a battle. What is there not to be brave about? Did his daughters join the military and the cause? Absolutely not. He would not even allow the media to show the coffins come into Delaware that is how chicken he was. I have not seen him perform one brave act.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Jan 09
Who are you to decide why we join?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Ted, I must confess when I first saw this discussion I was asking myself "Should I respond or should I politely pass on it?" Then I decided that, of course, I must respond because you're my friend. So I told myself, "Be nice, Annie; no mean remarks about Bush, he's leaving in a few days, think of some nice things to say...".
Here's what I came up with after much soul searching:
As a President of the United States George W. Bush makes one heckuva shoe dodger...lol!
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
19 Jan 09
Sooooo, true, those shoes would have hit most of us.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
19 Jan 09
We love you, George! And we will miss you. You da man!
@zydecokitten (451)
• United States
17 Jan 09
ParaTed - you seem at ease in accusing people of being happy had GW been assinated. That is a horrible thing to accuse someone of. It is irrational of you to use in a discussion on this forum. YOU are grasping at straws. Shame on you. You have done it at least two times in this thread. It seems to be an idea that is brewing in your head. Maybe Mr. Bush has reason to be fearful of YOU! I am sure that these kinds of boards are monitored closely. Mr Bush will be the first President who will not have security protection as an out going President in the history of the country.
Be careful, you need to stick to issues and not call names or be frivilous in what you attach to other posters.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Jan 09
"ParaTed - you seem at ease in accusing people of being happy had GW been assinated. That is a horrible thing to accuse someone of. It is irrational of you to use in a discussion on this forum."
It's not irrational at all. Al Franken publicly joked about helping al Quaeda assassinate George W. Bush. Since the vast majority of democrats supported and/or voted for him it seems clear that they both approve of, and support this behavior. You seem to be one of the most hateful democrats on these boards so I have no doubt you would support Franken as you would anyone else with the letter "D" next to their name.
"Mr Bush will be the first President who will not have security protection as an out going President in the history of the country."
Now you just continue to display your ignorance to us all. President Bush will have Secret Service protection for the next ten years as an outgoing president. That is due to a bill that was passed during Clinton's presidency.
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@patms1 (521)
• United States
17 Jan 09
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I am so happy that there are others that think the same way as I do. The liberal press treated him like he was a dictator and not the president. It was him and only him that made bad decisions. The democrat congress and senate had nothing to do with anything bad. Sure he made mistakes. Some big, some small but I will always respect him for having the courage to protect America even if it took a lie. He knew that under Clinton America was attacked 4 times and nothing was done, He understood that if we were to remain safe the world had to know we would fight back. I bless him every day we are safe. I truly believe that history will prove that he was a great man.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Kitten, if we're not safe than how is it that every single attempted attack by terrorists over the last 7 years has been thwarted without a single innocent life lost? I'm sure you're blissfully ignorant of the terrorists planning to assault Fort Dix who were arrested not too long ago.
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@zydecokitten (451)
• United States
17 Jan 09
You think we are safe? You think the airports, ports, borders, and power plants are safe? You certainly are deluded.
If you think that having the ability to listen to our phone conversations, our mail checked, our library records checked, and our internet records checked keeps us safe you are totally deluded.
We are no safer than we were on 9-11. The so called Patriot Act is laughable.
A man sat for days in the reflecting pool controlling Washington, DC, he was in control, we are safe?
Washington DC was shut down completely due to a minor snow storm, that is safe?
I think not.
@patms1 (521)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Thank you Tasker36. I am always amazed at people that think if we only think or do nice things everybody will love us. My favorite is 'we must not lower our self to their level". If any thing this will be the wording on Americas tombstone. With all the so called sophistication this generation is supposed to have I am amazed at how naive they are. If we had been afraid in WW2 to use any thing to helps us win the war we would be speaking German. As for all our phones being bugged and big brother watching our ever move, boy I did not know that that many people worked for the government. I hope the person watching me has a sense of humor. If keeping an eye on known enemies keeps me and mine safe, they have my blessing.
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
16 Jan 09
Ditto everything you've written, Parated2k. President Bush has had a lot things happen to him during his two terms (9-11, the hurricanes) and he did the very best he could, and he was a class act, too. He isn't arrogant, short tempered, or scandalous, like other presidents. He also had a sense of humor which I fear will be absent in Obama. Thanks, President and First Lady Bush!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Please don't be offended by this question as I certainly mean no disrespect but are you kidding me that he "isn't arrogant"? In my opinion there's one person on theis earth who is more arrogant than "the decider" and that would be the D1ck Cheney!
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Kitten, if these issues were brushed under the rug, why do you know about them?
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I looked up the word, "arrogant." It means "haughty." I looked up, "haughty." It means, "having or showing great pride in oneself and disdain or contempt for others."
In the years Bush has been in office, what disdain or contempt have you witnessed from him toward anyone? Even toward all the people who have spoke evil of him, or have slandered him, I have never heard him repay evil for evil. Bush is not arrogant, he's cocky, or as the dictionary puts it, "self confident in a swaggering way."
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
18 Jan 09
As far as I'm concerned, I think Bush has been one of the best Presidents we've had. I say that because I believe the decisions he made where with the best interest of the country in mind and not himself or his party. As is true in every case, he was not perfect, but I honestly believe what he did was done because he felt it was what was best for the country and he did what he did without fear or favor. Show me a past President who has been perfect. You can't, that person doesn't exist. Show me a President who has been maligned as badly as Bush and has refused to repay evil with evil and instead treats with respect even those who slander him. No other President has suffered the slander Bush has endured and has taken it with as much grace. Disagree with his views or the decisions he made if you want, but Bush was and is a gentleman, and that's a claim that you can't make of many people in politics.
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
The presidency of George W Bush shows the weakness and inadequacy of modern democracy. That Barack Obama has been elected president to succeed him only points out the obvious, democratic processes cannot find the right leader to lead a great country. I guess democracy is better than having a dictatorship where a lot of blood has to be shed to get rid of a dictator. Cheers!!
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
19 Jan 09
The only weakness we have is that freedom is wasted on the ignorant.
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