Have you ever said "STOP! That's Too Much?!"

January 25, 2009 8:58am CST
How has your year gone so far? We are almost at the end of the first month of 2009 and I can assure you it has not been going all that well for me this year thus far! It started out good but then quickly crumbled down around me with my family being sick with bad colds for the better part of the month and my bad ankle acting up and the job I started, looking after a couple of children, I lost before I hardly started and we have to get our landlord in to fix some outlets in the kitchen as I have been living with only the use of my stove and oven for about two weeks now...No Microwave, no toaster oven, no slow cooker, no kettle!!! So frustrating to plan meals when we are already trying to stretch the dollars!! Then my son's Behavior has escalated at school and I have had to meet with my consultant in order to get ready for a meeting with my son's teacher! So much going on and how much can one handle...things are definitely not going my way this year! I do hope that February not only brings a new month but also better times for me and my family! I am at the point now where I am definitely saying "STOP! That's too much!!!" Are you there right now also or have you ever been there in your life time? How is 2009 going for you thus far? Is it all you had hoped/planned or do you feel some changes need to be made? My prayers for all of you is that 2009 is all that you had hoped/planned it would be and that you and your family are happy! ~Heavens~
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14 responses
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
25 Jan 09
Well, here's to Feb. being better! My new year started out okay. Drove home from my Christmas vacation on the 1st, b/f took early retirement on the 9th, and then it went downhill, lol. No, not because of his retirement, but we are parting ways after almost 4 years together. So, I'm looking at moving to another state, and all the packing, business to take care of before I can move, and planning. So, I should be, well hopefully, moving by mid to late Feb. So, most days I've been keeping busy with sorting and packing, and planning out the next month.
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• Canada
25 Jan 09
So sorry that your relationship is coming to an end! Moving is always stressful along with everything else in your life you must feel a little lost to say the least some days... I will be praying for you in the upcoming month that you are at least able to find the perfect place for you to live and that the move goes smoothly and you have a good start to this next chapter in your life! HUGS ~Heavens~
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• United States
25 Jan 09
Thanks and I'll do the same for you. I do know that I'll be moving in with my oldest daughter and her hubby and 2 dogs lol for a while. I'll stay there until I figure out if or when I want to go back to Texas. It will probably just be a matter of when. You are right, there are days I look around here at all the memories we've made together and the thought crosses my mind.......there won't be anymore. But, I am just focusing on what I need to do and what my future holds.
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• Canada
26 Jan 09
You are welcome! I am so glad to hear to hear that you will be with family at this time! Know that I am here for you if you need me! ~Heavens~
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@nympha687 (940)
• United States
26 Jan 09
My 2008 was BAD, really bad. I have set high hopes for this year. So far,so good.
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• Canada
27 Jan 09
My prayers are with you that you have a much better year ahead! ~Heavens~
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• United States
27 Jan 09
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• United States
26 Jan 09
The thing you have to remember is that there are some good things that happen too. Divert your focus to the things that are good and they will shadow over the bad. We all have things in our lives that happen that we label as "bad." Even though it appears that these events are coming at us like a bulldozer, we need to step aside and let them pass. Grab the good stuff and hang on for dear life. Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it eludes you, but turn your thoughts to other things and it may come sit softly on your shoulder.
• Canada
26 Jan 09
There's more? Horrors! (((((((((((((((((heavens))))))))))))))))
• Canada
26 Jan 09
First of all, I want to say how glad I am to see you here as it has been quite a while since I have seen you around! Thanks also for stopping by here to inspire me today! We had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Years spent with family it's just all that has happened since then!!! I will say that I am thankful that our son's therapy costs are covered for a few months now thanks to the great generosity of my parents...We truly were blessed at Christmas and that was a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I know I should focus on the positive but when so much happens at once it is hard to do so! The thing is I have not shared all that has gone on here...there is more! One can only handle so much and you lose sight of the good! ~Heavens~
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• United States
26 Jan 09
Yes I have said stop it thats too much many times. And just tonight I just told my 17 yr old son stop it that is too much about 40 times. My step-daughter (who I raise like I gave birth to her) Has course hair so I have to use a strightning comb. Well I burned myself about 40 times because my son and his comedic behavior was getting on my nerves & I efnitely did not want to burn my daughter. He was getting on my nerve because he knows her self esteem is low & I was trying to get her hair looking good because I want her to feel good about herself. And as I type this he is probably plotting to come in my office and play another practical joke on me. In my house those 4 words "Stop That's Too Much!" Is used almost everyday. Oh I forgot it is defnitely used in the truck every day around the times of 7:15am & 2:50pm. Welcome to my world of those 4 words. I hear my self saying them so much I starting thinkin they were all of my children's names!
