When 1 +1 = 246
By Stormy
@Little_Stormy (6883)
United States
January 16, 2009 12:21pm CST
What is with the world today? (eek! that sounded like my mom for minute!)
seriously, No one seems to have common sense anymore! They can fix a computer, do math that would make your head spin and then they just don't the sense to figure out the simplest life related problem!
My 14 year old nephew is a genus.. a REAL one! HE has had colleges scoping him out.. and buying him gifts and sending him on trips.. since he was in the 3rd grade! At the age of 2 he was reading books... without pictures!
he can do math without paper and pencil and has never even owned a calculator. He has been in every gifted class around and even corrects his teacher's mistakes.
His favorite thing now is learning languages and he can speak about 5 different languages fluently! He is amazing to watch, He can take a complete computer apart in a matter of minutes and back together again in no time and re-program it.. and last week he made a taser gun out of a disposable camera!
He doesn't have an ounce of common sense! none! totally void!
He traded a xbox for a deck of cards! He once set a building on fire to kill some bees! He stands IN THE ROAD waiting for the bus. as funny as that is.. it's true!
And I've noticed that this seems to be getting more and more common.. these people go to school all their life and earn every degree known.. and can't figure out how to not get ran over waiting for a bus! We have some of the most educated idiots I've seen! lol!
Apparently, God doesn't give you brains that hold common sense as well as intelligence! it's one or the other!
Have you noticed this and noticed that the more educated people become the dumber they seem to be getting?
If you could have your choice.. which would you prefer... common sense.. or to be a genus?
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14 responses
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
17 Jan 09
I would prefer common sense, I sure don't have much intelligence..
I had a nephew who was like that but he had common sensse also.. He now works for TVA and has for quite a few years.. I used to watch him work the Rubik's Cube and he acted like it was no big deal, just turn, turn, turn until it was worked right.. He was just a young boy at the time and he read the instructions in a book and worked it like it was nothing.. He was a good kid and now a great young man.. He also worked on my computer for me until my son was old enough to go to school to learn about computers and take care of it for me.. He is great..
@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
17 Jan 09
do you know that you only live like 2 hours away from ME? hahahah!
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@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
17 Jan 09
DUH! two hours from you!!!!
*points toward mountains*
up there!
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
16 Jan 09
I have been seeing this for a very long time, Stormy. I know one person who is considered a genius AND has common sense. The rest of them.......well, there's really not much to say, is there?*L*
I would rather have common sense, myself. It has served me well up to now.
Well, most days, anyway*S*
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
16 Jan 09
Ummmm, errrrrr, sure, milk man. How'd you know?
Gets a spoon and dips it in the milk.
Smooches you on the nose.
@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
16 Jan 09
um.... you ain't gonna believe where I seen his nose just before ya came walking in!
just sayin'!
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Looks at ya for a minute then throws the spoon at ya

@joyceshookery (2057)
• United States
17 Jan 09
If I can't have both, I choose common sense. I'm more likely to survive that way.

@AshviniPhadkar (10)
• India
17 Jan 09
hey there! your story sounds so familiar.lot of people i know fall into this category of the so called genius.well but if you ask me to choose from between being a genius and having common sense, boy i'd choose common sense any day!! see, i don't need to know rocket science to get through the day but i can bet common sense will. there are too many geniuses out there who can help me out with the wonderful things i don't know head or tail of but no one will help me with my every day life other than my common sense and street smartness. god save the people who are geniuses and may he also give those who have to deal with them a lot of patience!
@allyoftherain (7208)
• United States
16 Jan 09
I know quite a few "educated idiots" as you call them.... but I wouldn't say it's becoming an epidemic. Where I go to school most people lack both common sense and intelligence.
I'd prefer common sense any day of the week. It's what keeps you from getting hit by a bus.
@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
16 Jan 09
my nephew hangs out with all the brainiacs so I see A LOT of them, I suppose..
his friend is worse than he is! He has one friend that has been to my home a million times.. and when he walks in EVERY SINGLE TIME.. he looks around like he has never seen the place before! lol! I just wish I could teach him where the bathroom is, cause I'm getting tired of telling him EVERY SINGLE TIME!
common sense is soooo much better! lol!
@ucmducks (22)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Well, nothin wrong with standin in the road waitin fer a bus....hard to miss it if it has to run you over. Then there's all the new friends you get to make while doing so...just thank of all the people that go by waving at ya..with one fanger, but still.
As far as settin fire to the building......it got rid of the bees didn't it?I don't thank them there Genus's, lack common sense, they just have an advance version of it. Take one Genius I know for example, he had a tree stump in his yard he longer wanted. Now an average old boring thanking person would have dug it up, but this guy used his advanced common sense, and tied a rope to it attached to his Volks Wagon. Now, no one notices that unsightly tree stump in his yard and that upside down Volks Wagon, is by far neater to see.
So if I were given the choice between common sense or genus...I'd go with genus cuz they are entertaining as heck:oD
@smacksman (6053)
16 Jan 09
I remember giving a design job to a young graduate once and he slaved over the calculations for days.
He then presented me with his results which called for 3.6" dia. pipework. When I asked where he was going to get 3.6" bore pipe, valves, flanges, etc. from he realised his mistake.
What is perfect in theory needs to be tempered with practical facts.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
16 Jan 09
I know i have common sense and i can always get a genius to do something for me..I already have..

@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
17 Jan 09
Yep, this is SO true. They do say we can't have everything, and it definitely seems people with high IQs are a bit ditzy with day-to-day activities. I know someone who is brilliant musically - but forgets to eat, sometimes for days at a time! The brain just seems to work on a different level, and can't be bothered with the mundane stuff. (Glad I'm a thickhead!)
@bigtom1 (1573)
16 Jan 09
i guess its natures way of compensating for gifts that are not available to others! i have seen such people before and it is true most of the braniacs do lack common sense and most of them do not associate/socialise with 'normal' people enough to learn some common sense! But standing in the middle of the road is just extreme

@hellcord (673)
• Romania
16 Jan 09
Your nephew sounds like some sort of supernerd.
hmm.. Supernerd! At last :D
I've been looking for some sort of superhero for nerds and programmers, seems like now the Prophecy has come true :)
Tazer from a camera. Computer dismantling abilities. Fantastic! Fighting crime on a whole new level, IronMan was a wuss compared to Supernerd!
Of course he lacks common sense, all superheroes have huge weaknesses, otherwise they wouldn't be balanced at all ;)
Amazing. And o yeh, of course I'd go with genius as well, in fact I already have, my common sense levels aren't the best in town, but my weird activities are off the scale

@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
16 Jan 09
Personally I will take my common sense over being a genuis any day. I would rather know things I need in life than lear what the square root of 3453045 is. Seriously though, he waits in the street, that's not good. Someone should talk to him about those kinds of things maybe that is the problem. Everyone has gone his life thinking of him as being a genus that they forgot to teach him the smple things in life. Hope that works out.
@uniquestar (793)
• India
16 Jan 09
ha ha ha....
common sense of course,...you cant live without it...and even if you could, you'll make others lives miserable :-(