Pet Names For Your Cat

@mareem (147)
United States
January 19, 2009 10:26am CST
I'm not talking about what you named your pet cat, or nicknames that are variations thereof, but about other little names you may call them... like calling your spouse or children honey or sweetie. I often have pet names for my kitties that end up being what I call them far more often than I do their actual names. For example, one of my favorite fur babies of all time was Draco, or simply Drac or Drac Cat. The later two I consider to be nicknames, as opposed to "pet names." My pet name for my favorite little guy was sweet baby blue, or simply blue, and that is what I most often called him. My sweet baby blue had the most intense blue eyes and he adored me as much as I adored him, hence my pet name for him. So, do you have pet names for your cat? If you do, how about sharing them with a little story about how or why you started using that name.
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16 responses
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Well, I mostly call my cats by their names or diminutives of the name or even versions of the name. I don't often have "pet" names for my cats. Now, I do have kind of "honorifics" for some of them. For example, Oliver, when he was 5 weeks old, he crawled onto my face when I had rolled onto my back just before I woke up and actually lay down, his front paws over my nose and his tummy over my mouth. Needless to say, I came awake REALLY quick! So, on the way to take the roomie to work that morning, I told her how he was laying on me, "Like a nose cozy" I described. So, that's one of his nicknames, "the Nose Cozy" we also will call him "the eating machine" because he always comes when there's food being set out, frantically eating, even if he's just eaten. Rygel also has a couple of titles, "That White-Eared Cat" and "The Cat Who Will Eat Us in Our Sleep." Now, I gave him both of those names because as a kitten he was nothing but trouble, and he was the only one of the 4 kittens with white ears. "You want to know what That White-Eared Cat did today?" I would ask the roomie when she came home from work. Well, the day he got the other name I had taken him to bed for a nap with me and when he woke up, he bit me on my thumb. I told the roomie that he'd eat us in our sleep if we didn't keep food out for him. Now, a few weeks ago I had to give Pong some anti-biotics and they smelled like bananas. So I was calling the medicine giving "banana-rama" time and Pong "banana-boy." Ping and Pong together are "The Wonder Twins." When we have a bunch of cats that come in together I tend to give them collective names. Rygel, Sirius and Orion I called "The Stellar Group." The 4 bottle babies of 07 were the "Fearsome Foursome." Tuti and Nef came together and weren't real happy to come into a house full of cats so I call them "The Grumpy Girls." Taj is actually short for Ta Shuah, Ronnie for Chevron, Tony for Antonio, Star for Shooting Star, Tuti for Tutanbast, Nef for Nefermew, Gabby for Gabrielle, Frankie for Frankenkitty, Roxy for Rockstar. I guess the only one with a pet name is Nino, and that's Spud.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
20 Jan 09
Thanks **grin** we love our cats, all 25 of the beasts!
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
23 Jan 09
I forgot to add that we call Timus (said Tie-mus or Time-us) Timie (time-ie) all the time. Scamp - Scamper, Gabby - Gabalina, Ronnie - Ronniekins, Kit - Kitters and Kittels, Rygel (said like the star) - Whygel, you know, all those baby names. Ping - Ping-a-ling and Pong - Pong-a-long, Taj - Taj-a-ma-zoo and Taj the Schnozz (he's got a big nose.)
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
Wow, you do have a full house, don't you? I just love some of those names, as well as the "honorifics!"
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Buttons - Also known as Her Nibs
We have two cats in our family, both were adopted as strays by my step-daughter before I entered the scene. Ones name is Boots (4 white paws) and the other Buttons. Boots is kind of an offish cat, doesn't really interact much with the family. Buttons on the other hand, is 20 Lbs. of imperious snobbery. She doesn't ask to be petted, brushed, fed, etc. She expects it....NOW! Her nickname to me has become 'Her Nibs', which I think fits her to a T.
@mareem (147)
• United States
19 Jan 09
That's cute! I currently have two house cats. One of them is baby blue's sister, Bootes, or just Boo, who is 18 years old and has turned into a sweet cat over the years, but once was very standoffish. I actually took blue and Boo away from the people who had them, when they were just little kittens. The people had left for the winter and took the mama cat and left the kittens behind to fend for themselves! The other house cat I have doesn't even have a real name, if you can believe that. It's mother was a sick feral kitty and I guess she knew her time was short. One night I heard this awful howling at my front door and the mother cat had corralled the baby between her and the door. When I opened the door she hustled it into the house and ran off... never to be seen again. I guess she knew I'd care for her baby. That was four years ago and I doubt I've seen that cat more than a couple of dozen times over the years. It's just an indoor feral kitty.