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• Canada
27 Jan 09
My prayers are with you for your son! Thanks so much for sharing with me here! ~Heavens~
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Jan 09
I can sympathise with you. it is very difficult when all these things happen at the same time. One at a time is bad enough but all together is more than stressful. I can imagine that you are feeling fragmented and do not know which way to turn. This may sound crazy but make a list of all your problems and then see what you can do to solve even one of them. If you have them written down then you will feel that you are a bit in ccontrol of your life. Get the lkitchen sorte out first with the landlord. Tis is unacceptable. Be polite but firm. son's behaviour. I don't know his age but is he old enough to understand and help in ther house? Can you get his support during these tough times? Ask him for help and tell him how you feel about his behaviour att his time., That it is too much to deal with right now. do you have other children? I ofund that when we went through the famine time on the farm if the boys knew what was rteally going on they were very cooperative and even did valuable work on the farm whne they were still young. We listened to their ideas too. I don't know your family so my advice is probably not very good. The best thing I do is pray and I am doing this right now for you. God bless you my friend.
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• Canada
27 Jan 09
Hello cynthiann! I will be looking into these outlets but first I must clean the apartment...things have went down hill here since I lost my daycare kids I thought I was going to have and so I lost the will to care if my place was clean and it is not acceptable for the Landlord to see so I have been cleaning as I have had the time! As for my boy he is five and has Autism so the behavior has to do with his understanding and social settings...Unfortunately, there will not be a quick or easy fix! He is our only child.... I like the idea of righting the list though even if most of the problems (Not listed here) are out of my control perhaps it will aid in a more concentrated prayer time! Thanks so much! I truly do need and appreciate your prayers! ~Heavens~
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@forslahiri (1042)
• India
26 Jan 09
Hi, Oh! this is my pet-word and sometimes even I say to my Boss. But where most wanted I could not say this --"My Smoking Habit". I wish I could have said this in 2009, sometimes and STICK TO IT. =Lahiri,Kolkata,India.
• Canada
27 Jan 09
I hope that you are successful in 2009 in quitting that smoking habit! ~Heavens~
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@joodzki6 (596)
• Philippines
26 Jan 09
well, we all have our own distress in life. Problems, uncomfortability and impatience normally happened. I know the feeling of what you've gone through, and that really made us felt bad. But accept it or not, those are normal. Everybody has its own problems but it will depend on the person how he or she will going to handle everything. Try to be positive in everything. stop thinking of negatives. i know its hard but i'm sure you can do it. Sometimes, it's all in the mind, if only you will widen your views, everything will be okay. Me, i always look at things in a happy way, though, there are worries sometimes but that's just for a while.
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
26 Jan 09
Hi heavens, As you likely have already seen, I've put a lengthy comment above to one of your respondents. I so hate to see what you've shared here, being misunderstood. I further see, that I could have placed another comment to one of your responses as well, but one is enough. The saying "Walk a mile in my shoes," comes to my mind here. As for me, you already know much of what's been going on in 2009. Along with losing our beloved Anna Belle, there are health concerns, continued financial stress, and the uncertainty for the remainder of the year. There are so many big decisions looming ahead. I'm continuing to trust God, to the 'best of my ability,' and I know he'll understand if I fall short. I strongly believe that 'His grace' is sufficient in these circumstances, and He will carry us, when we feel we can't go on anymore. Love and Big Hugs
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• Canada
27 Jan 09
Yes I saw your response and I thank you for it! It is true that I was not wanting to be misunderstood... That I could have brought all of what is in my life right now on myself would make me feel so sad and I'd just have to give up! I do believe that the Lord is teaching me something...I'll figure that out soon enough I suppose but most of my problems if not all are out of my control!! I know you are at the beginning of a particularly difficult year that has started off particularly bad on a couple of counts... I saw also that you referred to what else may be wrong in my life that I have not mentioned...Much of it is within the extensions of our family such as my cousin(s), SIL and Husband's Step Mom! Too much!!!! ~Heavens~
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• Canada
28 Jan 09
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• Canada
28 Jan 09
That's just me and who I am...You should know that by now! ~Heavens~
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
28 Jan 09
I hope next month gets better for you too heavens. It's hasn't been too bad for us considering hubby was sick for three weeks with gout and the meds they gave him weren't working. Just taking care of him tired me out and on top of that my son has been misbehaving at school since December. The teacher only told me about it in January as she thought he was going through a phase. It all started because of my part time work and the crazy hours I had to work. Our routine had broken since I took on more hours and it affected him. NOw that I am back on-call we are back into our routine and things are looking up. I'll stay positive though - have decided to be more compassionate and patient when it comes to my hubby and son.
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• Canada
28 Jan 09
That's definitely a wise decision I should take a lesson from you ~Heavens~
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
25 Jan 09
2009 sucks, I had hopes of a better year, but it seems that the old just keeps on coming, already at one point this month I have said I just give up, they say that god won't put anymore on your shoulders than you can take, well I think he is smothering a bunch of us. But I did decide that I would just give him all the problems and say, since you put so much on me, you can handle it, I give it all to you. There is always a breaking points for people and I reached mine well before the new year even started.
