How Many Religions Can One Be?
By panzerswifey
@panzerswifey (314)
United States
January 25, 2009 11:47pm CST
A friend asked me what religion I was and I said I was a Islamic Christian, and he asked what was that.
And I told him a person who believes in the teaching of bothe religions.
There are somethings in both religionsI totally know are true and agree with.
But in both religions there are somethings I do not agree with.
Actually I may become some other religions also.
What rule says I can not be more than one religion?
Why do I have to just stay with one? Is it wrong for me to respect & learn about others religious beliefs?
I am a person who believes that you can not love GOD is you do not love his peoples
and their beliefs and religions.
He created us all. We are not GOD and in all religious books it says to honor
The CREATOR and respect The CREATOR.
So why do people hate other peoples religion?
Did not your CREATOR tell you to love all and respect them?
So what is wrong with me being ore than one religion?
all I am doing is loving and respecting like My GOD has asked me to.
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15 responses
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
26 Jan 09
You're part of a certain religion if you were baptized in it. So you really can't be Islamic Christian because both faiths doesn't allow you to be baptized in any other religion except for one - if you were baptized Islam then baptized Christian after that then you're Christian because that's the last profession of faith that you had.
The CREATOR told us to become stewardess of His Creation. The CREATOR in Christianity refers to the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as three persons in ONE Triune God. In contrast to that, the Muslims believe that Christ is human and not God - they are "anti-Christs" in the most authentic sense of the term. They're Allah is one person in one God. The difference in faith is much too grave to consolidate in one person - this is impossible and I am afraid that you should rethink your notion of being Islamic Christian because there is no such thing.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Jan 09
So you really can't be Islamic Christian because both faiths doesn't allow you to be baptized in any other religion except for one
Sorry but thats not true...i have a couple of friends who are Christian Pagans (one is a Catholic Pagan) and their belief is that its between them and their God...which is how it should be...Just because YOU dont agree its possible doesnt mean its not possible..The OP obviously is comfortable following a mixture of religions and I say BRAVO to that..
I am afraid that you should rethink your notion of being Islamic Christian because there is no such thing.
According to YOU...but obviously there is since the OP is Islamic Christian..
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@panzerswifey (314)
• United States
26 Jan 09
How can there be no such thing?
Ghandi was 2 religions. And Ghandi was a very great prophet.
Actually I was never baptised to no religion I do have my certificate stating that I am
a muslim. I read the bible and the quran.
Not every christian believes the same. ALLAH is not a person, not a human.
There is only one GOD. He is called by many names.
But those names are all the same name.
The name sounds different to us because it is pronounced differently by different tongues.
And acutually I can call my self a Islamic Christian.
Why because there are people whoase religion is universalism.
The believe in all religions.
See when you only believe in one religion you close your mind to GOD.
Whe you start pointing out things in other religions you start to judge.
and in all religions GOD says not to judge.
So when people judge are they really being true to GOD.
And the one GOD we have made all people.
GOD did not make religion. Man made religion.
man seperated themselves into little groups called religion.
In reality we are all the same.
We all need water and food to survive.
I appreciate your opinion, but I will still be an Islamic Christian until I die.
i love both religions and it's people.
And I am sorry but I refuse to choose one.
Because they are both beautiful religions with beautiful peoples.
@panzerswifey (314)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I meant just what I said Ghandi was a prophet. Just because you may not believe he was a prophet I do.
I believe he was here to give a message and he did .
People chose not to listen. Ghandi was a very peaceful person.
He was a great person.

