i could scream!!!!
@camomom (7535)
United States
January 17, 2009 10:54am CST
Sorry for the rant but I am so annoyed right now. Our washing machine won't work and our dryer is slowly dying. We can't afford to replace them. Camodad called the landlord to ask her if maybe they had one or the other that we could borrow until tax time. He did this because they normally supply these things to their tenants but when we moved from our last apartment (that we also rented from them) we had our own so they took the ones that were already here. She said she'd ask her significant other and get back to us.
Today, he called us and asked what the problem was and camodad explained it to him. We also thought that maybe the pipes had froze but we can't get to the pipes. He said he'd come over and take a look at them and see if there was anything he could do for us. He can't even find the pipes. He placed heaters (hair dryers) on the part of the pipes that are exposed in the laundry room.
That's all fine and dandy and I appreciate him trying to help but I can't stand the man. He's an a$$. We try to only deal with her because she is actually THE landlord.
Well, my issue today is, we don't smoke. We have a toddler and an infant in our home. Yes, we rent the apartment so technically the house is not our house. We both used to smoke but never around children. He does whatever he wants in our house because it's HIS HOUSE. He had to go down to the basement to look for the pipes. While he's down there he decides to light up. Ok fine, we shut the basement door. He came back upstairs and decides to smoke in our bathroom, kitchen and living room, around the kids. I AM PISSED!!! I don't care if he owns the house, it's disrespectful to us and harmful to our kids. I would have never smoked around anyones kids when I smoked and I smoked for 23 years. Of course we can't say anything to him because he'd yell and be a jerk. I am going to talk to our actual landlord about it though.
What would you do? Would you say something and risk a big blowout or just let it go and talk to the actual owner of the house and have her deal with it?
2 people like this
9 responses
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
18 Jan 09
Hey camomom! That really is a tough situation! Since he isn't
really the actually landlord and not the actual owner it
probably still would have ended in an arguement since you are
the renters. Unfortunately, like you said the man is an azz!
He obviously has no brains and doesn't think about the fact
that it isn't his apartment and that there are little children
there. There would have been point in saying anything to him
so I think you did the right thing by keeping quiet in this
particular instance! I would however, take it up with the
landlord/owner! I'm sure that she would be more understanding!
And if not, unfortunately you are the renters and there is
not much that you can do legally about this moron smoking!
I hope the landlord has more brains then he does!~

@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
18 Jan 09
Nice going Ozone! You sure got there quick! I told you would!
I'm so proud of you! And look you got a 1 star! I didn't know
they had a 1 star! And, yes I think you should start a
discussion! You know how mylot LOVES those discussions! Let's
see if you can get your first discussions deleted as Ozone!
How about I start if for you instead?

@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
Wow, I never saw that color star before. I think it's pretty.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
Thanks Opal. Yes, the landlord does have more brains then he does. We really like her and can't understand why she's even with him. I do plan on talking to her about it but I don't think it will help. He does whatever he wants, when he wants.
Yes, you should start a post about your 100th post. I look forward to reading it "OZONE"
Hey this is for you....................

@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
17 Jan 09
That would upset me as well. I am very sensitive about smoking, I have never smoked and can not stand the smell of it. One of our neighbors is in construction and we hired him to finish our basement for us. He was downn there smoking the whole time, which drove me crazy because I don't like it and this is very much a non smoking home, not to mention I have 3 children. I did not want to offend him though because he was doing a job for us that would have cost thousands more had someone else done it, plus he and his wife are friends of ours. Finally I mentioned it to his wife, that I was coming down with something and the smoke was really bothering me. She must have said something to him because he didn't smoke inside the house anymore after that.

