obama attacks rush limbaugh
@livinglegend7 (114)
United States
January 24, 2009 7:36am CST
President Obama told Republicans during a white house metting that they should not listen to Rush Limbaugh. The Obama Adminstarion and the Democratic leadership are flexing there muscles and if Republicans want to get a stimulus bill done they will have to toe the line of the Obama Adminstartion. A White House official confirmed the statement while discussing the stimulus bill. Go to www.herringpost.blogspot.com to read the rest of the article
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10 responses
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
24 Jan 09
Rush Limbaugh is a nut job. He thinks Barack Obama is Arabic because he's from an "Arab tribe" in Africa (which is complete b.s. if you do ANY research on the subject). That fact alone makes me know that I can't trust him on anything.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
24 Jan 09
Actually Obama's father's family has Arabic roots as they migrated from the Middle East to Kenya. But that's besides the point. I have to agree that Limbaugh is out there, but to be told not to listen to him or else... well, I don't think that's the right political approach and is in effect censorship. Is that the political tone we will get from this administration?
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
24 Jan 09
No, they didn't. They migrated from Sudan. And although Sudan is a primarily Muslim country and does have an overwhelming Arab population now, they also have a large black African population. And the roots of Obama's tribe in Sudan trace farther back than the Arab conquest. Not only that but his tribe was not Muslim when they came to Kenya, so it is pretty obvious that they were not Arabs.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
24 Jan 09
Sudan does count to Arabia. Being Arabic doesn't automatically mean that somebody is Muslim, btw. Neither does it mean they are Christian. There are also other believes in that region. Heck, I don't even know what religion Obama's father's family is, lol.
Of course all those Middle East nations had tribes from Africa migrate there at one time or another, so did Europe. It's said, that in essence we all have African roots as the first human sort of tribes originated there and spread out from there. They even showed that the Aborigines in Australia originated from some African tribe that made its way through southern India and such to make its way to Australia.
I'm not saying that Obama is Arabic, I'm just saying that he has some roots of that sort in his heritage. I mean that would be saying that a lot of Americans are Europeans because at one point an ancestor came from Europe to settle here.
But that is all a whole other can of worms and not topic of the discussion anyway;)
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@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
24 Jan 09
I think everyone should listen to what everyone has to say, even if you don't agree with it. Barack was in the wrong in my eyese to tell them not to listen to Rush Limbaugh. Rush has his point of view on political issues, just as Barach has his own as well. I believe both parties should listen to views on both sides and make their own minds up about these political issues and not just listen to one side of the story. Like they always say, "There's two sides to every story".
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
25 Jan 09
The real truth usually lies somewhere in between both sides. You are right single....I think that everyone has a right to speak their opinion and we should be able to hear all views and form our own. I do think Obama probably should have kept quiet on the issue. I also understand his sentiments. I find Rush to be an ignorant fool and would not reccomend that anyone listen to him other than for entertainment value but that is just my opinion.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
24 Jan 09
You seem to be the most sensible person commenting on this discussion, from what I can see. There are definitly two sides to this issue, and BOTH are seemingly wrong. Rush Limbaugh has been going on for months about how un-American Obama is, not to mention his entire career has been built on his idea that liberals/Democrats are basically evil and un-American. People have the right to listen to him, but they should be aware of his BLATANT bias. I think when you step out of line and insist that people are "un-American" or that the President, whom is leading this country, is un-American than you deserve what is coming to you. While Obama is wrong as President to be saying such a thing, I feel he is justified and has said what people on both sides should be saying. Do not listen to this guy, he is beyond biased. This doesn't go for all conservative talk show hosts, and I am sure there are some liberal ones who are just as crazy. Anyways, people are just dramatizing the smallest of things. Focus on bigger issues. If Obama start taking away our right to free speech, then everyone can be upset. Obama foolishly spoke, but what President has never done that.
