Is it possible to hack in?

January 22, 2009 2:20pm CST
Modern computer system are designed carefully with advanced technology. It makes the system much safe and secure. Is it possible to hack into any modern computer system which has high security strategy in place.
3 responses
@Leppie (44)
23 Jan 09
technologies change all the time, which is a big advantage since this mostly means improvements. however, wherever new things are introduces faults and flaws in the system are detected/discovered as well. most people are quite lazy as well and therefore not keeping up to date with the security issues for their system, or just ignoring them (i think the best example for this one is choosing pin numbers and passwords, which usually are based on easy to remember data). even though a secure system may be developed, it's never going to be 100% safe when used by man...
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• United States
4 Sep 09
Here's something to go by, "If it can be Engineerd then it can also be Reverse Engineerd" in the computer world anything is possible.
• India
18 Mar 09
Hackers also improving their technology according to the modern computer systems and softwares. Softwares also devoloping by the human and hackers also humans.