When is it enough?!!!

January 20, 2009 7:53pm CST
I have always believed that when friends criticize you, it is for your own good. it is a good way to improve yourself. So when I'm told that my clothes dont quite go together or that my hair is a mess, I try harder to pay extra attention to the colors I will be wearing the next day or go to the salon to get my hair done. You go to all this trouble to please some people but when you made the effort and you look great and feel great, and they tell you otherwise, how would you feel? When does critism turn into something not friendly?! So I've decided I will no longer care about what other people think about the way I look. I try to please some people but all they do is make me feel like crap! Why do you think that there are some people like that?
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3 responses
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
21 Jan 09
I have had similar experiences. Not with going to the point I become more conscientious of the cloths I wear, the colors and going to the salon but visiting with people who constantly criticize, belittle and embarrass in front of a group of others. I am not sure why some do this. Looking back, it would be safe to say that those who do this are simply not happy within themselves. There are some people in this world, that no matter what, they can not be satisfied. Some people will say things similar to what you have mentioned, not because they are concerned about your best interest but because they are only looking for something to nit pick about and they found and use you. I think it is honorable of you to go all the way out as you have in effort to try to avoid the belittling. Good for you. I would feel very disappointed and upset if someone still criticized me. Especially if I know I look good and I feel good! Shame on them. In the end it is how you feel and think that matters. Not others. True friends don't criticize. I am sorry for you that you have been treated like this. I wish you better interaction with nicer people in your future. thank you for the discussion.
• Philippines
23 Jan 09
Dear EvrWonder, Thanks for your comments and opinions. It really lifted my not so high spirits. But for mylotters information or to whomever reads this discussion, since i've let go of thinking about what others will think of me, i feel really good!!! and I really dont care anymore. and no kidding, people keep telling me that i look different, that my skin is glowing, i look nice, things like that. it feels so good to let go of the burden!!! Im glad i started this discussion even though only few responded. atleast i know now that i was not the only one who had similar experiences. thanks again
@hildas (3031)
21 Jan 09
You just please yourself. Just wear and look like you want to and do not listen to others. Everyone will have different opinions of what you wear and I do not care myself what others say. I have always been like that. I have my own styles and I love to be different and not dress or look the same as others. Where I live at the moment the women all seem to have the same hairstyle and it makes me laugh to myself as it looks dreadful.
• Philippines
23 Jan 09
i used to be like you. i dress how i want and what i want. i really dont know what happened. maybe i wanted to be accepted or something; so with little critism, i took notice until it got to that level!!! but im ok now. thanks for the advice. and i am totally staying away from the "in" thing these days. there is no season for me anymore!!!
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@hildas (3031)
23 Jan 09
Great! Thats the way to be.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
21 Jan 09
Maybe they aren't so good looking as you, and this is a way to make them feel better about themselves.
• Philippines
23 Jan 09
i thought about that too and in a way, i agree. maybe they are jealous of me???