Okay today, I didn't feel like getting out of bed for church....
By hdjohnson
@hdjohnson (2981)
United States
January 18, 2009 3:44pm CST
It rained last night, and it was usually cold this morning. Years ago, even if I had a minor cold, I'd eager get up so I could be to church on time. What happened to those days. Have I truly lost my hunger and thirst to want to visit on of God's temples in order to praise and worship him in spirit and truth, or have I lost the hope that I once contained as one of his children?
Does anyone really know the cause of this state of mind? Have I come to a point of not wanting to be around other Christians for a particular reason? What about my family, I don't seem to be the so called "leader" everyone is expecting me to be?
I digress, I did watch the service over the internet, does that count as being active in the service, I did listen to the message, and it is a very good message.
Okay, what do you guys say, right, wrong or indifferent your views matter.
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6 responses
@1corner (744)
• Canada
18 Jan 09
I tend to agree with rocketj above. The Bible does tell us not to be remiss in meetings. However, let me know if I'm correct in detecting that the possible cause for your lack of enthusiasm now is that you might not like the company of other Christians? That doesn't mean in MY book (I don't mean the Bible) turning your back against God/your faith. I've had a lot of such experiences that could possibly relate to yours, if that's the reason behind missing church (and my being physically unable most times). Thus, I faithfully "attend" services either on TV or the internet, often both, as I feel my week's incomplete without it.
Regarding your role in the family, I don't know enough about you or your family dynamic to say anything. Do you have a wife, and does she fulfill this role now/as well?
Lastly, could it be you're on the road to becoming backslidden, though I hate to say that. YOU ALONE can answer that. Looks more to me, however, the 1st reason I stated above applies here. Just try not to neglect prayer and the Word, and if feasible, find a loving and a Word-practicing church to fellowship with in your area. I don't think a PERFECT attendance in church matters highly to God, but rather how you live your life as a consequence of your faith in Christ. Plus, not everyone who comes to church is necessarily/really a believer in God and Christ; hence it matters too whom you fellowship with. I've learned this just all too well, so my attitude towards fellow-shipping has changed much.
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@1corner (744)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
Well, that's good to hear. I never did say you've turned your back on God, despite the last comment on backsliding, nor do I even think it. Your question invited us to share our thoughts on the possible cause of your missing a service, and I simply presented the possibilities. If you could've worded it differently, perhaps I 'd have given a different response. Although you started with a description of the weather in your area, I woudn't have thought that to be the culprit. LOL Just go backand re-read your post "...Have I truly lost my hunger & thirst to want to visit one of God's temple..have I lost the hope I once contained...?...Have I come to the point of not wnating to be around other Christians...?...my family...I don't seem to be the leader everyone is expecting me to be?" Questions like those beg for a serious consideration of your situation, in my eyes.
Anyways, just relax. I've not yet seen any post here that condemned you for missing a service. No need to explain elaborately, and may I say, defensively, it seems.
Lastly, I should've added this to my initial reply. It's great to be able to "connect" to a service online. I've done it myself as I said, and very convenient if you cannot make it to a physical church. It only becomes a problem, however, if done habitually as we do miss out on fellowship.
Thanks for the welcome by the way. I should do this to/for you however as I've been a member 2 years now (but only recently gotten started posting). So, welcome to myLot!
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@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
21 Jan 09
I didn't mean to appear defensive, rather, I like to ensure I'm clear/concise, but most importantly, understood. Which was the reason for the long response. Thanks for your participation in this discussion, I do appreciate your input.
@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
19 Jan 09
1. I have not lost faith in God, neither have I forgot about seeking him daily.
2. Yes I did not want to deal with the weather.
3. Yes I chose to stay home out of convenience.
4. I don't feel far from God at all. I know that he is ever present, and that he would never leave me nor forsake me.
5. I have not and will NOT turn by back on God. He is the very reason I can type and respond to this discussion.
I chose to let down a wall, and simply express the emotions I was having at that I created this discussion nothing more. I don't allow my emotions to run my life, neither do I allow my feelings to do the same. It is because of the simplicity of God's word and the understanding thereof that I am able to enjoy the fullness of the fellowship that I do have with him. Whether large amounts, or small amounts of time spent with him acknowledging him in all that I do. That to me is the significant blessing.