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Jan 09
[i]So what is wrong with me being ore than one religion?
all I am doing is loving and respecting like My GOD has asked me to[/i]
and thats all that matters....There ISNT anything wrong with blending religions...In fact I think it is a BETTER way to be in all honesty simply becuase it makes one more compassionate, understanding and openminded to the world around them...I'm a Pagan Buddhist with a little Native American Spirituality and Vodou tossed in adn I could care less what others think, they arent me..bottomline its the best path for me and has been nothingn but wonderful...i have a friend who is a Catholic Witch...ppl think its impossible and so on but her attitude is that its nobodies biz...She's talked to God about it and they have an understanding...
I say good for you! do what is right and best for you and dont worry what naysayers think...theyre just too narrowminded to get it
thats their loss

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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Jan 09
In my world we are one and until we all unite as one we all will continue to suffer.
that is so true!! and the fact that its reality is quite sad...yet ppl just dont seem to understand that and would much rather be narrowminded and live that "my way is the only right way" attitude....
My kids are being raised to be openminded as well..they've both looked into and learned about numerous religious paths from all of mine to christianity to Satanism and the list goes on..I'm very proud to say that my kids are very accepting, openminded and compassionate ppl and I wouldnt have it any other way 

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@panzerswifey (314)
• United States
26 Jan 09
The reason I tell my children it is their decision on how they decide to worship s
because the message from our creator comes to us all differently.
We all do not understand the same way. I believe thats why we have different religions.
I am just one of the many persons like your self who happens to believe that
One religion and closed mind is the way to go.
christians call GOD JEHOVAH and Muslims call GOD AllAH.
both names are the same.
People can argue me down over it.
Thats just how I believe.
I may rattle some cages but it is fine. If they were so sure and secure in their
belifs then nothing could get them upset over religion.
I never get upset because I know what I am doing is perfectly ok and it is
what is best for my family.
It may not be for some, As for us we love it.
@panzerswifey (314)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Guess what I been studying all your religions also because I think they are beautiful.
I have a open mind and I allow my children to have open minds.
I love worshiping with different people and in different ways.
People are beautiful and when we bash their religion and culture
We step into the world of hate.
and thanks for your response to the comment about me not being Islamic Christian.
There are alot of people out there like me who are scared to come forward.
I am not afraid because I know that to respect is to love
and how can you say you love any GOD is you can not respect you neighbors religion and culture.
Does not all religions say to respect and love one another, don't kill, don't steal,
In my world we are one and until we all unite as one we all will continue to suffer.
I am not trying to offend anyone. I just have friends of all religious faiths and
backgrounds and I think that their religions are beautiful
and yes I will learn about them all.
I have no closed mind.
and I will not raise my children to be closed minded.
I grew up thiking peagans where evil children of the devil.
OMG I met some peagans and I did not get possesed.
infact they very loving even more so than some so called christians.
So people need to re-evaulate their own thinking.
My thinking and beliefs is to love and respect those as I wish to be.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
27 Jan 09
Wow…that’s one of the best definitions I have come across…Islamic Christian is a wonderful way of expressing your belief and respect for both the religions. You are also correct in saying that nothing stops you from exploring other religions…rather learning about all religions makes us a better person, makes us understand each other more thoroughly. But I do think that once a person really understands the values of more than one religion (the more the better, in fact) s/he no longer stays religious but becomes spiritual. And spirituality knows no bounds, you can enjoy every knowledge on this earth, once you have that connect with Him.
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@panzerswifey (314)
• United States
28 Jan 09
I am a more spiritual person than I am religious. In my opinion people
are to worried about thehouse of worshp and how others are worshiping.
Islam and Christianity are the two religions I grew up having around me.
Not all Christians believe GOD was a man. People get highly upset when it comes to religion.
But if we knew it all and knew the exact truth there would not be so
many religions out there.
We know nothing! We are human and unperfect. If we knew our creator so
well people would not be getting so upset on this post right here.
That is why I have respect and love for all religions and beliefs.
I refuse to just stop and believe that only one religion is the best & true religion.
I have met some very loving good people of different faiths & beliefs.
I find it hard to believe that is one religion is false and the other is right
why are these people so nice and loving?
If it aint religion people are talking about what skin color is the best people.
It will always be a 5 yr olds game mine is better than yours.
I am not 5 yrs old and I am not brain washed.
mine is better than your does not exist in my lifestyle.
because my skin color is not better than yours
my beliefs are not better than yours
I am not better than you
I am just like you and If I am dying and I need a doctor to say me
am I gonna say let me die because your a christian or a muslim.
People need to get off it. and do as you are instructed in all religions,faiths &beliefs.
and that is to love and respect one another.
If your so busy playing the mine is better than yours game
Then how are you being true to your GOD , Creator or who ever you believe created you?
I am not saying this is for one single person to answer.
It is for all to ask themselves.
I asked myself that long ago and that is why I am a free spirit that respects and
It is also why I am happy today.
@murugezh (273)
• India
27 Jan 09
Hi I would like to appreciate your posting panzerswifey. First of all we should love each and every human being around the world. You are one step ahead you are loving other religion also. The loving other religion is not an simple work for we need to know about that religion so you knew them very well. If people are able to love each and every religion then the people can derive what all religion try to say, all that say is love each other, live peacefully.
@becdmd (704)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
hmm...I think there's nothing wrong in respecting other religions, but as far as I'm concerned about religion, there should only be believing in only one God. And it is not really about religion, it's about relationship with God. (^_^)
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I see nothing wrong with believing in more than one religion, after all, modern day Christianity and Islam and other religions are full of borrowed ideas from earlier pagan religions. I know people do not like hearing that sort of thing but it is the honest to Gods truth. So personally I see nothing wrong with people believing and following more than one religion. I think people should just believe what they want to believe and be happy. Not every religion is unique to it's religion anyway.

