Missing myLotters!!
By Humbug25
@Humbug25 (12540)
January 16, 2009 1:21pm CST
I seem to have a list of myLot friends that appear to be missing or rather that I am missing!! I know that one of my friends hasn't logged on for ages because there was that problem with payments or something, that some people that didn't have certain accounts wouldn't be able to get paid or something. Anyway, that particular myLotter started a discussion to say that they wouldn't be around until the matter got sorted but I don't know what has happened to my other friends that I haven't heard from in a while.
snowqueen2008 (I think she was having pc problems but I am not sure)
If anyone knows anything about my friends that I am missing could you please let me know? How many myLot friends do you have that you are missing?
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18 responses
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
16 Jan 09
I have quite a few friends on my list that I haven't seen around for quite some time.
But what I do is every end of the month I go through my list and any of my friends that
haven't been logged in for three months, I delete them. Then I look for a couple new
friends to replace them with. I like to keep my list around 100 and I like people that
are very active with posting dicusssions so that I have lots of discussions to respond
to. I have all my notify buttons turned on and I only respond to my friends discussions
and to the mylot digest discussions.
This way I don't have to search for more discussions the way I used to when I was a
newbie, and waste so much time searching. I have recently accepted your friendship,
that is how I am responding to this one, from my email.
I haven't been very active myself, for the last couple months, but once things in my
life settle down a bit I will be more active.
Alrighty then, talk to you later my friend,
Have a good mylotting day, Chris 

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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
16 Jan 09
Don't worry my friend. You would have to be inactive for three months or more before
I would delete you. And I don't think that will happen as I can see you aren't a newbie
here and it is usually the newbies that don't stick around.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Jan 09
I miss Ruby. I have an e mail address but haven't used it Humbug. She went to Ciao for a while but I don't know if she's still there or what she calls herself. I remember the others but we weren't close friends. I know that a few have gone in the past few days. They have either been chased off or had enough. Shame when that happens, but I suppose that all our lives must go on.
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@bieke81 (1067)
• Belgium
16 Jan 09
Hey Humbug,
I'm still around, still reading, and when I find the time, I will answer on discussions that I feel related too in some way. I just have to much time needed for my online business to be around here much. I hope to change that in a while when the business will work for itself.
have a nice day

@Humbug25 (12540)
16 Jan 09
Hey bieke81
Cool, great, you are still around.
I haven't heard from you in ages.
I hope you weren't too worried when you saw your name on my list!! I just missed you because you were quite involved with my discussions and I yours. Oh I am so glad that you are ok and have just been busy!!
Thank you so much for responding 

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@snowy22315 (186970)
• United States
16 Jan 09
I dont think I have seen any of them around. They are not people that I usually see discussions by or about. i will let you know if I run across any of them. They sound like people who might have reasons for not being here.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
16 Jan 09
Hi snowy22315
They might be so busy that they haven't had time to log on to myLot or might have had this payment problem. It's just nice to know that your friends are ok and I thought that maybe someone out there might know some of my friends on a more personal level and could tell me that they are ok!
Thanks for your response 

1 person likes this
• United States
17 Jan 09
seems like i don't see alot of names i use to starting discussions etc.my computer was down a couple of weeks & when i came back i didn't recognize alot of people.

• United States
17 Jan 09
sure anytime. i do miss the ones i use to hear from alot.
@Humbug25 (12540)
17 Jan 09
I have found lately that I am friends with a lot of the same people as others are as I see them on my friends discussions too. I dare say we have some friends that are the same!! I know what you mean though, there seems to be a lot of newbies and the some of the oldies have disappeared, maybe they feel that they have nothing more to contribute to myLot after such a long time!
Thanks for your response 

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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
17 Jan 09
I have noticed that snowqueen2008 hasn't been around much, and a few others have been missing too, it could from the change in payment methods some people here dont have paypal and they live in other country's were there unable to receive payment or it could be just that there busy with other things, but hopfully the missing mylotters will return soon.

