Can One Be Happy Without Being In A Relationship?
By Stirtime
@Stirtime (269)
United States
59 responses
• United States
22 Jan 09
i live alone & have for a long time. there are alot worse things than living alone, believe i have been there done's nice to have someone to be with but not worth it if they are abusive toward you mentally & physically. no man [or woman] is worth that. happiness is a state of mind in my opinion it's up to you to be positive whereever u are are , with someone or by yourself. good luvk.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
22 Jan 09
It'll largely depend upon your own determination level and your will power. If you feel that you have capacity and determination to 'enjoy' your life all alone and you can be without any companion, then no problem. Most of us go for companion, because we apprehend insecurity in our life and always wish to share our joys and sorrows with others. If you have a companion, then only you can realise the feeling of give and take. Best of Luck to you.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
21 Jan 09
Well there are some people who likes to be not in a relationship, because they say that, when your in a relationship someone would control what your doing. So, its like, their better off without a man because their free. Something like that.
As for me, I prefer to be in a relationship...I don't really have a problem with my boyfriend..he lets me live my life and he supports everything that I do. So don't feel restricted. 

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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
24 Jan 09
Im single and loving it. I feel bad for people who think they need another person to be happy. They need to be happy with themselves first. Then look for a mate if they feel thats the route. But they should be happy with themselves first. How can they be happy with someone if they are not happy with themself?
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@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
21 Jan 09
One of my school mates is still single, without any girlfriend, and he is happy about. My once removed cousin prefers to be happy by remaining single. Based on the two of them a person can be happy without being in a relationship. Both of them are hapy with what they already have, and prefer not to complicate their lives by being involved with someone of the opposite gender.
Some people prefer to be loners. Some have accepted whatever has fallen on their lives, and have learnt to cope being alone. These people can laugh without the need to be in a deep relationship. To be at peace with oneself can bring forth happiness.
all the best,

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@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
23 Jan 09
Hello my dear Stirtime Ji,
I do not understand how people get an idea to live alone, when they were not born by them selve. It is un-natural feeling. I am not talking and thinking of any partner, I am talking about whole world. Where and how one could live without relation, evn if you want to live un-socially , you have to go to some jungles, where lot of plants/animals/insects would give you company and be related with you. Do not think taht you are alone here as well, if am responding your discussion, I have already esatblished a relationship with you. Just do not think of living alone. Life is enjoyable, a Gift by Amighty, let's enjoy. may god bless you and have a great time.

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@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
25 Jan 09
Hello my dfear Stirtime Ji,
I thgink the word ' " Relationship" is very much mis-leading, when we talk and think about relationship, we straight away think about two persons of different gender sharing the relation. So I talked about a relationship immediately after our birth. No sooner, we were born, we were related with many realtion around some phgysical and very close , some giove status in form of society. So I am of tehnopinion, no one should think to live alone. Let's share our feelings and feel realted with each othewr. I am very ahppy taht you have your family. may god bless you and have a great time.

@Stirtime (269)
• United States
25 Jan 09
Hi Maygodblessu44, I don't want to be alone and I am not totally alone. I have my family around, I am just saying I am OK with being alone, without a relationship if that's what the Almighty has for me. It is His will for me, what will come, will come and I will except whatever He sends my way. Good Bless you too.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
22 Jan 09
Definitely yes. I think one can live happily without being in a lifetime relationship. some are suited for marriage or a relationship while other prefer a single life. I don't find anything wrong in that. One can still live happily as a single person though it might have some hardships.
© ronaldinu 2009 – the more people I meet – the more I love my dog.
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@Stirtime (269)
• United States
25 Jan 09
I think that feeling is in the back of anyone's mind, it's what is embedded in most of us. A natural instinct, a need for coupling and cleaving to one who makes us feel good, special and wanted. (but feeling good, special and wanted is something we need to find within ourselves) When we don't have that any longer we begin to miss it and unless something is holding us back like a severe relationship or that dreadful hurt of the ex partner, we begin to look again.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
24 Jan 09
I was pretty happy when I was single, and it seemed like I had a lot fewer problems to deal with...
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@Erssyl (617)
• Philippines
22 Jan 09
In my opinion I can't be happy alone the rest of my life.The only relationship that I want to keep is with my family.My husband and my children and my grandchildren.I can't imagine myself seeking the companionship of another man.How can one be happy alone?
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@Stirtime (269)
• United States
25 Jan 09
When someone is use to being in relationship, especially one that is very long, it may be hard to see being alone as a good thing, may even feel a bit fearful of being alone and even think that if it ends, well that's it! I really think it depends on the situation that lead to being alone. I think everyone, deep down, wants some kind of companionship whether it be romantic, platonic or familiar, no one wants to spend their days talking to themselves!
@elaine5004 (84)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I think it is easier to be happy in a relationship when one is happy with themselves. I don't believe people can make anyone happy, that it comes from within. However, once you are happy with who you are, we tend to attract others who enhance our lives in one way or another.
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• United States
22 Jan 09
Being alone is not necessarily being lonely. You can be "alone" as not being in a relationship but still have friends, colleagues, family and even pets around you to make you not feel "lonely". Companionship can relate to either situation - are you looking for an intimate companionship with someone sharing love and romance? Or are you looking for friends around you to hang out with, meet and talk and engage in some sports or community activities or just have a great time? If you have not found someone to share an intimate relationship and still do not have friends around you, then you are denying yourself of the happiness that you deserve. I would suggest you talk to your inner self and figure out who you are looking for - and then find the right companionship for you. Now, that does not mean that some people are not happy being alone - but its up to you to be sure you want to play this game of solitaire!
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@Nisha_Verghese (551)
• India
23 Jan 09
yes i think it is possible.. the need to have a companion is strong in some people and for them being single would not give any satisfaction.. so you got to figure out for yourself if you see yourself with a person and if you would ike to find real love.. if that aint important to you, then you go ahead and be single... sometimes being single is a ton times better than being in a relationship..