@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I agree. People think Pagans are evil, dirty people, when they don't realize, Christmas is influenced by Pagans as Jesus could not have been born in December, or that the Christmas tree really is a Pagan influence. Or Easter, what does eggs and bunnies have to do with Jesus being ressurected? Nothing. It's all Pagan traditions to make the transition from Pagan to Christian easier.
@panzerswifey (314)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Well you can never tell people they are worshiping with strong pagan influence.
They think that pagans are bad and are of the devil.
But they continue to participate in pegan influenced holidays and activities.
People really need really do some deep down studies on religions and GOD.

@steerpyke (396)
26 Jan 09
If more people acknowledged that all religions are just shared paths towards a common question then maybe the world would be a more harnonious place. We, as humans are very good at killing each other over what book, badge or uniform we subscribe to, when really we are all search for the same answers.
And If I am wrong, I would rather be wrong and innocent, than right and a murderer.Any god who wouldnt rather see that happen is not for me.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I hate labels. So if someone asks me about religion I just say I believe what I believe. I also do not believe I have to prove what religion I am to anyone....and I identify with different ones, Baptist, even Wicca. So if someone asks I just tell them I believe in God, and I believe it's a personal relaionship between me and him. No one else.
Plus, I do not think there is only one true religion and people make religion anything they want who knows.
I say stay true to your beliefs and as long as you have a strong ethical foundation no one can falter it.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
26 Jan 09
First of all, nobody here said you're wrong to be an Islamic Christian, as far as i am concerned, your right in freedom of choice in religion is guaranteed by our constitution. If you want to be a follower of all the religions in the world, is fine with me too, just don't let those sectarians and extremists hatred get to you, they will hate you so long as you do not follow the same faith as them.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I am SO on the same page with you. I am fascinated by many religions and I have not converted to any yet but I still receive answers from many. I don't understand why a lot of people become so stingy and offended when we interrelate with different religions. One love!
@kimberly99 (54)
• United States
26 Jan 09
There is no religion that can bring you to heaven just believe in him, I don't judge other religions i beleieve in God and his miracles..He is Creator and savior and the coming king..
Some people criticize according to thier religion but that's how they beleive you know we can't blame them.
But its nice to share how wonderful to have a God in your life.
@str8jackit (7)
• Portugal
27 Jan 09
Actually, you can only have One religion.
What you can have is many philosofies of life.
When you talk about a religion, you talk about one specific way of seing the after-life and it's gods. There is no religion that accepts gods from other ones, so we can realise that you can have one religion.
Has for philosofies of life, you can have as many as you may like. Philosofies of life are ways of living that makes you happy with yoursef... and there are so inoumerous ways of doing that.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Actually, it sounds like you are Bah'ai, which is essentially one religion, but a mixture of many.