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Boots - Hiding in a box...I guess she didn't realize that she was on a glass-top
What an unusual story! Maybe, like Boo, she'll become more friendly with old age. Have you figured out her hiding places? Out Boots spends a lot of time hiding too. I've always wondered if she has some siamese in her because of her personality and nature.
@mareem (147)
• United States
19 Jan 09
I actually do know some of no names hiding places, but I don't hunt it. On the rare occasion it does venture out of hiding, I keep my distance, but talk to it. You notice I refer to the kitty as "it." I don't even know if it's male or female. I've never gotten that close to it! Boo, on the other hand, slowly got a bit friendlier over time. It wasn't until Blue disappeared, five years ago, that she actually wanted to spend a lot of time with me. It seems our shared loss brought us closer.
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@dvmurphy (326)
• United States
20 Jan 09
I have a cat named Smokey who I call Smokeybear alot cause he is a rather big cat of normally about 22Lbs and he isn't fat he is just a BIG cat. Right now he is shaved down to the downey fur near his skin because of walking dandruff, a type of skin mite that came with the rescued kitten my husband brought home. Smokey reminds me of a big ole bear. He is a deep smokey blue gray color and is part Blue Gray Russian and Eygtian Mau. He has a deep blue color, big very green eyes and the most irritated expression I have ever seen. He hates to be held, you can only pet him when he desides, he thinks if he hides his head his entire body disappears and he talks. Yes, he talks. He says Mama now and no and can howl and growl like he is part panther. I also call him Mr. Gray for when he is in the grumpy mood and is growling and howling his head off over somethin. He doesn't bite, never has and he is 8 yrs old. Take that back he bit once. My sister-in-law's son who was 12 at the time hit him with a broom trying to shoo him into the bedroom when they were taking care of him while I was in Tennesse in a semi with my husband. A bird had gotten into our house while we were gone and they were trying to chase the bird out so they wanted Smokey in the bedroom so they could open both outside doors. Smokey wouldn't go and hid behind the sofa instead. The boy took a broom and tried to get him out of there and smokey started growling like a dog they said. Next thing he knew Smokey jumped out and charged him jumping on his hip and bit him in the butt three times and then jumped down and ran in the bedroom. They shut the door fast and got rid of the bird. The boy is still afraid of my cat and wasn't hurt but Smokey walked around for days acting like he was trying to spit a nasty taste out of his mouth. When we got home the boy told us that Mr. Gray had attitude and he wasn't going to watch him ever again. That is where he got the handle Mr. Gray from and we use it when he is showing his not so lovable side.
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
I always thought the cats with attitude were the most fun and Mr. Gray does sound like he has attitude!
20 Jan 09
yeh got a 5 month ginger tom for xmas his name is tigger but sometimes i call him squeak because of the noise he makes when he wants feeding
@mareem (147)
• United States
21 Jan 09
I've had a few squeaky ones myself!
@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
19 Jan 09
My littlest cat is Carly. She orange and white. So cute and her fur is soft as a baby bunnies. However, she is the biggest brat. I refer to her as my little gila monster. She is also the one whom is in charge. It's her way period. If she wants attention she will force you to pay attention. She spends more time on my lap than my husbands. She really only seems to cuddle with him at night after she gets tired of my tossing and turning. She is just mischevious. Jade, a solid black kitty we often call Raspberry Jade. Most of the time she wanders around with part of her tongue sticking out. It's like she gets tired of bathing herself or one of the others and just forgets to put it away. It is hilarias. It would be hard to call her phftht Jade, lol.
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Must be something about the name. My Carlye has super soft fur but is also a brat. I call her Pooka (which is an mischievous Irish spirit). My other cat Ashley is a gray kitty with some orange on her. I called her Gray Cat or Old Lady Cat--cause of the way she walks down stairs.
@mareem (147)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Oh, too funny! Those two must keep you and your husband in stitches!
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
Hmmm... I guess I'll have to keep in mind not to name my cats Carly (or variations thereof), unless I want a brat cat. *LOL* Pooka... is that as in Harvey? That has always been one of my favorites.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
20 Jan 09
Some of the pet names I call by cats are - Baby, The Prettiest One, The Big Boy, Our Fat Girl, Our Little Girl, Who's the Prettiest, and Baby Girl.
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
Those are all good ones. Thanks for sharing them with us.
@kiwibee (240)
• New Zealand
20 Jan 09
What an interesting disucssion. We sure do love our cats, don't we! I have loved cats all my life but went off them after my last beloved cat met a very sad end. Swore I'd have no more. But then about 8 months ago my daughter just landed me with her oldest cat. She'd got two kittens and Squidgee was not happy with them. She brought him over to my place and said, Mum, Squidgee is your cat now. I want him to be happy. I liked him so I didn't really mind. And now he is OUR CAT!! (My daughter's oldest son, my grandson, lives with me, so he grew up with Squidgee. Besides, Squidge had made himself at home here for some time prior to that. I notice I call him Squonk a lot. After we got him, Harri (g/s) started calling him Chunk, because he was a bit chubby :-) so I think the Squonk is like a cross between Squidgee and Chunk. He is gorgeous. Tabby with white paws. He is an "older" cat but very agile and jumps in the bathroom window no trouble. He is quite adorable. And I'm glad I got landed with him!
