Stingy People Get On My Nerves, Constantly!!!!!

@Rozie37 (15499)
January 18, 2009 8:28am CST
I am a very giving person. It is one of my greatest joys in life. My mother was a selfless giver and it is the way she raised me to be. We were dirt poor and lived in the projects, but somehow my mother was always able to share with others who were less fortunate than us. I have been bless to have giving people in my life and of course I was raised in the church. I have a friend, who rarely ever gives anything to anyone, yet others(especially me) are always giving to her. I keep thinking that she will learn by example, but just like every thing else, she is learning this lesson very slowly. If I am low on cash and I ask to borrow money, not only does she make me ask over and over, but then she charges me interest. If I borrow $10, I have to promise her $15 and pay every penny of it. She is a Christian, but has very little faith. It shows in everything that she has and does. She will say, I can not afford to give. I tell her, people like you can not afford not to give. When you give, you are automatically blessed, whether you are Christian or not. It is a set law. But because she charges interest, she is already getting her blessing. I am so glad that I do not have to ask her for anything anymore and I hope I never do again. I am still trying to teach her to be giving, by not treating her any different from all the rest of my friend's. I take her out to eat and share with her without her even asking and never expect anything in return. I hope that one day she will learn to share for her own benefit. So, are you stingy or close to someone who is? How does it make you feel?
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18 responses
• United States
21 Jan 09
I am a very giving person. I am not as giving as I use to be because I cannot afford to be. I have always thought that I wanted to give and hopefully someone will be around when I needed it. I have not needed help in a long time. I think it is good that you continue to try to help her.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
21 Jan 09
I like helping people, as much as I like giving. What is frustrating is when I am constantly saying the same thing over and over and it doesn't seem to be getting through. There is nothing more annoying to me, than wasting my time. It is one of the most precious gifts that God has given me and I like to use my time wisely.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Jan 09
Yes He did give us time and out mouth to use it. It does seem like we are batting out heads against the wall sometimes. I have been there and got the tee shirt when it comes to repeating myself. Good luck to you.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
19 Jan 09
Hi Rozie dear! Bless you always my friend! Your friend is very blessed to have you and I hope that she will be able learn from you and be able to open her eyes and her heart. I would like to think that I am a generous person and sometimes it hurts to give especially when it is the last that you have and you have to give it away. But it hurts more if I wouldn't be able to give and to share. I can't turn people away when they ask for help and it did hurt deeply when I need help and nobody was there. When that happened to me before, I swore that I will never ever help and give again but I am so grateful that my heart said otherwise. Bless you dear friend and let us make this world a better place even in our simple ways of giving and sharing. take care always! lovelots..faith210
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
21 Jan 09
When I give I never expect anything in return, although, thank you would be nice, there have been times when I did not even get that. When it comes to my blessings, I always look to God. There are times when God will direct me to people to be a blessing to me, but I understand that God is my only source and not them. Although, her charging me interest was shocking and it hurt, I knew that God would bless me for paying her the interest too. With her lack of faith, she needs all the interest she can get.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
21 Jan 09
Hi dear friend! I sure hope that the interest she's getting is making her happy. I do wonder how can a friend do that to a friend--charging interest when your friend needs help! I guess, some people have different definitions of friendship. take care Rozie dear! lovelots..faith210
• United States
19 Jan 09
My dad was stingy but giving at the same time. He would count every penny that came in and our of our household and he would not allow any of us to waste money or items - he was really hard on my mom with the money and he regretted it after she passed away but he also gave to the needy and sponsored needy children. He would help a stranger on the street if they asked but that was the problem - he made people ask to be helped and sometimes people have too much pride to ask when they need to. He's still like that now, but there are times when he's surprised me by his actions of just giving without someone having to ask. My mom was the most giving person I know - she would spend her last dollar on someone else even if she needed it more than they did. I am a giving person as well but I will admit that lately I've been burned so many times that I'm starting to not be so giving. I know we are blessed for being givers but I'll be honest, I feel like I'm not being blessed at all. I have given more than I should have in the past. I have given when I needed myself but I put other people's wants and needs before my own and then I'm the one suffering for it. I'll give you an example - my nephew (whom we are very close to) got married and shortly after that, my sister and I told my new niece that whenever she got pregnant we wanted to give her the baby shower (other people had given her the bridal showers so we wanted to have first dibs on throwing the baby shower). Fast forward a couple of years and they are pregnant with their first baby. Times were tough for me and my family knew it. My nephew and his wife would never make us feel obligated