Every Cloud has a SIlver Lining?

every cloud has a sliver lining - Beautiful Sunrise
United States
January 24, 2009 9:39am CST
I was wondering if you tend to find the "good" in something happens that seem "bad". I was talking to my two teenage boys and nephew last night about making the best of a bad situation, or looking for the good in something even if it seems bad. I use a few pesronal examples for this to drive home my point to them. First, 10 years ago I got laid off from a job that I thouhgt I would never leave. I loved everything about my work. I was devistated that the funing was not renewd for the program and 6 of us were let go as a result (that is how it goes for many who work in the non profit sector) as a result, I was forced to make my part time self employment venture that had been more of a hobby into a real "job" and I built a business that is still going strong today, 10 years later. It has far surpassed any rewards that my old job gave me in both money and in creative freedom, and reaching far more people as a reslut. There are many examples of this through out my life and those I know. Yet, there are those who refuse to acknowledge that any thing good can ever come from what seems "bad"What are your thoughts? Do you have any examples of A Silver Lining in your life that you care to share?
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7 responses
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
25 Jan 09
I always try to see some good in the bad things that happen but I must admit that sometimes I find it almost impossible to see any good out of disaster. It can be very hard to see these at the time. Sometimes years later you can look back and see some good but not for everything bad that happens.
• United States
4 Feb 09
oh, but even in a disaster, there have been some gret things come to light as a result. IT is often hard for most to look at it while they are going through it, but there are so many things to be greatful for. I can see the oggd in almost everything, but then I am still praticing! Be Well,
@djemba (767)
• India
25 Jan 09
i am pretty optimistic so i really try to find a silver lining in every cloud...so it happens that i find something positive in everything like whenever i'm sick ..i take it like a break from daily work and tensions...The optimism also helps me work out of depressions....
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• United States
4 Feb 09
That is exactly what I think too...find the better feeling thought in every situaion and before long, things are better! Be well, Thanks for the reply!
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Jan 09
I am hoping my sister will see the silver lining or that I will be able to help her see the silver lining in what is happening in her life right now. She is going through a rough time with her husband right now (he was caught cheating once again and so he left) I am trying to help her all that I can and give her a few pointers like she can find someone to love her and her kids and not cheat on her. and that her life might be lonely at first but she will be better off in the long run.. it is hard to help a sibling through this again since they got back together after promises of him stating he wouldn't do it again but in less then 4 months he has only done it again. I am trying to be strong for her and show her that they are a silver lining to everything and that it won't all be bad.
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• United States
4 Feb 09
sorry to hear about your sister. I have been there and done that. I found that it was time for me to work on me and stopp attacting men who cheat, and after some time alone ( with 4 kids) and some therapy, I foun a wonderful man who I have been with for 15 years now and if I had not gone thorugh what I did before, I would not have been ready for a healthy relationship when I was. I find that women blame men for for making them miseriable, when they really need to take a look at them selves and attract a better quality of men. It is hard for some, as they are much more comfortable playing the victem role, that way they dont have to take responsiblity for what happens to them. I learned to take a reallyt close look at what I wanted and focus on that. For me it worked and I am gald for it. so your sister, when she is redy, may want to look closey at all that is possible, and reach for that. She deserves to be treated well and that begins with HER....I wish her well, Thanks for the comment
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
25 Jan 09
Well you're really lucky I guess. At least you had something to fall back on. I don't think others are as blessed or as lucky. Which is why when many bad things happen to them they immediately lose hope and turn to despair. Hopefully nothing that bad happens to me. So far I feel lucky too. :)
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• United States
4 Feb 09
Thanks for your comment, I agree except for the lucky park, I created what I did on my own and others can too. it is always good to have a back up plan no matter what! everyone has the potential to be and do far more than they realize most of the time, sometimes it takes a nudge to help us get there. Start a hobby that you love, and find a way to make a few buck at it, it could turn into a caree some day! Be well!
@celticeagle (171528)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Jan 09
Ah, yes the silver lining. I think sometimes, depending on the situation, you just have to look alittle further to find the silver but it is usually there. It is all in the attitude. Sometimes it is even hard to find plated.
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• United States
4 Feb 09
I think it is all in ones own attitude also, If people really look at a situation they can most always find some life lesson or even something good in it. Thanks for sharing!
• United States
24 Jan 09
I call that the Pollyanna game. Its finding something to be glad about no matter what and its a game I suck at I can never find the silver lining in anything when bad stuff happens its all bad. and when good stuff happens i wonder when the bad's going to come cause nothing good ever lasts in my life.
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• United States
4 Feb 09
I think that sometimes it is how we feel that attracts things that we dont want. I focus on the better feeling thoughts and things seems to work out some way. I really and a student of abraham hick and the law of attraction, so I find that when something is in my expierence that I dont prefere, it is only and indicator of where my vibration has been, and then I can focus on what I do want and most often it works for me. Be well,
• Philippines
24 Jan 09
Ya, I believe in that saying. "Every cloud has a silver lining". It applies daiyly in our work. Every problem that arises means an opportunity for improvement. You just have to control first the effect of the problem and once controlled you may go now for the improvement. What is life after all if we dont have problems..What do you think?
• United States
4 Feb 09
I think that every situation is an oppertuniy for learning something, even when things seem really bad. so yeah I agree too! Thanks for sharing! Be Well,