@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
That's kind of the same situation. I was so mad about it that I would have been a total b*tch and he was doing us a favor. If I said something we may have ended up with no washer or dryer. He did fix the washer and is bringing us a dryer on monday. I guess I should have said something but I'll wait and talk to the landlord about it again after we get the dryer. Thanks for the response.
@earthsong (589)
• United States
18 Jan 09
As a smoker that didn't smoke around ANYONE who didn't smoke I find that completely rude. The smell is disgusting and it takes forever to get rid of it, even if you're exposed to it for a brief time. I'd definitely say something to your landlord. I don't care whose house it is, someone shouldn't smoke in it if you didn't allow it. I don't even smoke in my own vehicle if a non-smoker is in there with me. Its just common courtesy.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I was always the same way when I smoked. I would always ask if the people around me minded me smoking and if they did, I'd excuse myself or just wait. I would never assume that I could smoke in someone elses house or vehicle. I'd ask or just step outside.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
17 Jan 09
I would have risked a big blow out.
After all, I pay the rent.
As long as I am paying my rent, he has no business smoking in my house.
I have my rights.
I don't think he has anything to say about the house really.
He can check to make sure your not violating any house rules.
But this does not mean he can come over when ever he wants, to watch a movie ect.
You are entitled to your privacy too.
Yes, I would however stay polite and ask him not to smoke in the house.
It is better to ask him before telling the landlord.
If you don't tell him, he will tell the landlord that you did not say anything.
Because you did not say anything he thought it was okay.
In the mean time, you are the one that is being looked at as a poor sport.
That is how I see it.
Maybe I am wrong.
Take care, success.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
You're probably right but I thought it would be better to not cause us more problems from him and just talk to the landlord about it later. I should have just been my usual b*tchy self and opened my mouth. We may not have gotten any help from him if I did though. By keeping my mouth shut, we got our washer fixed free of charge and he's bringing us a dryer on monday. If I said something, we probably would have had to do without either one. We can't go without, we have 5 people in the house and laundry needs done daily. Thanks for your response.
1 person likes this
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
18 Jan 09
Well that is good.
Look at the advantages, and don't let it bother you.
You can still always ask in a friendly way, for him not to smoke.
But, if he does not react, let it be.
You still have your advantages.
And he will be gone fast anyway.
But don't tell the Landlord, I would'nt. You never now when you
might need this person again.
Take care.
@mjmlagat (3170)
• Philippines
17 Jan 09
Well sometimes there are just circumstances in life unpleasant or unfavorable to us and sometimes people around us are so uncooperative to easen up the situation. I'm sorry to hear about it but I know you can do it right. Just be positive and don't be carried away by your emotions. Good day.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
Thank you, you're right. I tried to ignore it and put an air purifier between the baby and the smoke and turned on our exhaust fan over the stove. I think he realized it bothered me but still smoked. He just kept it i the bathroom where the washer and dryer are. He did fix the washer and is bringing us a dryer on monday. I'll calmly talk to the landlord about it after receiving the dryer and ask her to talk to him, again. Thanks and have a good night.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I would have politely asked him not to smoke in the apartment. And if he wanted to be an a$$, let him be one you have no control over his actions. You didn't have to argue with him. You are paying rent to stay there so you have that right you don't owe him nor the landlord anything but rent not the right to put your children health in danger.
That was really rude and disrepectful of him in the first place. Some people have the nerve to do any and everything.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I didn't want to get into a big altercation in front of my kids. I also really needed the washer and dryer fixed. I was afraid that if I said something I'd be a super b*tch and he wouldn't fix them. He did fix the washer and is bringing us a dryer on monday, then I'll talk to the landlord about it. Thanks Chevee.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
17 Jan 09
If I felt as strongly about it as you do, I would have said something. Even if it was just to say that he should confine his smoking to the basement. He should have more consideration of smoking around you and the kids. You're right, the man is an a$$ 

@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
He totally is, we can't stand him. He did fix the washer and is bringing us a dryer on monday. I'll talk to the landlord about it again after that.
@glords (2614)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Like the first post mentioned I would check out craigslist or freecycle.com. On freecycle.com you can tell people your situation, and if anyone is replacing their washer and dryer they might give you their old one. As for the man smoking in your house I think that is very offensive. I can't believe he didn't ask you first. I think it is so disrespectful. I would have asked him to smoke outside, but since you didn't tell him, he may not even know he did something wrong. Some people are clueless. I would bring it up to the landlord, but I would try not to sound to aggressive. Just maybe say something like "I was hoping you could ask him not to smoke in this rental." Tell her that you don't like people smoking in front of the children, and tell her you are an x-smoker and its hard for you to be around smoke. I'd probably lie and say I had asthma or something, just to put a little more guilt on her plate.... but that's just me.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
The washer is fixed for now and he's dropping off a dryer on monday. When we move we will check out freecycle and craigslist to replace them. Thanks for the advice.
We have said something to him about smoking in our place before and to the landlord. I think he just doesn't care. I didn't say anything today because I would have been VERY aggressive and didn't want to cause long term problems with him. He does have some influence on whether we stay here or not. I do plan on talking to her still but after I get my dryer from him.
@lissaoas (7)
• United States
17 Jan 09
Wow, I would definately talk to the owner of the house and explain the situation. Maybe after hearing how upset you are, she'll make sure to find you the washer and dryer that they normally would've given you! It's definately something you need to address, though.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Jan 09
He did fix the washer and is bringing us a dryer on monday. I'll talk to the landlord again about it after we get the dryer. Thanks.