to give the shower if we couldn't but my sister was quick to remind everyone (including me) that she and I were going to throw the baby shower. So I give in and figure if we do it together the cost shouldn't be too bad plus other people had offered to help with food etc. Well, my sister is not good with things like this so we decide I will do all of the shopping and most of the other stuff and I will keep my receipts and then we will split what the cost is between us. She took care of maybe 2 things and I did everything else. The shower comes and goes and she never gives me a penny. I'm not one to have to remind people of what they owe me - maybe that's my fault but I figure she knows the agreement and she should make the effort to pay me. Only once does she mention paying me after the shower and it was on a day when we were not at home and I did not have the receipts or the total on me. The shower was last August. My sister knows that we are struggling. She knows that we did not have a Christmas or buy my son anything for Christmas. Did she even once offer to finally pay me? No. This shower probably cost close to $500 total. After Christmas I get a check from her for $30 telling me to buy my son something to open on Christmas Day. Uhmm it's AFTER Christmas, but o.k. And she sent me $50 telling me to use it for whatever I want as a gift from her. Nice. My son's 18th birthday is this Friday and I cannot even afford to do anything for him. She knows this but do you think she will offer to finally pay me the rest of what she owes, nope. On top of all that - she allows my nephew and niece to think that she contributed to the shower when she did not. They have no clue that I put out all the time and energy for the whole thing myself. Oh here's another situation. At work they had a challenge to see who could get the most people to sign up for a card club that we offer. I won the challenge and as a result, our store also won. The prize was a Pizza Party for our store and I would get a gift certificate. So my managers arrange to have a Pizza Party at a co-workers house one night. Everyone was asked to bring some things (drinks, plates, cups, dessert) and they would order the pizza. We would also turn in our receipts for the items we brought to get paid back for it. Well, at the last minute they asked if I could just pick up the stuff and bring it so I did. I got soda, cookies, plates, napkins, cups. When I got there, they ordered the pizza but then realized that the pizza place would only take cash and my one manager was broke and the other one only had an ATM card .. I was the only one with cash on me so I paid and they said they would pay me back the next week at work. The pizza was $36. The next week, my manager gives me $30 and tells me he owes me the other $6. He left my receipts at the other managers house and they were thrown away so apparently he couldn't pay me for what I bought. He also never paid me the $6 he owed me for the pizza... oh and I never got the gift certificate I was promised either. Now that manager is gone and I will never see anything that I should have received from an event that we got thanks to ME winning it for the store. Nice. I win a contest and I'm out about $20 plus a gift certificate. Remind me not to win anything at my job again! This is only two examples but this has happened to me dozens of times and I'm just too nice to go after people to pay me when they should just know that they owe and send the money instead of making me BEG for it. It's situations and people like this that make me not want to give and the sad thing is, if I had the money I would still be giving to others instead of myself because I like giving. That's just me I guess.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
21 Jan 09
"When we blame, we give up our power for change." The situation at with the baby shower was partly your fought. First of all, when it comes to money, don't spend it too far ahead, you never know what the future holds. Secondly, your proud did not allow you to tell the truth about your financial situation. You could have went to your niece and pulled her aside and said, I know that I promised you that I would pay for your baby shower, but my money is low right now. I am sorry. I can still do a little, but can not handle the entire event. This way, you are free to spend as much or as little as you choose. It looks like the same situation at the pizza party. Your manager said he didn't have any money, but you wanted to save the day, when you could not afford to. When people like you, they will regardless to what you are able to do for them. I had to learn this myself. For a long time, I was just like you. I was so afraid that people would not like me, if I did not do everything I could, just right. I finally got fed up and the result was that I was mad as hell and going off on everyone for every little thing. I was making them pay for everything that I have ever gone through. But it was not anyone's fault but mine. If someone has something that belongs to you, ask for it back. Don't be afraid. There are people who will do the right thing and there are others that prey on people like you, including family. They will say, well she didn't ask. The first thing that a judge will want to know is whether or not you asked for it back. That person could get away with saying that they forgot. Although, more than likely that is not true. The judge wants to hear what you can prove. There is a saying that, "If you want the bone, you have to bark for it." You are feeling bad because of your fear of asking for what is yours. All you have to do is ask. Even if you do have to be mad at first, do it, it is a start. Tell them, maybe this will help you to remember next time. You are not doing them or yourself any favors by allowing them to take advantage of you like this. You can not call it being nice, if you are constantly wondering when they are going to keep their word. Saying that you are just being nice is a way of rationalizing your hurt. The Bible says, Love your neighbor, as you love yourself. Doesn't that imply that you should first love yourself?