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@us2owls (1681)
• United States
24 Jan 09
I hope our President settles down soon - he is it seems destroying any bi-partisan support he had in his first few days in office. I haven't watched Rush Limbaugh or listened to him for quite some time but I don't think it is Obamas place to tell me or anyone else for that matter what we an or cannot watch or listen to. I say - "Cool it Barack."
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
24 Jan 09
It seems that a lot of what people were saying before he is elected is coming true - he's intent on being "in control" of everything - whether it comes under is "powers" or not.
He got crosswise with one of the reporters the other day and now this - not too good of a record for the first week in office - so much for working together peacefully!
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
24 Jan 09
It's Obama's way or the highway. If you didn't know that yet, keep watching. Limbaugh and others won't be on the air much longer anyway, if the Democrats have their way. Didn't you listen to his inauguration speech? "What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them -- that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply." That also includes that criticism of the administration's politics is anti-American;)
Yes, he wants to bring us all together, Republicans and Democrats, all one happy nation;)
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
24 Jan 09
If Obama actually said this, I feel it was the wrong thing for him to do. Rush is like a child having a temper tantrum: If you ignor them, they will stop, if you give them attention, they won't stop till they get their way. By going after Rush, Obama will only feed into the stupidity which is Rush, and his "ditto" heads. I don't listen to Rush, I don't like what he has to say, so I just ignor him. With that being said, I still feel that he should be allowed to voice his opinion, I just don't listen to him.
@vjayrao06 (107)
• India
24 Jan 09
It is obvious Obama meant what you,dear thegreatdebater, said: ignore him.That is what 'don't listen to him' means! People like Rush are to be treated like that only.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
24 Jan 09
Obama really needs to grow up and show that he can lead this country without knocking down fellow Americans trying to bully his fellow elected officials just to make himself look better. I am not happy at all with Obama as our president but I can't stand Rush Limbaugh either (he does not speak for Republicans or any other American), but he has a right to say whatever he wants to say and the American people have the right to listen to anyone they wish and make up their own minds.

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
25 Jan 09
From a June 9th 2004 broadcast on Rush Limbaugh's show:
"LIMBAUGH: And remember, back then in the '80s, one of the accompanying -- there -- there -- there -- there was a lot of fear-mongering going on around -- about AIDS, as a lot of people were scared about it. And one of the things that -- that the -- the AIDS activists said regularly back then was, oh, this is only a matter of time before it spreads to the heterosexual community. It's only a matter of time.
And they used that as -- as one of the weapons to try to get people like Reagan to start talking about it from their standpoint. And of course it -- it hasn't. It -- it didn't, and it hasn't, other than in Africa, and in Africa it is -- it is being spread not just by -- it -- it -- it's promiscuity that -- that -- that spreads this, if you want to know the truth. It's promiscuity.
But it -- it hasn't made that jump to the heterosexual community."
By the time he'd said that, over 100,000 American heterosexuals had been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Obviously he's not into fact checking before he opens his big mouth. He's either a liar, or an ignoramus - or both. I grew up having to listen to him, so I think I can safely say that he's both.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Jan 09
If Obama's actual words were, as another poster said, "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," it doesn't sound at all like an order to me, not to not listen to Limbaugh and certainly not that they had to tow the line of the Admnistration. It sounds like a pretty sensible and reasonable statement, in my opinion! I mean, tell me what would get done simply by listening to that blow-hard jerk? Obviously if anyone chooses to listen to Limbaugh they have every right to do so as long as he's on the air.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
25 Jan 09
I am a conservative and I do not usually listen to Rush...but I may have to now just to see what he is saying that would get the president of this country to talk about him
Really Obama is not doing himself any good with statement. People that would not have listened to Rush may now listen to find out what is going on...and the ones against Obama will not take everything Rush says to heart because the president does not like him. Either way he is giving Rush more attention than he deserves.
Besides....who is Obama to tell us who we should listen too. PErsonally I think we should listen to them all and then decide for ourselves who we think is right.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
25 Jan 09
counter productive how? I mean people can listen to him and decide for themselves if he is right or not.
Personally I don't like Rush.....but I do not like the president tell us who we should and should not listen to.