Do you want to get paid to search the web?

January 21, 2009 6:31pm CST
What do you think about getting paid to search? I found a program that pays decent if it's just you. It pays really well if you get a down line. All you have to do is add their search engine to your browser then use it for you everyday Internet searches. It is so simple to get paid for what you do every day anyway. If I had a huge down line I could retire and spend all day playing with my kitties. Na I like my day job. I'm a pet sitter and I get to play with tons of adorable animals. So if I had a huge down line I could buy my cats and dogs tons of cool toys and beds and blankets. If anyone is interested, just contact me and I'll send the link. You need to add me as your friend first. I can't put the banner in my profile right now because myLot is having a glitch with editing home pages. I wish I could. Yes it's a hassle for everyone, but they will fix it soon.
2 people like this
6 responses
@femina (25)
• Estonia
22 Jan 09
I´d be interested of this link, can you send me this?
1 person likes this
• Israel
23 Jan 09
It's on its way. Purrs to your beautiful black kitty.
1 person likes this
@BarBaraPrz (46980)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
22 Jan 09
Well, add me to the list of curious... not promising anything other than having a look, though.
• Israel
22 Jan 09
I'll do that. But you gotta open up those cute little kitty eyes to read it. LOL
1 person likes this
@BarBaraPrz (46980)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
23 Jan 09
Hmmm... maybe that's why I can't see the link...
• Israel
23 Jan 09
It helps. You know how stubborn kitties are. They do what they want when they want. Thats why I love them so much.
1 person likes this
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
22 Jan 09
Sounds interesting. Could you send me the link, please. Thanks! ^-^
• Israel
22 Jan 09
You have to be my friend before I can send you any mail. It's a myLot safety feature to prevent spamming. I wouldn't spam, but many people would. MyLot has a lot of nice safety features that keeps this place from becoming a zoo or a cesspool like some other places on the net. I put in a friend request. As soon as you reply with an approve, I'll send you the link.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
22 Jan 09
I've approved your request. ^-^ I'll wait for the link. Thanks!
• Philippines
23 Jan 09
Still waiting for the link...
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
22 Jan 09
That would be wonderful if we did or had the time to do alot of searching. That sounds very interesting.
@melvill (392)
• Philippines
22 Jan 09
Hello TheCatLady! I think I'm familiar with that site, are you talking of Homepages____? I'm already a member of that. It is a good site. I'm enjoying using it.
• Israel
22 Jan 09
Yup. I'm making money with it. It's awesome.
1 person likes this
@aem1542 (43)
• United States
22 Jan 09
Sounds pretty nice, iv been looking for something like this for a while now. Dident think it existed, im glad you stumbled acrossed it. Id love to have it!
• Israel
22 Jan 09
I sent you the link. Have fun and make lots of money. Happy myLoting The Cat Lady