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• Canada
26 Jan 09
It does seem that way for so many people these days between money and health and family issues there seems to be so much these days for everyone and more for some than others...It is true I often wonder what God is trying to do as I know at least two families personally who are much worse of than me...of course, both of these are part of my extended family...So much going on for sure! I agree we need to give all of this over to God, if we don't we will surely explode!!! I keep reminding myself the He has a purpose and I know his ways and plans are for good! ~Heavens~
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I was making enough to pay for every bill, but I just rescued a cat from the having problems and now I have to go into more credit card debt. Also, I haven't gotten any work so far this week. I am supposed to work Friday, so we'll see. Subbing is always touch and go, so we never know if I will make enough work for the week payments or not. Every day, I never know if I have work or not. But my first month of the year, the pay equalled my bills with a little left over so I was able to bring my cat to the vet. But this rescue cat, that was unplanned. Thanks and take care.
• Canada
6 Feb 09
I know what Supplying is like...I did that before I had my son and most weeks was out five days a week but it is true I did not know from day to day if I would be working and was always on call! I am glad that you had enough to pay your bills for January...My prayers are with you in February as well! ~Heavens~
• Canada
7 Feb 09
Yes, I know what that is like too... March Break, Christmas Holidays, Long Week-ends and two months in the summer there was no pay for me but when I was working I made $16.30 an hour! Thankfully I had no children then and things worked out pretty well for me actually! My prayers are with you! ~Heavens~
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Thanks, they give us one week off in Feb in NY called Mid-winter break and that means lost income to me, so I need all the luck I can get for this month. Thanks and take care.
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• Philippines
26 Jan 09
2009 is just another blessing from the Lord, to thank Him for everything whether good things or bad things happen to us. The good Lord did not want us to suffer because His plan is to prosper us but because of some situations, wrong choices and wrong decisions we end up in a mess. like me, i did things without consulting even my husband now i'm suffering the consequences but i still thank God for it because i know He is teaching me something and that He is straightening my crooked ways although facing the consequences are really difficult. but i still look up the Almighty claiming His promises.
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• Canada
26 Jan 09
I 'do' understand what you're saying here, joycemiranda. It's true that we're taught to give thanks in all circumstances, but there are times in our lives when our situation is so dire, that we fall short of this goal of giving thanks. I do believe also that God understands this, and he doesn't expect us to be perfect. It is in these desperate times that He carries us, otherwise many of us would've fallen by the wayside long ago. It seems to me, that some people just have a lot more trials in their lives then others, and it remains a mystery. This doesn't mean that we 'always' bring these situations on ourselves. I'm sorry for whatever consequences you're now suffering, and trust that things will turn out for you. In the case of 'heavens' here, I 'know' that the things she's mentioned were not brought on by herself. As I believe she's mentioned here already, her son is autistic, and she struggles daily to care for him, while working far too many hours outside her home. Any person without a special needs child, would be exhausted from the schedule she keeps. She continues to explore every avenue, in her determination to give her son the best possible life. She's the one responsible for getting all of the support people they need, and for making sure that appointments are kept, etc. She's done a wonderful job, and it saddens me to see these new difficulties that their family is facing at her son's school. As for the other things she's mentioned, I'm sure the outlets that need repairing are just old, because of the age of the building they live in. It's hard to function when things like this happen, and you're already dealing with so much. She desperately needs to find new employment, and has tried many avenues which have not worked out so far. This too, is not her fault. I do believe God has been faithful in these circumstances, but surely there must be a victory around the corner. Again, 'we' are all only human, and God does understand this. I hope you don't mind me jumping in here heavens, but it's late, and I must say my heart broke (further) when I read 'this.' I didn't want to see your topic misinterpreted, as I certainly understand exactly where you're coming from. Hugs
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• Canada
27 Jan 09
Thanks so much Mom! I truly do appreciate you here as always! ~Heavens~
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• Poland
25 Jan 09
Yes, i say it very often. I don't give permission to use me by other person to make somethink what i wouldn't like to do.
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• Canada
25 Jan 09
I don't let others make me do anything I don't want to do either! It is good to be your own person Welcome to My Lot also! ~Heavens~
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@proudnana (192)
• Canada
25 Jan 09
Good Morning heavens, Oh how I can relate to what your going through, I have been there myself with one stressful thing happening right another, not recently mind you. My year has been going not to bad so far, although I did have a few rough days. When I start to feel overwhelmed in stressful situations the way you are feeling right now i find that it sometimes helps when you change your routine a little for the day, even if its just going out for a drive with your family and doing something different for a change. I know the problems will still be there when you get back from your outing but at least you won't be sitting there pulling your hair out and letting everything build up inside but rather enjoying the time spent with your family. A little break like this sometimes helps. I do hope things turn around for you and February is a better month. Take care ~proudnana~
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• Canada
25 Jan 09
Good Morning Nana! Thanks so much for stopping by! I agree that it is good to get out for a bit and enjoy some time...To make the most of a bad situation and pull some good out of it somewhere is so important! Me posting this discussion here this morning is a huge start in things turning around for me as I have not posted much here in the last three weeks with all of this going on... I believe I am on my way to getting back on track here for sure now! Love and Hugs ~Heavens~
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