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@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
18 Jan 09
Alas I hae not seen any of them around so cannot help you on that score at all but I do know that often people come to a forum for a while and then for a whole variety of reasons either take a break or stop coming altogether. In my own case although I have been a member for over 2 years I was not very active for quite a while because of work and personal committments.
When I came back a couple of months ago and am now here at least 3 or 4 times a week, most weeks anyway, I have noticed that most of those friends I had initially are no longer active. In a couple of instances I do know the people personally and they had told me prior that they have moved on elsewhere but I still leave them as friends in case they one day return. I did send messages to a few others and one replied saying she found her posting numbers decreased etc and it wasn't worth the effort. That is there choice and I guess it can become a bit of an disillusionment if you lose lots of points.
At this time I have not deleted any friends but I have noticed that a couple of my friends have gone. So they either deleted me as a friend while I was inactive or they are no longer here on myLot.
@Humbug25 (12540)
18 Jan 09
Hi ya oldboy46
Yes I can understand why people do become inactive as I did over the Christmas holidays for sure and now, although I am still very active, I don't spend as much time on it as before and I need to spend more time doing other things that I should be doing!!
Thanks for your response 

@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
17 Jan 09
quite a few on my list but they were new and didnt have much activity so I deleted them. they haven't been online for months. my close friends are still here. just not active as before because I think they have to get side jobs to survive. I am trying to get more jobs too so I may not be here much when summer/spring starts.
@Humbug25 (12540)
17 Jan 09
Hi LittleMel
Well just make sure you let us know so that we don't worry about you missing too! LOL
. I think after 3 months myLot should send out an email to those inactive giving them a certain time to respond or log on and if they don't they should delete them! What do you reckon? Then I could delete half of my friends list!!
Thanks for your response 

@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
hello Humbug25,
It seems to me that those friends of yours are not familiar to me. I can't remember any of them. Maybe I haven't encounter any of their topic or discussion yet, that's why.
Or maybe I was able to answer once to their discussion. Whatever their reason why they're not active anymore, I just hope that they're doing fine and okey.
Or, it's possible that they change their name here.
@Humbug25 (12540)
17 Jan 09
Hi ya robert19ph
I would like to think that if they did leave and came back with another name they would find me and tell me so that I knew it was them. I don't think any of my friends have done that, I think they are just so busy or they have pc problems or something like that.
Thanks for your response 

@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
Oh I have a lot who are missing since last year. I have been also wondering where they are. I guess they are busy or maybe they decided to stop coming to mylot. I hope someday they will visit this site again.
Sorry but I haven't come across anyone of your missing friends. Keep posting!

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@AbbeyB (670)
• Spain
17 Jan 09
I dont thave that many friends so can keep track of them quite easily! but I havnt seen any of those names about, maybe they have been de activated or simply left to do other things, I think we get attached to people on here and forget they have "proper" lives and stuff to do lol
@Humbug25 (12540)
17 Jan 09
Hi dawn
Erilyn? I don't know many myLotters by their first names unless it is part of their username like yourself or they have told me in a PM. It is sad when they leave or worse get struck off by myLot but I am sure that my friends here on myLot would not be subject to having their accounts deleted!
Thanks dawny 

@scorpio19 (1363)
16 Jan 09
Hi Humbug,
I can understand you putting this discussion on because we do form attachments on the net and I would worry if I hadn't seen regular users for a while but I don't know those particular members you have mentioned but perhaps they are just having a break from mylot, have you tried emailing them ?
I think all of my friends here on mylot are my members on my own site so if they did go awol think I would send out constant email notifications to bring them back..lol..I'm sure your friends will show up sometime hun.
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Hello Humbug25! Wow! You're such a sweet friend. I only have few friends here. I mean, real friends. But then, I guess I have only known that goharayub has been missing but I know that he's been having trouble with his computer too.
@Humbug25 (12540)
17 Jan 09
Hi ya aisaellis22
I just miss them making discussions and getting involved with them you know, like it when you start discussions and you generally get to know who's avatar and response will pop up and when theirs don't you start to notice and wonder what's up.
Thanks for your response and I hope you get to make more friends on myLot!