sleeping time

January 24, 2009 12:17am CST
Hello friends, Normally i sleep at 11:00pm. At what time did you all sleep. I finish my dinner around 9:30pm , afterthat i watch TV and then sleep. what do you do during this time. Please share your kind views. have a good day.
6 responses
• Malaysia
28 Jan 09
on working days i go to sleep by midnight as i have to wake up early to go to work. on weekends and holidays i sleep really late
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@eagle_f15 (1827)
• Malaysia
24 Jan 09
If there's a good movie on tv which starts at 9pm and I watch it, then I will go to bed at around 11pm after it ends. If there's no nice movie then I would go to bed at around 10pm. Would normally go to the room at 9.30pm, read for half an hour and then go to sleep. Don't really like to sleep after 11pm or late into the night because I will feel very unfresh the next day as I like to wake up early.
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@Tiherina (83)
• United States
24 Jan 09
Since I am lazy, and also currently jobless (hopefully soon to change; I'm tired of having no life), my sleeping habits usually are anywhere from 2-3 in the morning. I don't usually wake up until around noon, sometimes it's earlier because my boyfriend calls me during his lunch break. Though really need to start going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. I need to start getting healthy again; better sleeping habits and getting out and about.
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
24 Jan 09
Hi there! I normally sleep at 11:00 PM too during school days. On weekends, I sleep at around 12 midnight to 1 AM. We usually have dinner at 9:00 PM and after that, it's either I go back here to our internet cafe and go online or play DOTA or MU Philippines Online or stay at home and watch TV, read books or work on my homework if I had any until I get sleepy.
@tooincome (345)
• United States
24 Jan 09
lately i have been sleeping past 12am. i should really start trying to sleep early because i will be starting classes soon. i normally wake up around 10, and i start class at 9. so i should sleep earlier probably around 10 or 11pm
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@pickwick (858)
• India
24 Jan 09
I sleep around 2 am and get up by 6am.To make up for the sleep lag i do meditation.Wish i could sleep more.
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