Let tears flow.

@Pose123 (21635)
January 18, 2009 2:43pm CST
How many of you believe that tears are not only natural, but very necessary? I believe that there is a time to cry just as there is a time to laugh. Tears of course don't have to be tears of sorrow, there are also tears of joy. I have seen strong men cry and knew that it was very necessary. What are your thoughts on this, should we try to suppress tears or let them flow?
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25 responses
@UK_Shree (3603)
18 Jan 09
I think that crying is something that is normal, whether its for men or women. It provides a relief from distressing and upsetting feelings which everyone needs to do every now and again! In addition, when we cry, whether through happiness or sadness, the eyes get a bit of a wash-out! As long as we are not crying too often, I definitely think that the odd cry is a healthy and natural thing
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
18 Jan 09
Hi UK_shree, Thank you for commenting and we agree. Blessings.
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
18 Jan 09
We should let them flow because is okay to express our feelings and tears allow us to get in touch with our feelings.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
18 Jan 09
Hi Mirita, Thank you for that comment and it's very true. Blessings.
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• United States
19 Jan 09
I'm going to end up looking like a hypocrite from this response, but hey I'm going to do it anyway. I totally agree with you Pose, tears of any kind are all natural, and need to be let loose whenever the mood strikes us. However, I have never been one to show tears in public. I don't know why I feel so embarrassed about it, but if I know someone is watching, whether it be tears of joy or sorrow, I cannot let them go. I rather cry in solitude, even if at a touching part of a movie I am watching! I have to watch the movie again by myself, and then allow the tears to flow. This is weird, I am a woman and can't allow myself to cry.
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• United States
19 Jan 09
That is the question I ask myself all the time. I have never been ridiculed for crying. I haven't been made to feel bad or inadequate because I cried about something. However, just the same I don't feel comfortable enough to let the tears flow if there are people watching. I don't know what it is about other people watching that stops me from doing it. But just the same I can't allow myself to do it.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Hi drknlvly, Thank you for commenting and I don't think that you are a hypocrite or that it's weird. There are many women like you although it is more common in men. Why worry about what others think? The main thing is that you do do cry even if you have to be alone. Blessings.
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@kezabelle (2974)
18 Jan 09
I cry when i want or need to I find it helps especially if im upset and stressed a good cry can really help releive the tension and make you feel better, after a good cry i often find im more able to deal with the problem I dont cry much when im happy though
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
18 Jan 09
Hi kezabelle, Thank you for commenting and I agree there are times when we must cry. Blessings.
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@ninaluv (338)
• Nigeria
18 Jan 09
once in a while, i think it's ok to cry, especially when u have a reason to. i always get a heart ache when ever i try to hold back tears. and i realise that when i let it flow, i feel much better.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
18 Jan 09
Hi ninaluv, I would agree, there are times when we need to cry,thanks for responding. Blessings.
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@kometer (151)
• China
19 Jan 09
I always think that crying is as important as other behaving.We cry,because we feel excited,only crying can help you to release your feeling at this point.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Hi kometer, I agree, thanks for responding. Blessings.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
23 Jan 09
I think that tears are natural and besides showing a sign of grief is also a means of relief. I have seen a lot of men crying with joy when winning an important cup match or crying with sorrow over losing such an important much. I think tears are necessary and we should not suppress them.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
23 Jan 09
Hi ronaldinu, Thank you for responding and we agree that tears are both natural and necessary. Blessings.
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
19 Jan 09
Hi there Pose123, I am agree 100% with you. Tears are necessary. Tears and crying east away the pain. relieve pain, exhale hurts and lead us to better place. As long as we can handle the situations and conditions. It is a normal condition. happy posting always 1 xoxo'dian from Bali island.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Hi diansinta, Thank you for commenting and we agree. Blessings.
• India
21 Jan 09
Yes Pose...I believe in letting the tears flow. There was a time I used to let them really flow. :) Now of course, I don't feel them coming anymore, but should they come, I wouldn't suppress them. :) Cheers and happy Mylotting
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Jan 09
Hi positiveminded, Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
19 Jan 09
Hello There! I am very emotional person in some way and even if when I am so happy, there will always be a tears of joy. When I am angry or about to blow up, Tears or crying helps me a lot to release the tension and ease the burden that I am feeling inside... My heart would be soften after I cry and my mind would be able to sort things out since once I cry, it lessens my anger and I resolve into adequate thinking or I become more reasonable than when I am mad. So, it really save me from causing disaster. Sometimes, I would really just cry and cry before really explaining what happen.... yeah, it really helps me! So, more often, I just let it flow.. because I notice that if I supress it, it really hurts inside.. like I can't breathe and it is like am having a heart attack coz it tightens my body... so i just let it flows.... i guess that is they reason why there are tears... to let it flow... and breathe deeply after tears.... Hello There! What's up? What a nice simple topic and questions... Well, I have not really thought of it but for Mylot has an impact in my life right now. First, it helps me develop my reasoning and compose my words well. Second, if I feel lonely or not in the mood, I would definitely browse topics about relationship and love to read opinions of others or find something that is similar to what I feel then would respond to it. More importantly, I learn from the opinion of others... specially, I could use their advice from the people who really is sincere and direct in giving you their best advice... it is a guide for me too... I don't often see my best friends since we are all working and busy too... it is like i have friends here in mylot... I mean, I don't have to chat with you guys... or something... I just have to read what you wrote here or advices.... and I feel that if you are here right now, we will really get along fine... You know, last week is not an easy week for me, but whenever I go to this site and read some forum topics (those who are interesting), it makes my heart light. Somehow, I am okay. Thanks Guys! Thank you for the discussion. Happy Mylotting and Have a great day! Cheers!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Hi jesbellaine, Thank you for commenting and there is no problem with that little error, we all make them. We agree that tears are both natural and necessary and I'm pleased that it helps you so much. I also think that it's great that you get help from your friends on this site and from all who post here. I know I am pleased if something I write is able to help just one person. Lets all try to help one another because we all need each other. Blessings.
