any solution for pimples??

January 21, 2009 1:15pm CST
hi mylotters i think this is a problem everyone faces i.e. of pimples i am sick and tired of them. tried a few things but they haven't worked. i have tried drinking lots of water, washing my face time and again, even acne gel but can't see any solution in them. suggest me something.
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5 responses
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
21 Jan 09
hello ankusharora years ago when i was a teenager, every day i would wash my face using Noxzema. it is a very good product to keep zits at bay. and Noxema isn't really all that expensive either. pick some up like at Wal-Mart or somewhere like that, heck the Dollar Store might even have it. but try the Noxema and use it every day on your face. take care and have a beautiful afternoon.
• India
21 Jan 09
well i am from india don't know by what name is noxzema available here will try to find it out...thanks a lot
• United States
21 Jan 09
you can do 1 or 2 things about pimples 1 put tooth paste on them or take a wash cloth run hot water on it and hold it to the pimple both works for me
• India
21 Jan 09
i will try the other one not sure about the tooth paste one...thanks for the response.
• United States
26 Jan 09
Simple Solution for Pimples - This is Great home remedy
I have my son put toothpaste(not gel)on his and then also showed him how to make steam mask for his face. You get a face towel put get it as hot as you can take it(this is all while the toothpaste is on your pimples)place the hot towel on your face for about 3-5 minutes or until towel is cool. Then take a washcloth with the same tempature of water and gentle in small circle motion clean the paste off. You'll know that the toothpaste is working because it'll have a tinkling feeling. Its the mint in the toothpaste & the heat from the steam that helps bring the pimp to a whitehead and bust without any problem or pain. Nor any scarring.
• India
22 Jan 09
What you eat reflects on your skin. Start your day with glassful vegetable/fruit juice..preferably carrot or apple juice as these are great for your skin. Use fuller's earth (multani mitti) on your face regularly. Don't try too many off-the-shelf products at once and damage your skin.
@Pompon (1757)
• Poland
21 Jan 09
There's one and only way to get rid of them. Go to the dermatologist, like I did. i tried almost every way, from toothpase to expensive cosmetics like pharmaceric etc. But I never went to doctor with it thinking that it won't be necessary. But then I thought to myslef "I can't use cosmetics for teenagers for all my life" and signed myself for a visit. Now I regret I didn't went earlier. You'll probably get an atibiotic curriation ant it will help you for good;)