Mother let her three-year-old son smoke

January 22, 2009 10:49pm CST
Oh my God you wont belive this story. What is this women thinking, oh well its evident that she is not thinking at all. At 3 this child should not even know cigarets exist let alone smoke. If this is responcible parenting then I am going to the bottle shop to get my son some votka after all he is 5 much older then the child in this case. Suspended sentence????? what the hell take the child away. Big deal she atended parenting clasess. I am sick and tired of hearing about selfish parents that put them selfs infront of the needs of their kids and messing up kids lifes. Yes kids dont come with instructions but common sence people smoking + 3 year old child somehow does not add up. What do you think? what sentence or action does this case deserve?
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14 responses
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
31 Jan 09
How could any mother in her right mind let her 3 year old son smoke? Like I couldnt imagine even smoking around a child that age, that is just totally irresponsible and appauling! She needs to be punished and the child taken away, that is so harmful the boy.
• Australia
1 Feb 09
People are geting fines if they smoke in the car with kids in there but this crazy person did one better she let the kid smoke as well
• United States
31 Jan 09
You know we need to find her adress go to her house and stand in line ringing her door bell and each time she opens we need to smack some sense into her. My husband smokes, but he does not smoke in the same rooms as the kids and our kids are teens. When I was pregnant He was outside in the cold smoking. That lady is mentally ill.
• Australia
1 Feb 09
She defenetly is not "right" thats for sure. We as parents do everything to protect our kids from harm and she did the oposite of that.
@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
24 Jan 09
At the very least she should be charged with neglect, even abuse as she is poisoning her son's body. Parents like this should also be forced to give up any and all children, and may never be allowed to have a child again. That's not irresponsibility, I mean it is but it's much worse. It's stupidity, ignorance, abuse, neglect, so many things. To be honest I think it should be required by law for unfit parents like that to have their tubes tied so they can never be a parent again. They should also go into a huge database stating that they can never be adoptive parents, and if the case is severe enough, have a restraining order against them for all children stating that they are NEVER to have a child in their care and that they are a danger.. I don't believe any parent should support their child smoking, but a 3 year old? Come on!
• Australia
24 Jan 09
I would consider this abuse as well not neglect
@zalilame (880)
• Malaysia
24 Jan 09
That is a one stupid mother. maybe she had something going on his head and ignores everything around her. Snap out woman. You are killing your child.
• Australia
24 Jan 09
Yes I cant belive the stupidity of this lady as well
• China
24 Jan 09
OMG I bet she is the baby's stepmother or she hate the baby's fater.
• Australia
24 Jan 09
No its the biological mother and I dont see why would she take it out on her baby if she hates the father
@megdp07 (70)
• United States
24 Jan 09
I can not even believe this story is real. Please tell me that someone just made it up111
• Australia
24 Jan 09
no its a true story read the link
@youless (112898)
• Guangzhou, China
23 Jan 09
smoking - no smoking for child
I think this mom is very crazy. How can she let her three year old boy smoke? It doesn't make a sense at all. In fact i don't think a little child will be interested in the smoke. I have a big doubt to this mother's purpose. This mother should know it's so harmful to smoke. So why she lets her own child to smoke? She is just too wrong. I love China
• Australia
23 Jan 09
Yes that is true the child is too young to be interested, kids do like to copy what we do but thats why we are here to stop them from doing harm to them selfs something this mother does not get.
• United States
23 Jan 09
What!? I can't believe a mother would do such harm to their child!! I have a hard time seeing parents smoke around their children, let alone allowing them to smoke. What was she thinking?? I have no idea what kind of sentence this case deserves because she's causing long term damage to her son. So, maybe she deserves something long term, too??
• Australia
24 Jan 09
true. She is probably thinking how lucky she is to get off so easily. I wish her son is as lucky as her and has no long term issues.
23 Jan 09
I saw this story on the news last night, and I was absolutely shocked and at the same time completely disgusted. This was obviously not just a one off occasion for this little boy, he apparently knew what he was doing when he lit up. On top of which, why is a 3 year old playing with fire!?! I believe she only got a fairly short sentence which has been commuted anyway! Lock her up and throw away the key. When you consider the state of this poor baby's lungs it just doesn't bear thinking about!
• Australia
23 Jan 09
Here we are concearned about second hand smoke and what it does to our kids but hey why not let them smoke and that way we dont have to feel quilty about smoking around them. Its sick and what is more sick is that she got away with it.
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@borgborg (821)
• Philippines
23 Jan 09
That is really so alarming! People not capable to be parents should no be trusted with such young children otherwise once their children grow up, they'll grow up to be just like them. I hope that the government will take parenting matters a priority as well...
• Australia
23 Jan 09
Well actually kids most often turn out worse then their parents because if it was ok for mom to do it I will do 1 better sort of thing its sad that the society lets parents like this do things like that. She needs serious help one way or another.
@acegirl (127)
• China
23 Jan 09
Absolutely ridiculous. There's nobody doing so stupid things,in my opinion. Is that mother sick? She is so UNBELIEVEABLE!!
• Australia
23 Jan 09
Yeah well that is reality today. In my opinion she is more then sick.
@GemmaR (8517)
23 Jan 09
That is totally wrong! The mother deserves to have the boy taken away from her, seriously. She deserves to be put in jail for at least a couple of years for that. It's just unforgivable to treat a child like that! Some parents really don't deserve to have the lovely children they've got.
• Australia
23 Jan 09
People in many places are not allowed to snmoke in the car if there is a child in there or they get a fine but letting your child smoke oh well not a big deal. In fact all the people that smoke with kids in the car next time you see a policeman give them one as well that way you are not fined.
@uditpanda (1023)
• India
23 Jan 09
How am i to believe this!! What people do to take the stand chance in this world is really ridiculous. Nobody in this world has the right to destroy the future of any human,let alone her own child. I believe any addiction in any form is bad ,and i don't believe somebody can go that mad to do something like this.she should be taught some real good parenting lesson to stop all such misadventure.thank you.have a nice time at mylot.
• Australia
23 Jan 09
Well she went to 6 parenting classes (yeah I see that helped like 1 wasnt enough she needed 6 and I bet she needs about 60 more). Why would you need to go to some many to realise that smoking and kids dont go well together.
• Hong Kong
23 Jan 09
Lock the mum up and leave the poor kid alone. Do a memory removal operation. then let the kid out of hospital and put em up for adoption. Hope the mum doesn't go crazy in prisn and try to kill the new parents n get her child back !!!!