PMI Project Management I.

January 19, 2009 9:56pm CST
Life is a project, work is a project, College is a project; so, What we need to be succesful? On this part is whereI want to introduce this topic. I would like to know what a project is?, what is the management project? A leader team on the management project? A leader team on the management project is the responsible to define what things are apropiate to each project. How to define the task to do all works well? A project is a temporary effort with tasks to get a product, service or unique result. This is how the PMBOK define this word. Termorary time it means that each project it has a defined beginning and a ending final time. The final comes when all the project's objectives are done. Temporary is not necessarily short time, like the "project of life", it takes years. Now, I want to hear you; I want to know how your handly your projects.
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