I'm all for Animal Rights but Sea Kittens???

United States
January 23, 2009 2:10pm CST
I happen to love animals- dogs, cats, anything cute and cuddly. Animal abuse is appalling and horrible but I think PETA is way over the top on this one. I came across this while surfing around for salmon recipes. I laughed so hard, no offense to vegetarians but this is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Here's a link: http://www.peta.org/sea_kittens/index.asp That's right- Fish are no longer fish- they are SEA KITTENS!!! Huh? What? Are they actually serious? I guess if they wanted people to talk about it- this latest campaign worked. I just wonder if they know that it is because it is stupid. I understand they are trying to protect animals but come on!! Sea Kitten? So how do you like your sea kitten? I like mine with a lemon butter sauce with some mashed potatoes. So what say you? Do you think this is really over the top stupid or do you agree? I'd like to hear some opinions. Thanks for reading (and laughing, like I know most of you will do).
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18 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jan 09
From a fishy perspective I would like to remind PETA that cats and fish are generally not good in the same aquarium! What a load of rubbish. PETA have yet to come up with something sensible in any of their campaigns. I did notice though that nearly 6,000 people have signed up to say that they will lobby. Makes you wonder.
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Hey you two. Thanks for stopping by. There are many more members who belong to PETA who haven't signed that petition so it won't go anywhere. If they even get enough to lobby it, they will surely be laughed at.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jan 09
Fish don't have arms Annie. PETA banned them as they thought that we were better off armless. LOL. I don't mind people having strongly held beliefs, but PETA just move intolerance to a new level.
• Canada
24 Jan 09
Rubbish, yeah, perfect word for PETA. 6,000 STUPID BRAINLESS people. Since everybody knows that Fish is brain food and makes you smart. Obviously those 6,000 don't eat fish, because look how stupidly they are following bullsh1t! I'm craving some P1key, hand me an arm will ya?
• United States
23 Jan 09
I refuse to call my can of tuna "Kitten of the Sea". I'm all for saving endangered creatures of the sea from unnecessary hunting and over-fishing and I will not eat fish that is in any kind of danger. But I like my occasional (dolphin safe) tunafish sandwich, halibut steak (when in healthy supply) or pan fried cod (again in healthy supply). Other than those rare delicacies I eat mostly fresh water species which are in no danger whatsoever of becoming extinct. Resorting to this kind of childish marketing is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
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• United States
24 Jan 09
I guess that make you a copykitten then? Ewww bad joke after last night's circus! I'll leave it at GMTA.
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• United States
26 Jan 09
LOL! Thanks for stopping by!
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
23 Jan 09
I like my sea kittens seasoned with lemon pepper and served with green beans and macaroni and cheese. Yum! As for PETA - what else would you expect from those traitorous Kool-Aid drinking loonies? They have to do something outrageous to get their name in the lime-light. It's not about the animals, it's about the publicity. It has been for a LONG time. The lack of meat has caused them to become stupid, AND crazy.
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@sconibear (8016)
• United States
23 Jan 09
oh, PUH-LEEZE!!! that's the most ridiculous load of garbage i've seen in a long time. trying to cute-a-nize fish so we feel bad about eating them.....not gonna work with this bear. i just had some sea-kitten out of a can with some mayo and cheddar cheese on toasted bread.....it was DEEEEEELICIOUS! kittens have whiskers......and so do catfish........mmmmmmmmmmm.....catfish.
• United States
23 Jan 09
LMAO! Thanks for stopping by my discussion.
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
23 Jan 09
i suppose next they'll wanna change cows to pasture-bunnies.
• Canada
24 Jan 09
I responded to Tessah's discussion on this same topic only a week or so ago. Yeah, PETA are a bunch of friggin IDIOT, EXTREMIST NAZIS!!
• United States
26 Jan 09
Oopsie- I didn't know there was another one on here. That isn't good. But I have to agree with you. Thanks for stopping by this one too. :)
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• Canada
26 Jan 09
Aw, no matter. There are often several discussions about the same topic. Nice to see you again, skinny!
• South Africa
23 Jan 09
I wonder whether they think that will improve anything. There are people who don't do nice things to kittens. On the flipside and staying on the topic of kittens and cats, some animals are predators and they need that type of protein in their system. Will PETA one day call for the extermination of all meat eating predators, because they eat other animals?
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
23 Jan 09
Yep, its called the FOOD CHAIN... what makes the world go round!!!!
• United States
23 Jan 09
Ohhh that's good! What a great question. I would be interested to see if some PETA people come in here and address these types of questions. Thanks for stopping by!
