Start of a new era

United States
January 20, 2009 11:25am CST
After today we will have the first black president in the history of the United States. And there have been rumors that he plans to legalize abortion in all states. How are we as Christians supposed to feel about that. I believe that all life is precious and abortion is murder. How do you all feel about startling change in policy.
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5 responses
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
21 Jan 09
Isn't abortion already legal in all states? I agree that abortion is murder. It is. Taking the life of anyone that isn't in self defense is murder. No matter how much you try to sugar coat it. But really does it matter what the law is? If Obama makes it easier to have your own children killed, someone will come along later, and make it harder. That's the way things will go. Legal then illegal, legal again, then illegal again. Its up to people as individuals to do what's right. Just because its legal to perform such a disgusting act, doesn't mean that you have to do it.
• United States
25 Jan 09
I meant to say Late-Term is currently illegal in several states
• United States
25 Jan 09
ah ok. thanks for the correction.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
23 Jan 09
This is not a change in Obama's policy. He was very vocal about being pro-abortion. Although he totally mumbled and fumbled his way around it when asked by Rick Warren. It is one of the many reasons I could not vote for him. And yes, as everyone has stated abortion, it is already legal in the USA but Obama will take it one step further. Late term abortions, abortions overseas funded by our tax dollars (I guess that would include military personal etc.) and parental consent would never be granted. But we continue to pray . . . maybe the Lord will change this president's heart.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
23 Jan 09
You have to keep protesting, writing to your congressman or woman. Since Obama will pass the Freedom of Choice act, it means that there will be restrictions to abortions and America will turn into what Europe and Canada is when the births will no longer outnumber the deaths, and they will have to rely on immigration and guess where most of the immigration will come, from countries that are not even nominally Christian. If you think secularism is bad wait until ten or twenty years. I wonder if those who voted for Obama realized it and whether they will realize that just because the president is black, he is not all good. Life is not like the tv dramas. Murdering the unborn is not right. God said Thou shalt not kill and when one kills the unborn, what chance has the elderly and infirm have?
@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
20 Jan 09
I admire Obama, however I am against abortion it is murder. Hope it isn't true and that he will not do it.
• United States
21 Jan 09
Abortion is already legal in all states... Obama has publicly stated that he will sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which would strip all abortion restrictions such as informed consent, parental notification for minors, etc. I've always disagreed with the ideology behind abortion. I find the Freedom of Choice Act unfair because it would virtually remove every single regulation and restriction that Pro-Life groups have spent 30 years fighting to have in place. It certainly doesn't help me sleep at night. In the end, we can only pray and continue to fight as we always have.