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• Philippines
19 Jan 09
My GOodness... am sorry... the last part... of "hello t here" doesn't belong to this discussion.. I made a template so I can copy and paste it here... I am really raelly sorry... Jeezzz... embarrassing.
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@silverjam (969)
• United States
19 Jan 09
I'd rather let tears flow; suppressing them I believe will cause heaviness in the heart. And i also believe that tears doesn't have to be always for sorrow nor for joy; there were times I cry because of reading a certain story or just watching a movies. Tears even sometimes flow when some memories flash in our minds and we can't help but to cry for them. Scientifically I have read that tears are also neccessary to cleanse the eyes.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Hi silverjam, Thank you for commenting and I agree that tears are very necessary. Blessings.
@titansaha (188)
• India
19 Jan 09
Hi Pose123, I feel tears being the most natural part of life, must be let to flow because with it's flow it washes away all pain,sorrow & distress & at times it overflows with joy too. Tears show that we are emotional beings. Regards
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Jan 09
Hi titansaha, Thank you for commenting and for saying it so well. Blessings.
@Lindery (853)
• Latvia
21 Jan 09
Tears are supposed to let flow! For everyone! I try and don't control my crying, if I feel like doing it I do it. I don't do scenes with load crying so everyone sees me, I do it usually at night, before I go to bed. Crying let's your soul to rise from the ashes so it can host new emotions.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Jan 09
Hi Lindery, Thank you for commenting and we agree. Blessings.
@kokobop (21)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Let them flow freely. Holding back emotions is not healthy. There has been many times in my life when i just feel like crying with no good reason at all, so I just let them flow and feel much afterwards. I wish more people felt comfortable enough to let their emotions show.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Jan 09
Hi kokobop, Thank you for commenting and we agree. Blessings.
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
19 Jan 09
If we are talking only of tears I got lots of it and sometimes it goes out when I am sleeping and yawning. But, seriously, I think that is really true crying can really cleanse our souls from the burdens we receive everyday in our lives. Crying is used in retreats becasue it is a good outlet of all those hidden heartaches that we tend to keep in ourselves. It is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign that we are acknowledging something in us and is letting it out to unburden us.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Hi rsa, I like your comments, thanks for responding. Blessings.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
19 Jan 09
Poseji, I agree that tears will come when we feel both joy and sad. In my opinion we should cry when we feel sorrow and it will helps to clear our mind. It is good for our health also rather than suppressing the same in mind. I believe that tears are natural and necessary. It helps to clear our eyes too by way of washing out the dust inside. In nutshell it helps to clear our mind and eyes. In that way crying is good and let the tears flow.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Hi sreekala, Thank you for coming here and for that comment. I agree that tears are very necessary. Blessings.
@celticeagle (164229)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Jan 09
Tears are tharupeutic. Tears of joy are wonderful. I think tears of sorrow are sad but it is a great step in the right direction. I think we should let them flow. To stifle them is not healthy.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Hi celticeagle, Thank you for responding and we agree. Blessings.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
19 Jan 09
I never supress my tears. Over the last 10 years I've certainly had enough to cry about. Divorce, lost health, job and home. Lost 5 family members as well as 6 pets over that time period. If I'd tried not to cry at each one of those situations I'd be a wreck. Best to cry and let it out.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Hi TessWhite, Thank you for commenting. You have had more than your share of problems, I hope things have turned around for you or will very shortly, and I agree it is very necessary to cry. Blssings.
@ShanLhey (164)
• Philippines
19 Jan 09
For me, I believed that tears is necessary. Especially when you are upset, sa and alone. But then I dont want people to see me cry. Eversince I broke up with my boyfriend. I always hide when I'm about to cry. I dont want to see them affected when I cry. I cry when I'm alone.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Hi ShanLhey, Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
• Philippines
19 Jan 09
Tears, I found them just dropping down my eyes in my moment of solitude.
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