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@myworkid1987 (755)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I think you can be happy without a relationship. Well I think I could be. If I could turn back time I would live my life single again and not get married. Marriage is to expensive for just a piece of paper.
@roberten (3128)
• United States
21 Jan 09
There are lots of people who are prefectly comfortable being alone and I am one of them. Relationships have not been my forte so I find it much enjoyable to stay by myself. This choice is a very personal one and is not a lifestyle that everyone would enjoy. Thank goodness there is no negative stigma associated with choosing to live alone.
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@Stirtime (269)
• United States
23 Jan 09
LoL, I guess I can say mine aren't either but either way I know I will be fine! Like I said in a prior reply, there are times I would love being alone and it's a choice that only I have to decide to make, so it is cool to make my own bed and lay in it!
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
22 Jan 09
Hel* yeah!!!! My ex and I were together for 14 years. I thought if it ever ended I would be devastated. As the time went by I wished he wouldnt come home at night. Finally when we did part. I loved being able to have my own space. Cook smaller meals. I didnt have to cook I could have cereal or a sandwich. My daughters were sad at first but when they saw how much happier and relaxed I was they were happy too. When my girls would sleep over my sisters, I would have the house all to myself. I loved the quiet. Me being with me. I lived happily alone for 4 years. One day I met someone when I wasnt looking. He was a good guy we have been together ever since. Trust me it will come when you least expect it. If you have children, enjoy them while you have this time alone. You'll regret it if you dont. Good Luck and take lots of bubble baths. I found my creative side. Now I make and sell costume jewelry as a side job. I loved being by myself. You will too. dl
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@Stirtime (269)
• United States
25 Jan 09
I know what you mean, alone time is great, most of my relationship was when the children were younger, now they are adults 2 have families of their own and the youngest still lives with me. There are times I wish he would go to a friends because I rarely get time to spend on the computer never mind a bubble bath! Well a lot of that is my own fault, I still like to do for others, even my family and friends. Help how can I stop.... LOL
@GemmaR (8517)
21 Jan 09
I think you can be happy if you're not in a relationship, and many people are happy being single! There are so many fun things you can do while you're single that you can't when you're in a relationship.
I am single at the moment, and I know I'm happy! I have worried a little bit about whether I will find the right person for me, but I know that I will, because I believe there's someone out there for everyone!
& it's not just a partner who can provide you with the love that you seek. It's your friends and family who are the most important people you'll ever have until you meet that special person. They're the ones who will be there for you no matter what. You should treasure them and if someone special comes along then that's just an added bonus!
PLUS, Being single can have its plus points!
Think about it..
-No arguments!
-No worries about having to buy birthday/christmas presents for partner!
-No leaving dirty underpants on the floor!
-No worries about having to worry about birth control!
-More time for your friends.
-More time for yourself.
-Get to have fun on a night out.
-No need to be faithful!
-Can flirt without worrying!
There are positive points about being single, you just have to think about them! The right person will come along for you, don't worry about that, but you have to have a good time while you're looking for that special person!
Live your life, there's PLENTY of time to be tied down in a relationship (and you'll probably with you were single after a while anyway!)
Enjoy life, don't worry about finding someone! They will come to you; just be yourself and your time will come!
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@Stirtime (269)
• United States
23 Jan 09
Like I said I agree, I did not say one cannot be alone, I am too. I don't care either way right now, I enjoy staying up late or sleeping in if I feel like it! Not worrying about hearing "are you coming to bed?" or "when you gonna get up, I'm hungry?" I am free to do what I please yes and even flirt if I want.
I do still have an older teen at home that still likes Mom to do for him, so I am not totally free. Most of my life is about pleasing though but just now it's for myself and my family! I do know one thing I enjoy these communications so keep em coming...
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@Raven1 (577)
• Australia
22 Jan 09
I think it's important to learn that you create your own happiness. Your partner does not create your happiness for you. In fact, if you live your life following those things you enjoy doing and learn to appreciate your own 'alone time', you'll find that your partner will appreciate you more because of your independence.
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@nielbullock (54)
• United States
22 Jan 09
The Irony is that you cannot be happy in a relationship unless you can be happy without one. Otherwise, it is a co-dependency, Right?
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@Stirtime (269)
• United States
23 Jan 09
So true, like, love one self before you can be loved or loved by another, I am still learning that one. Learning to be independent as well is something everyone needs to learn! Two parts of an independent heart will in turn make one whole.
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