• Philippines
19 Jan 09
I am not a stingy person, my parents raised me the way you were raised that in spite we are not well off we still have to share and bless others for we are thought that the more you bless other people you will be bless a 100th fold. Just don't lose hope with this friend, she may be learning to slow but with constant sharing this may open her eyes and heart that it wouldn't do good if you do not share what you have. Pray for her that she will be enlightened. I believe that lending people money with an interest as they payback is not good hope she realizes that.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
21 Jan 09
I would pay the interest, because I needed the money. The thing is, it is very hard for me to think of her as a friend when she does things like that. Especially, since nobody in their right mind would have done things that I have done for her.
• Philippines
21 Jan 09
well there are really people who don't look back to the things that other people have done with them and think only of themselves. this is what you call selfishness my friend. I hope one day your friend will realized that she should treasure her dear friend those who have stand with her during those times when she was in need. Keep on praying she will be enlightened.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
19 Jan 09
By no means am I stingy. I will give to someone else, even if it means it is leaving me short. If I have it I gladly give to help someone out. I am the type, who, when in need do not ask others for help, I usually try to work it out on my own, but I do not have a problem with helping someone else out if they need something and I have it to give.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
21 Jan 09
To me, a healthy relationship is give and take. Not one person doing all of the taking and another doing all of the giving. Life does not work that way.
• Malaysia
19 Jan 09
I don't think it is right that you force people to be giving. I think it should come from herself/himself. I think when a person is not financially stable, they will definitely be cautious at what they are spending and there's nothing wrong with that. Some people may be viewed by others as stingy because the people who accused them of that is frustrated that she/he did not get what they want.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
21 Jan 09
I do not force anyone to do anything. However, a friendship is not healthy if one person is doing all the giving and another is doing all the taking. So I have stopped considering her a friend. I am nice when I see her, but will not go out of my way to get involved with her on any deep level. To be a friend, you must first show yourself friendly. She acts as though I have no other choice but to be her friend when she wants me to be.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I am a giving person too. I don't understand how and why some people are so stingy. I do my best to also be forgiving. Some people have their nerve to be stingy and selfish when you have been generous with them. You would think they would learn by example, they don't. Maybe they think they have it all coming to them. I am thinkig of certain people that I know. I have experienced what you are saying, the more you give, the more you get back. I regularly go to church. I also give money for the offering. I have found the more I give, the more I get back. I have also noticed that things in my life are smoother, somehow, someway I find a way to keep on keeping on. My bills are getting paid, I have food in the fridge. You reap what you sow. It can be a hard lesson at times. I have never had lots of money, but somehow things do work out. I hate to ask anyone for anything. I do have just a few people that I will ask for help.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
19 Jan 09
I will ask my friends for help, before I ask family for help. I believe that the majority of my family is like this. Although we love each other, we tend to be closer to friend's than family. I hope that I learn whatever lesson is needed from this situation, because I do not want to go through this ever again.
@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
18 Jan 09
Maybe your friend does not want to be taken advantage of? I don't like stingy people either. What can you do though?
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
18 Jan 09
I do not believe that sharing in a friendship is taking advantage of someone. If I am returning the money to her and I give to her free of charge, all the time, How is this taking advantage of her. To me, she is taking advantage of me. But this does not bother me, because I know that I will be blessed regardless to what she does.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
19 Jan 09
i have a friend girl who is so stingy she sqeek when she walks.she is cheap when it comes to spending money but she wants you to spend oon her.i have told her about this ans many of my other friends she still does it and she still cliam she don,t have anything and i know she is lying.i hate it.iam not a selfish person iam very giving.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
21 Jan 09
People who say that they never have anything, never will have anything. It is a poverty mentality and very sad.