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
That's a good one! I'm sure Squonk is happy to be with you, too.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
19 Jan 09
I have all sorts of silly strange nick names for my cat 1. (baby bear) because he's so wild and he reminds me of a small bear sometimes 2. I use to nick name one of my other cats (cookie monster) because she was so sweet, but she past away two years ago. 3. and another nick name for my most current cat, is (rabbit) for the most obvious reason he sometimes reminds me of a little rabbit. but anyway I have a lot more silly nick names were those came from.
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
Those are so cute! You sound like me. Except for Nona, I name all my house cats right away, but I usually end up calling them something entirely different... more suitable to their personality than their original name.
• Canada
19 Jan 09
I think a really good name for a cat is Na-La. lol a friend of mine was going to name her cat that. i love that name. i've heard it before but not much
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
That is a different name. Is that for the lioness in The Lion King?
• United States
20 Jan 09
Well, this is probably going to enfuriate some of you cat lovers, but it here it goes.... I don't own a cat, but my best friend does, and I really do like the cat. But she also drives me insane sometimes, so she gets the not so nice pet names. Such as: cat, stupid, stupid cat, little s***, etc. The cat can be sweet sometimes, but she is a pest too. So, my apologies to anyone who is offended by this! lol
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
My mom had a cat I always called s***head... with affection, of course! *BG* That was the meanest little girl you could ever meet. Of course, I actually really liked her. She definitely had the attitude down to a "T."
@conbill (369)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Spooky is a black cat with the greenest eyes you've ever seen. I call her mama cat because The strays I've brought in she mothers as if they are her own. She washes them, guides them to the litter box, and makes them at home. It was one thing to see her doing this with a kitten but quite funny to see her do this with a puppy.
@mareem (147)
• United States
19 Jan 09
We had a black cat named Spooky when I was a kid. Boo is also a black cat. Isn't it funny how some cats are such nurturers, when they are known for their independence? My mom had an old tom that would take over and "mother" any kittens that were around.
@iamsolucky (1241)
• Philippines
20 Jan 09
I love my cat Monica, she is so sweet. She always sleep beside me. Believe it or not, in our family we always talk to our pet like we treat them humans too. May cat was trained to switched off the light when everybody is already laying in bed. Yes she was trained like that. She never took away food in the table, she dont make poo poo inside the house. Her color is white and i always bath her twice a month. I use shampoo and conditioner so her hairs will be lovely and soft and smells good too. I called her monica coz it sounds so sweet.
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
Monica is a sweet name. My goodness, it sounds like she is very well trained and she allows you to give her baths, too!
@Rakshas (223)
• India
20 Jan 09
I do have 1 cat pet and it is very quite.He understands whatever we say him.We all call him Shonu.Sometime i call my Boyfriend also shonu when he reacts very sweetly.bcoz my shonu is very quite and his color is black n white.
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
Now that's different... your pet name for your boyfriend is your cat's name.
• Canada
20 Jan 09
Im afraid Im guilty of calling my new kitten the things Id call my boyfriend I call him "gorgeous" and "darlin" and worst of all "mammys baby"!!(no i dont call my boyfriend "mammys baby"! haha my poor cat he probably thinks im crazy!! I just think they are terms of affection and I dont know how they came about but I just cant stop myself!!
@mareem (147)
• United States
20 Jan 09
I tend to do that too... except I don't think I'd ever call a boyfriend "sugar britches." *LOL* I don't know where that one came from, but I used to use it on a cute little girl kitty I once had all of the time.
@snowy22315 (186510)
• United States
19 Jan 09
My cat's name is Fluffdaddy. His only nickname is Fluff or Fluffy. He is acute little guy and one who i really like. I don't know what else I would call him for a nickname. My dog I tend to call more things like sweet pea or things like that. Of course I think everyone uses the monniker kitty.
@mareem (147)
• United States
19 Jan 09
Fluffdaddy... how cute and that sounds descriptive, itself.
@littleone3 (2063)
19 Jan 09
My kitten is named Nala my 2 and half year old at first was unable to pronounce her name. So he nicknamed her noo-noo baby cat due to the fact that she was our new cat as we have two other adult cats. And that she is a kitten. And it has stuck she is now know as noo-noo cat.
@mareem (147)
• United States
19 Jan 09
What a cute story. Thanks for sharing it. Don't kids come up with the greatest things?