Thanks for your response, and BTW, welcome to mylot!

@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
18 Jan 09
The Bible does say that we are not to neglect meeting together with our brothers and sisters in Christ. I don't think that it says anything about always feeling great about it. We are human and we will not always "feel" like doing what we should. We may even fight it once in awhile.
How is your relationship with God on a daily basis? Are you forgetting to seek God daily? This is something I have been dealing with myself. I've often heard it said that "when you feel far from God, who moved?" In other words, if he feels distant or we don't feel like doing what we should, then we are probably running on our own steam. We are not drawing close to him. We are neglecting our relationship. He hasn't gone anywhere. We have.
I'll pray for you, friend if you will pray for me! We need to be examples to our children of dedication and faithfulness. We want them to see that we don't have to be slaves to our feelings and that we can rise above emotion to simply do what is right.
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@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
19 Jan 09
okay rocketj1 here's my response.
I needed to give it a good night's sleep in order to respond appropriately.
1. I have not lost faith in God, neither have I forgot about seeking him daily.
2. Yes I did not want to deal with the weather.
3. Yes I chose to stay home out of convenience.
4. I don't feel far from God at all. I know that he is ever present, and that he would never leave me nor forsake me.
We can all draw closer to God for a more deeper and meaningful relationship. I chose to let down the wall, and simply express the emotions I was having at the type I created this discussion nothing more. I don't allow my emotions to run my life, neither do I allow my feelings to do the same. It is because of the simplicity of God's word and the understanding thereof that I am able to enjoy the fullness of the fellowship that I do have with him. Whether large amounts, or small amounts of time spent with him acknowledging him in all that I do. That to me is the significant blessing.
Regarding praying for one another, that is fine. I'll type my prayer for you here based off of why I understand you to say in your response. If I am incorrect in any way, please feel free to correct me.
Father in the name of Jesus, I ask that you stir up the gifting and calling of the person behind the username of rocketj1 on the online mylot community. Give her a hunger and thirst to spend more dedicated time with you and to live the example that you have set before her. Bless her family and her children and allow everyone in her household to be saved and sold out for you. So let their lights shine as beacons in this dark world and that you will get the honor glory and praise that is due your precious name. We thank you for it in advance and know that you have heard us, and will perform your word, and if you agree, you can type AMEN!
Thanks for the scriptural reference, it takes a bold person to say those things to a person they don't know. I appreciate your gifting of boldness and just note it was only a moment of weakness that I decided to express openly to the public here on mylot, I am sure I will get a varied amount of responses, in which I am prepared to respond to now.
Have a blessed day.
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
19 Jan 09
I'm sorry that you thought that I was a bit hard on you. I really didn't realize that it came across in such a way. I was trying to be encouraging. I have heard so many Christians (here and elsewhere) who give me the old "I don't have to go to church" line that I wanted to be clear about the need for attendance. I didn't know exactly where you stood on the subject. Just wanted to encourage and not to condemn.
Thank you so much for praying for me. While I am not far from God, I am struggling lately with spiritual laziness in my own personal time with Him. We can't be on fire for God 24/7 (that old humanity thing, you know) and it's good to be honest and accountable to other Christians about such things(just as you were honest about what was going on with you). We can all benefit from prayer for one another.
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@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
19 Jan 09
You are welcome for the prayers. I'd like to clarify something, I didn't think that you were being to hard or attempting to condemn me by any shape form or fashion. I simply appreciated you for allowing the Spirit of God in you be just as honest in your response as I was in creating this discussion.
It's funny that you say that we can't be on FIRE for God 24/7. But wasn't that Enoch was with God? Doesn't the word say that Enoch walked with God and pleased God so much that God decided to take him up in the heavens with him?
That is the sign of the times in my opinion. I believe that the economy will get so bad that the entire nation will have to turn to God for the answers, and then that's when God will be pleased, and the return of our Savior and King will begin. Until such a magnificent time, we will benefit our fellow brother and sister, by leading them to Christ. God will be pleased with us and will say: "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter thy into the rest of the Lord."
Have you ever considered what that rest of God really means? I am not the scholar or Pastor, but I believe it means he exhaled and said, all the work that I have done for past 6 days is well and GOOD. So he took the time to enjoy that which he had created. That's what I believe, I am not saying it is the truth, but that is how I see it when I read his word.
