What's with all the liberal and democrat bashing on here lately?
By murderistic
@murderistic (2278)
United States
January 21, 2009 9:35pm CST
I realize people are upset that there's a democrat president. I get that. But why all of a sudden am I reading all this negativity toward liberals, grouping them together as if they are a single body accountable for the actions of every liberal? Like seriously? I haven't seen any liberal posting topics about how pigheaded conservatives are (not saying that they are - just using it as an example). Show some respect to your fellow Americans, people. We're not all going to have the same views, but we're all people. Some of us might not be that respectful or great. But no one is perfect on either side.
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9 responses
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I think right now people are very afraid. Fear breeds anger. Even attempting to have reasonable discussions with fearful and angry people is difficult. I have been trying but it isn't easy.
Although I am only partially Liberal I am quite interested in the Obama administration and where he will take it. I have been a Bush opponent for a long time, since he was Gov of my wonderful state of Texas in fact.
I have often said on these forums I was a fence sitter until the fiasco that was Sarah Palin. Although the Republicans have not truly represented me for at least 16 years, neither have the Democrats. Between the two, I would rather have fiscal conservation with the occasional hard to take social conservative nonsense than the opposite. But, with the introduction of Tundra Barbie to the Republican ticket that was the end of my fence sitting. I voted for Barack in the primaries because I don't think being First Lady gets you "points" for experience and I just didn't think another four years of the Clinton's in the White House would serve this country.
But as I said, fearful people are angry people. Angry people lash out. They fail to see any of us as whole people with opinions that might have value or discussion points that may be worth listening to. They see us only as caricatures of everything they have learned to hate. It is unfortunate really because it is only when we talk to each other civilly that we find common ground from which to build solutions. We don't have to agree on every point, we likely never will do so on every point; but, I suspect we can agree on some and that is a starting point.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I don't know the answer. I think the name calling will calm down in a bit. Some of the posters will continue to be the way the are and will continue to be hardheaded and hardhearted, but most I think aren't that way.
You know what they say; politics and religion are the two most contentious subjects.
They are also my two favorite subjects. I have a friend that tells me I like to argue for the simply joy of being the devils advocate. It isn't really true but there is a piece of me that does enjoy a good discussion.
What I haven't enjoyed is the nastiness, my own included lately. I have to admit though when bitten I tend to bite back.
I think reasonable and intelligent people understand that "ugly" doesn't get you anywhere. But right now people are angry and afraid and it shows.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I was also a fence sitter, but when I heard McCain speak on his idea of peace and his idea of what an Arab is (and later found out how he often uses racist terms against asians), I quickly decided that I could absolutely not have him as my president. Sarah Palin really wasn't a big part of my decision, although I think choosing her was an obvious poor lack of judgement on McCain's part.
My question is that if people who use discrimination toward liberals are fearful, do they really think that using that kind of language is going to help their cause and bring about mutual respect? Because I think it will just cause more liberals to look negatively at conservatives. It's a vicious cycle, I guess.
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@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
22 Jan 09
I agree with you. I understand that there have been some issues about this on here lately. I think that the people doing the bad talking, are actually worse than the liberals. Let me ask those same people this, what have you done for your country lately? What gives these people the right to judge anyone? I can tell you, they DON'T have any rights. I think that these people need to learn that no one is perfect and that as humans they are bound to sometimes make mistakes. I think that we all really need to be more understanding and compationate to others.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I wouldn't say they are worse. Because if McCain was president the situation might be flipped right now. But that still doesn't make that kind of talk right.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I don't really understand it either but I think there is a feeling of evening the score for slights or imagined slights to them. I don't personally recall ever bashing conservatives the way they are tearing into liberals. But even if some did, two wrongs don't make a right. I think some of these people should get over their persecution complex and start developing a sense of humor because it could be a pretty rough eight years for those who do not.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
22 Jan 09
It's a programmed mindset. Many people litteraly cannot seem to help themselves, it's almost pavlovian. You know, it's almost funny, I critisize Obama on a policy and the first automatic reponse is usualy "well, Bush blah blah blah" or McCain blah blah blah". I usualy come back laughing at them, laughing at how pathetic they just made themselves to be, because I'm not a republican, so sorry folks, I'm imunized against that nonsense, stopped drinking the 2 party kool aid a while ago.