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Jan 09
I don't like fish. I do however agree with you although making a sea Kitten is fun and my little sister loved doing that. But did you read the bed time stories? They were crazy. I read four and thought the more I read the dumber they got and this is coming from someone who doesn't eat fish...lol
• United States
26 Jan 09
I did read the stories and just laughed harder. It was so ridiculous. If people who don't eat fish thought they were dumb too, they have a huge problem on their hands. Thanks for stopping by hun.
@roberten (3128)
• United States
24 Jan 09
I say: "Here, kitty, kitty!" and, oh yeah, pass the Lemon Butter.
• United States
26 Jan 09
LOL Thanks for stopping by.
@Annmac (949)
24 Jan 09
Well I've heard everything now....... Do those crazy people have any idea of what they are talking about? Fish are not cute and cuddly creatures! They not only eat other fish most of them will eat their own babies..... I like my fish either kept in a large tank (even though the young rarely survive) or like you on a plate with mashed potatoes and butter sauce. I don't even feel guilty eating them as I know i I put a bit of fish in the tank they'd eat it too! lol
• United States
26 Jan 09
LOL- great point. Thanks for stopping by.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
25 Jan 09
i think they are just trying to be created in order to protect animals. by creating a cute cartoon that is light and entertaining to get viewer attention instead of putting something harsh and graphic that most people dont want to see anyway. i am a vegetarian and into animal rights and against animal testing. i just promote and educate about animal rights on blogs and in school papers and in books and my many profile pages, in a professional way.
• United States
26 Jan 09
More people will listen doing it your way. Thanks for stopping by. :)
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
25 Jan 09
I like mine breaded with a little tartar sauce. I love how people change things to their own way of thinking...
• United States
26 Jan 09
It's great isn't it?? Thanks for stopping by.
• United States
23 Jan 09
The real problem with Peta's attacks are that irrational propaganda undermines legitimate issues related to animal welfare. Peta should focus more on preventing aggregious instances of animal abuse rather than pushing an agenda that few people will accept anyway.
• United States
26 Jan 09
That's a great point, I totally agree with you. Thanks for stopping by.
• United States
26 Jan 09
PETA has always been extreme, but if it gets results, why not?
• United States
26 Jan 09
Free speech and all that is fine, gives us something to laugh at. But it doesn't seem to be getting any results, only 6000 signed the petition. There are 2 million members. Makes me wonder what even their members think. Thanks for stopping by.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
24 Jan 09
I laughed more then I read to be honest. It was once said that a person can be very intellegent, but get a group of them together and all reason can fly out the window. This instance is a perfect example of that. Wonder who's behind this "movement". Imagine all the time and money that went into the remarket fish. Maybe I'll stock up on my omega-3 suppliments before they sink into the black market.
• United States
26 Jan 09
I don't think you have anything to worry about with your supplements. It doesn't seem like it will go anywhere only 6000 people signed the petition. There are over 2 million people who are members of PETA. I guess they thought it was stupid too. Thanks for stopping by.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
30 Jan 09
Does this make Me a really bad person because I feed my cat on sea kitten,as He seems to enjoy them Soooo much...(as do I..mmmm Sea Kitten!) ..or does that mean that He's now going to turn into some kind of crazed Zombie Cannibal Kitty?
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
23 Jan 09
I think PETA gets so much notariety from these silly things - keeps their names in the lime light! This particular issue tho, just makes them look stupid.. as you said, it was a nice laugh! What they are failing to get is that LAND KITTENS don't give a rats what their favorite food is called... as long as they get it!!!! I am not a fish eater ...but if I were, I don't care what they call them. Lord gave them to me to eat so I will!
• United States
23 Jan 09
Adult Swim on Cartoon Network has a commercial saying they are going to start a petition to rename cats, Land Fish. lol I think it is ridiculous. Do they really think people are going to give up eating fish if you call them sea kittens? All that does is make me hungry for sushi. I happen to like my sea kittens with a light drizzle of lemon and grilled. Or smoked and draped over a sushi roll. My land fish I like general tso's style. heheheheh.
• United States
23 Jan 09
Ooooohhh- sushi!! Makes you wonder if all those LA PETA celebs have stopped going to their favorite sushi places. Fish isn't meat right??? I'm getting hungry! Thanks for stopping by hun!
@Toony182 (256)
• United States
23 Jan 09
Ha that's funny. I think this would have more of an impact if fish really mattered, and were more itelligent, as dogs and cats are. People don't eat them because we have them as pets. But I have some fish as pets, too - and I don't mind eating other fish. I guess it's just because fish are so impersonal, and simply sit in a bowl all day until you give them some food...
• United States
23 Jan 09
Exactly. Puppy Mills are bad- PETA should be all out against the horrors of that. But I wonder how they feel about keeping fish in aquariums because they aren't in the wild or do they just matter when you eat them? Thanks for stopping by!