• United States
18 Jan 09
I am truly blessed that I don't have any stingy friends. My mother was both generous and stingy. When I was in high school she got a live-in job, leaving me at home with my stepfather. She said she'd pay me $25 a month to take care of the house. When she came home on her days off she deducted money for things I hadn't done up to her standards. By the end of the month I was lucky if I got $10.00! After I became an adult and moved from Sacramento to Los Angeles with no household goods, she let me have some of her kitchen supplies such as pots and pans, silverware, a tea kettle. I still have most of those items. Back to high school: My stepfather opened a charge account for me so I could buy clothes.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
19 Jan 09
I hate to say it, but it sounds like your stepfather cared more than your mother. Well, thank God for stepfather's. I guess from your experiences as a child, you are not going to tolerate stingy friends and I can not blame you at all.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
18 Jan 09
i feel you, i am the same way if i can help someone out i will. we have a friend who was worst off then us. she cried she had no gas to get to the doctors, so we filled her car up with gas. and then she needed money for this or that. i called a friend who don't have to worry about money, he bought her big screen tv for like 400 bucks, not worth it, but he was like she needed help. then it was i need more for my doctor appointment and my meds. now my wife and i are disable don't have much money ourself. so it was suppose to be a loud, well i gave her like 500 bucks, and we never heard from her again. to me it's ok we alway knew we weren't going to get it back, but damn at least be honest with us and keep in touch with us. people like that makes it where you don't want to help others out
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
18 Jan 09
I know exactly what you mean. But I have made up my mind that I will not allow anyone to cause me to stop being the person that I choose to be. I have worked really hard on improving myself over the years and I like the person that I am becoming, with God's help. Another thing that she use to do to me is ask for money, when she had more money than I did. One time she asked me for a quarter, I gave it to her with no problem, later on, she pulled out a whole roll of cash. She claimed she was saving it for something else.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
18 Jan 09
Yes I also am not a very big fan of people that are stingy. I had a friend once that I used to share just about everything I had with and all he would do in return was be stingy or be a jerk. It kind of stinks when you try to put so much in a friendship but all you get in return is the cold shoulder. All I usually ask in return for my kindness is companionship or just friendship but even recently it seems like I haven't even been getting that. I don't know people are people and hopefully they'll realize one day the error of their ways.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
19 Jan 09
One thing that I have noticed about this particular person is that she always has an excuse for being the way that she is. These kind of people never do anything to better themselves. They don't realize that they are only hurting themselves. I am the only real friend that she has and I know that I will not be dealing with her for much longer. I guess this kind just uses people until the person gets tired and then they wait for someone else to come along.
@conbill (369)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I am not stingy at all. I am one of those people who would give you the shirt of my back, if you needed it.My whole family is like this. I think a lot of it is how you were raised. I can't even imagine a friend charging interest on a small loan like that. I do know a few people who I would call stingy. They never give if you a taking a collection for someone who is having a bad time. They to will also say they can't afford it. Some people can be taught by example, but there a people out there who will never learn. I tend to cut my association with these types after a time. I like my friends to be I enjoy being with, not someone who I feel I need to change.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
18 Jan 09
I know exactly how you feel. Friends like this can be very draining. She takes more than she gives in every area of the relationship. When she needs someone to talk to, I make myself available to her. If I want to talk and call or visit, most of the time, she totally ignores me. I believe that God purposely puts these kind of people in our lives to teach us certain things. I still have a hard time believing that there are people like this in the world. When I see characters like this on television, it is usually funny, but in real life, there is nothing funny about it. It is actually quite sad.
@ucmducks (22)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I am neither and both really. I give when there is no other way the person can get what they need. However, if they can achieve their goal without me, then I show them or help them do it on their own. There is a fine line between being a giver and being an enabler, so I think things over before I act. Also, I don't give with any expectations in return, not even a repayment or a returned favor. That cuts any future problems with our friendship right out of it. As for your friend, I would do without before accepting a loan from her with interest attached, but I also wouldn't make any more loans to her until she showed some improvement as well.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
18 Jan 09
I do not loan anything to her. If she needs something, I will go out and buy it for her(if I can) rather than loan it out. There is a saying, "Do not loan out anything that you can not afford to give away." I have learned to live by that law. I have loaned out too many things and never got them back, including from close family members. If fosters a kind of resentment that I really don't feel comfortable with.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
1 Feb 09
I am not stingy. If any of my friends need help I will give it. I have been taken advantage of a few times and I have had some of my past friends steal money from me. Even my ex husband used me to get stuff he wanted.So I understand how you feel.I hope your friend sees one day how she needs to be there for others and helps them out or they are going to get tired of helping her.
• United States
1 Feb 09
HI, I'M a very giving person i gave my 19 yrs. old sister hundreds of dollars here an there but she is so stingy to everybody else who help her including me but i always get my blessing though one way or the other my lord an savior make it all happen thank GOD for JESUS.
• New Zealand
17 Feb 09
i'm giving person as well. but i soon realised giving person always gives and "taking" person always takes somethin from others. they do appreciate but that's all. as giving people don't expect anymore in return. but this is important. giving is not always a good way for building a relationship with others. i experienced a lot. giving people will later become "easy person" to others. dont make others to you as easy to deal with. Soft but harsh is the key for you and ur friend to build a good relationship.
• New Zealand
17 Feb 09
i think that giving people are always giving something to others and "not giving but taking(donno good way to say this;)"people are always taking things from others.they do appreciate at that time but thats all. As giving people doesnot want or expect anything inreturn. it's unfair.I'm the giving person and i now realised giving is not always a good way to others and for me as is joyable for me but this can make others to thonk you as eas person and this will later bad outcome in the relationship. Don't be so soft than others become harsh on you. unfortunately