So if my first response was a bit rough around the edges, please forgive me, as it was not my intent to make you think I was anger or anything. The first responder before you threw me for a different loop, so I had to break down my response to him/her by what he had written. After I read his response and then yours, I thought to myself, "why" did I type this discussion.
But I believe it is important for new believers to see, yes, you may experience moments of weaknesses, there is no telling as to the number of them you will see. But all in all, it is how you handle those moments that determines your outcome.
When Jesus was in the garden, he had a moment of weakness, when he asked God: "take this cup from me," but then he came to his senses and said, "nevertheless NOT my will, but YOUR WILL be done."
That was a real life example to me that said, Lord I know I am weak today, or it's real cold outside of whatever, although I know your will is for me to be at church, I am going to at least complete my worship and honoring you by watching it online. I don't get into people bondage as to how I should or shouldn't live this life God has blessed me with. I simply continue to thank him for it every step of the way.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
19 Jan 09
I gave up church and all the trimmings many years ago. As a youngster I read and studied everything Spiritual that I could find. I sang in the Choir, never missed Church, and taught a Sunday School class. One Sunday as I was preparing my lesson it suddenly dawned on me that I did not believe a single word I was about to teach. The problem seemed to be that Religion did not teach Spirituality. For instance Jesus was spiritual, (he did not collect money as religion does) he needed no translator to talk to God. He needed no religious organization to forgive his sins, or to direct his life. Organized Religion has started countless wars and murdered millions. Spirituality does not start wars, has no need of money, and does not sexually abuse Children. I can emphasize with your problem because I have been there and done that!
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Sometimes, I just do not feel it too. Most of the times it is when I am feeling really low and can not shake my feelings of distress and depression off before I get to church. I feel that if I am not totally focused, but have my mind on other things, I should stay at home, because I will not be focused on the service or message. That may sound lame, but that is how I feel. I know that church is supposed to lift you up.
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@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Oh indeed the message that our Pastor delivered to us was uplifting and exactly what I needed to hear. He spoke on not having FEAR. That God has not given us the spirit of FEAR, but the SPIRIT OF LOVE, OF POWER and OF A SOUND MIND.
Which means to me that if I had simply paid more attention to what his word says that I can do or what he has already blessed me with as a gift, then I could have used that to overcome my emotions or feelings and made my way to church on yesterday.
I'll be prepared next Sunday for sure though.
@angel_israel (10)
• Philippines
19 Jan 09
hello hdjohnson... how's your day??? hehehehe... You know what me?? as a believer of God, i usually visit or go to church without eating or drinking something its because it's said in the bible: "gOing without eating..."... it means that when you worship God, it needs sacrifice.. if you have faith in God that's the time you can answer your questions... juSt trust God...!! your answers will generally find in the Church... have fun.. :)
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@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Thanks Israel Angel.
I'll keep my trust in God. But I generally find my answers in his Word, and not just in a Church service setting.
@sr5367 (8)
• United States
19 Jan 09
i just want to say right off that i haven't real ALL the other posts, but several of them echoed what i felt so i feel comfortable adding my two cents. i sort of found myself in a similar situation recently; nothing really wrong that i could put my finger on, but just sort of drifting away from my usual weekly attendance. i still read the Word and prayed daily and watched sermons on TV, but felt no strong inclination to be in the company of other worshippers. then one of my friends invited me to visit her church on sunday, and i found that i had not lost my spirit or direction, but that i was just in the wrong place. so if perhaps you feel you were not being fed spiritually where you were attending, you might want to visit other congregations and see if the Spirit is reawakened in you. peace and blessings.
@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Thanks for such a insightful view point. The only problem with that is I believed that I was called to this particular church and have been there as a member since 1996. Much like my marriage (9yrs on Jan. 29th) to end that relationship now would be detrimental to everything in my life.
You shouldn't ever feel intimidated to respond to any particular discussion. Even if the person creating the discussion doesn't like your point of view. This is the freedom of typed speech here and no one should bash you for expressing your view. Although, I've heard that some folks are pretty ruthless in that manner.
Just be the best you that you can be and welcome to mylot!