DEMOCRAT! REPUBLICAN! BAH! And people wonder why I consider this a sheep pen instead of a conversational democratic system. People need to wake up and realize they are BOTH skrewing us, you think they care who we vote for? It doesn't matter, the system still wins.
I'm beginning to think there is actualy something to the tin foil hatter's theories about fluoride.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
22 Jan 09
That's exactly what discouraged me from either party. It's just this huge struggle for power and both sides have this inherent hate for one another that just doesn't seem humane to me. I was raised by a Republican, being told that liberals are evil, the left is evil, Jesus sits on the right hand of God for a reason, liberals love abortion because they're pro-choice, I mean it's all so ridiculous. And my father isn't the only one saying these kind of things. And on the other side you have people saying that republicans are greedy and just care about money, they don't care about the poor, they love torture, they're racist, etc.
I mean it may be true in extreme cases. But usually we're all just trying to stand up for what we think is right. And when faced with the decision, we choose the side that most adheres to our thought, and subsequently adhere to everything else that party believes, because it's our party.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 Jan 09
You know how it goes murderistic...this is the hangover...the day after the Big Day. I haven't had the chance to read much yet tonight but I've been hearing the same mood on talk radio today. Guess the Luv Fest is over. 

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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I hope this doesn't mean my star rating is going to be a 2 again... hahaha.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
22 Jan 09
Both sides do it...They say "conservatives" this or "liberals" that. Grouping them all in together. Plus there are a lot of bad feeling over this election for the republicans and alot of democrats have been rubbing it in their faces. Not all but enough to tick them off. Some people are sore losers, some are bad winners. I think we are seeing cases of both right now.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
22 Jan 09
Of course both sides do it, and I'm sure I would be upset with liberals if they were bashing republicans too (because I am both liberal and conservative on different issues lol). But it's really not happening on myLot. Yes, people bash the Bush administration - but not conservatives in general! That is just very disrespectful to me. Not all conservatives deserve the blame of the Bush administration just as not all liberals deserve the blame of whatever "bad winners" are out there rubbing the election in conservatives faces.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
22 Jan 09
Actually as a conservative myself I have been called some really nasty named and had some really false generalitions made about me just for my political beliefs. That is here on mylot. YOu have people who think if you are not in "their" party than you are wrong or bad person. THat goes for both sides. There have been tons of personal attacks from both sides flying in this place for as long as this site has been open. It is just more wide spread right now due the current events. ONce things settle back down to normal you will see emotions settle down too. Heck I lost count of hte times I was called a racist because I was not voting for Obama. It did not matter that I did not agree with his policies. My vote was not based on skin color at all. I thought Ron Paul was the best person for hte job so I voted for him....but even after I explained it I was still called a racist.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I am sorry that people have used harsh words against you and implied that you were a racist, I wasn't here during the election, but I'm sure I would have been blind sided by the bashing on both sides. Really I'm just pointing this specific kind of bashing out because it's happening in the current and although current events might call for it, that doesn't make it right.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
22 Jan 09
It's been happening quite a bit lately especially when conservatives here realized that Obama actually had a chance to win the election and they definitely were not very happy with that at all. Because I voiced my opinion on subject matters, I was called all sorts of bad names because I'm a liberal and liberal, to conservatives is a dirty word.
It's all intended to make liberals feel bad. It's a societal thing. They are upset their canidate did not win. So, they're being childish and using liberal and other words to try and make liberals feel bad because they believe differently and don't feel the same as they do. I just take it in stride and laugh. I mean, really, grow up.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
22 Jan 09
I don't know what you mean by 'all of the sudden', since it happens every other day both here and in the real world. You're going to have to get used to it, though. The ruling party is democratic, which means they'll be scrutinized heavily in everything they do. I always write off stuff like that as 'herd mentality'. It makes it easier to ignore.
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@powermannx (450)
• United States
22 Jan 09
Most excellent topic discussion, so happy that you got it started - you beat me to the punch. The way I feel about it - most of it is a bunch of nonsense and jealous envy, let President Barack Obama get to work, so that this country can get back to prosperity and fairness for all people.
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