why is my computer slowing down?

@jhl930 (3601)
United States
January 19, 2009 9:54pm CST
ok here's the thing, my computer slowed down starting like a week ago, and i don't know what the problem is, its like my internet takes forever to come up and then when it does it doesn't go so fast, i don't know whats wrong with it, i'm using firefox so i don't think that it should be that slow, and i know that internet explorer is much slower than firefox, so i was just wondering what everyone might think my problem might be? any ideas on how to speed my computer up so that won't be so slow? please help if you can!
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21 responses
@inuceres (341)
• Philippines
21 Jan 09
slowing of computer because it needs upgrade or repairs it software,....or,...the internet connection is not compatible to the system,..
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@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
20 Jan 09
There may be several reasons behind that. I think you have to check starting from your software to your hardware. since it can start from anywhere from hard to software. It may be a virus, malware or just corrupted system files.
• Malaysia
20 Jan 09
viruses maybe or could be your computer has too many files in it. delete your cookies. remember to defrag your computer once in a while. or maybe you can add the ram? i have a 2 gig ram and my computer is quite fast especially while opening a file, playing games, or transferring files. and especially at start-ups.
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@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
20 Jan 09
That is true.... there are a number of reason behind the slowing of computer unit. One must be able to pinpoint what the real problem is because you may add RAM but if its virus infection I guess it would not solve the problem and you would just feed the virus more power to spread to your system.
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
20 Jan 09
Hi THere! Good Morning! I am facing a similar problem like you right now but I know the problem on my desktop computer, the program that I installed is just 519MB only, however, it needs a 1GB of memory in order for it to run smoothly and so the PC will not really really slow down... Eversince I installed that program, all my programs, applications even my browsers (mozilla firefox and intenet explorer) were so slow. So, I have to uninstall it...and it works fine... Check if you still have free resources or memory... low memory causes the computer to respond slowly to our request. Other thing is if you have a virus in your computer. I had a computer virus before... i forgot the name though but it really slow down my computer.. and it corrupted all my files little by little without me noticing it... My cousin then updated our anti virus (which I forgot to do ~as always~) but it was too late... we have to clean the hard drive and re-install the windows... make sure you don't have a virus in your computer, run anti virus to detect if there is. Hope this helps... take care. Thank you for the discussion and Happy Mylotting! Cheers!
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
21 Jan 09
I guess you need to check your PC for malicious wares, spywares, adwares and viruses.. Scan your computer, defrag and clear your cookies.. then try to erase the files that you don't need anymore..
@Lucky12 (767)
• United States
21 Jan 09
Well you might have alot of things on your computer. Maybe you ahve a virus that you don't know about. Sometimes you can have some viruses from other sites that mess up your computer. Thats what happended to my computer it was slow, and come to find out it had a virus that I had to terminate. I took my in to get fixed. I wish you luck and hope it works out for you.
• Indonesia
21 Jan 09
you say your computer start slowing down a week ago? if you using internet n use firefox simple way to make computer fast again is use software like system mechanic or tuneup utilites. system mechanic or tuneup utilites they work clean all cookies, defrag harddisk scan virus n make internet faster or in maually get rid all cookies in the document and setting n waste file prefetch in the window.
@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
20 Jan 09
Well, theres a really big virus going about... that could be it... haha But its probably just something you downloaded maybe, or something stupid. Eventually, you do start to notice your pc starts slowing down, not sure if its got to do with just plain 'time' or pictures you save / everything else you do. My computer is supposed to be mega fast... pfft ;) Sorry i cant help much more then that lol...
@minfas (878)
• Sri Lanka
20 Jan 09
Try clearing browser cookies and cache...clear the temporary files in your computer...or try increasing the virtual memory in your computer
• Chile
20 Jan 09
Sorry to have to tell you this but what you have described bears all the hallmarks of a virus or spyware, the very same thing has happened to me. It would be best to download a new antivirus and make sure it´s up to date. I hope you get the problem sorted out good luck!
@user_786 (1338)
20 Jan 09
It looks like your PC doesn't have much enough RAM to run your prgrams smooth and fast. Another casue of "slow-response" could be your HDD. Is it very old or has been used too much for writing, deleting files? The above 2 reasons could be the cause. If you run so many programs all at the same time, close other programs then try again. You might need to upgrade your CPU.. What is its speed? There is a chance of a virus consuming RAM or CPU. Many viruses consume CPU or RAM to slow down the PC. Run Anti-virus for complete system scan.
• Nigeria
20 Jan 09
Don't be confused, Is it your computer or your internet connection that is slow? it it's your computer, try deleting some things, and if it's the internet connection, it's your ISP's fault not yours... JIDSON
@Homedad (166)
• United Arab Emirates
20 Jan 09
I would like to share with you a very good experience about the wonderful support I got from a Malware removal support forums: http://www.hijackthis-forum.de/english-help/ They will analyze and guide you in solving the root of the problem and not only the Malware itself. There are some postings there that have the same symptom as you have. Good luck!
20 Jan 09
there are a lot of things 1. could be a virus 2. you may be opening too many things at once 3. you may just need a new computer 4. you may need a bigger memory 5. you may have downloaded to much Download some Virus removers (I recommend "Registry Mechanic") Clear unwanted computer files (I recommend "CCleaner") Buy new memory
• United States
20 Jan 09
Hmm... my computer slows more and more as time flies by, but there are many ways u can speed it up. You can always delete old unused files which could be taking up space which could delay your computer. Another option is registry cleaning this will find registry problems in the computer which often effectively slows it down. If its internet try getting a better connection; cable modems are usually very fast while wireless may be slow so it really depends. I also use firefox and I personally think it is better than safari or IE. There are many options but first just clean your computer, look in hidden places where you left old things in also try scanning for viruses that will immensely lag your cpu.
• United Kingdom
20 Jan 09
You say that your computer was started slowing down about a week ago? Was your computer quite fast before this then? There are a number of reasons why your computer is starting to run slowly. My computer runs quite fast and I have had no problems with it. I will tell you what I do, I don't know if you do these things yourself. Anyway, I use the windows utility tools like Event Viewer, Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, Internet Options. When you surf the Internet you pick up all these temporary Internet files and they build up over time and this can slow down the computer. Also, do you have an antivirus product on your system? It may be that you have taken on some kind of virus. If you don't have an antivirus product then I recommend you use AVG free. The website for this is http://free.avg.com If you don't use those tools that I mentioned above then let me know and I can guide you through the process. Also you can tell me what version of windows you are using. Good luck. Andrew
• India
20 Jan 09
Scan your computer with Anti-Virus i think your computer has virus in it check in the task manager if any unwanted programs are running and end them. If still you face problem format your computer and install new operating system.
• India
20 Jan 09
Just make sure to clean all the cookies,temp and run a virus scan.IF that doesn't work than,Go to tool bar of the firefox select clear private data and mark all the options to clear up. May that can work. Happy Mylotting...........
• India
20 Jan 09
You have to spend more time with your PC to check for viruses, spywares, adwares. You should remove unwanted softwares, do defragmentation, do registry check & remove temporary files, temporary internet files. After spending hours for theses tasks your computer will be healthy.
• India
20 Jan 09
if your computer is slowing down then i think that your computer is lack of ram means(random access memory) by which your computer speeds faster and faster. well i have 2 GB ram in my computer by which my computer is running very faster
@Lindery (853)
• Latvia
20 Jan 09
If only your internet is slow not your computer when you work off line, then you should check the internet speed you're getting. It might be that service isn't giving your net enough speed. Good idea would be to run any kind of anti virus program to clean your PC from "motes"