Do you think video games are bad for your children and your wallet?
By Firefly99
@Firefly99 (251)
United States
January 26, 2009 3:32pm CST
I have three children and each of them are video game crazy! My oldest has grown out of the video game stage now and I have noticed we are saving a little more money now.
My youngest two are ino the games so much they cannot not share and we always ended up breaking up fights! So they ended up both having an xbox 360 if their own in each of their rooms, they also each have an nintendo DS and individual games of their own. We recently got them a WII system, But only one because we thought that this was a game system they would actually like to play together, but no such luck.
Problem is they are each into their own style of games. They do not agree on any one game. So this is causing us to spend way to much money at christmas and birthdays and such. They each want different games for their DS and the 360 and now they want me to pay to keep them on xbox live monthly. I dont think so!
I took the WII back and bought ME a new Blu-Ray player and told them if they dont start agreeing on the same games to share and take turns with on their game systems I will take those also!
I am going to nip this in the bud real quick, But I was wondering what you guys think about kids and Video games of today and what you think of the video game Systems/games prices etc? Is it getting a bit out outrageous? Or am I just too old-fashioned by thinking my kids should have one system and only games to share?
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17 responses
@blueyeqtpy (14)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I think if you have the money to do it than why not? But I do not think that video games are good for children?
too many kids are becoming really lazy from sitting around playing games all day and not outside in the woods like we use to be!
But I agree with you and Good for you for taking their games away. i would make them share or nothing at all!
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@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I agree they can get lazy from playing the games all day
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
Hi there!
I have brothers whose now in their 20's but are still crazy about video games. Since childhood they have had several brands of game consoles already. Whatever comes out in the market they've got to have it and yes it's expensive. But I wouldn't consider video games a bad thing as long as it is done in moderation. It's a way to bond with the family cause there are games that can be played by adults.
But parents must still guide their kids and teach them to manage their time playing. Especially sharing it with other siblings. Like what we did when my brothers were still young. What's good is that now, they're the ones who buy the games themselves.

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@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I know what you mean, My Brother is 30 now and has a son, AND his son has a ps2, DS and a Wii, And my brother has His OWN ps2 with his own games and he now has a PS3 he bought for himself, Not my nephew. So I guess I am not the only one with video game problems lol.
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@worm69camaro (53)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I am 33 and I love guitar hero and rock band! LOL My kids mad at me for hogging their game system lol
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I don't think video games are really that bad for children especially if played in moderation. They can be bad for your wallet too if you don't shop around for the best prices. Maybe the best thing to do is tell them you're not buying them a lot of games from now on and start shopping for used games. Tell them they get a game budget of so many games a month or every so many months. Make them choose their games more carefully next time. And, by buying used games at stores like Gamestop or the equivalent you can save a few dollars here and there. Plus, you can also sell them back to the store when they're finished with them and get some money back or you can get store credit.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
27 Jan 09
You could always tell them it's rewards for sharing and playing games together or something. Tell them the better they cooperate maybe you'll consider every once in awhile upping their game limit or something.
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Yes we love game stop and do sometimes buy used games and i am going to try the monntly game budget you suggested! That sounds like a good idea! :)
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@anjalisharma_iipm (805)
• India
27 Jan 09
In my thougth i prefer to play vedio games .because entertainment is very important in our lifes ,and children like too much to play vedio games but it has lot of limitations is there like children forget there daily activity and school.
@kimberly99 (54)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I know you you truly love your kids of course, letteing them tp play the games,i think its not that bad as long as you let them play in a certain time, perhaps its bad when you let them play for many hours thats not good for them, but its not good to spoiled them too, i think you spoiled them thats why they used to to tell to buy another one and new one..anyway you are a mother you know the best for your kids better than us so..
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Yes, I agree. Between my husband and I, we have spoiled them a bit I think.
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@worm69camaro (53)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I spoil my kids also! Dont beat yourself up about it,
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@worm69camaro (53)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I dont think video games are bad for your kids if they only play them for a resonable amount of time? I dont think they should be on a video game 24/7.
They can be expensive tho.
And i know with my kids they dont understand or care that the games they want are 60 bucks a pop, they just want the game! Hey if you can afford it great go for it but dont go overboard.
i dont see anything wrong with having two 360's in your house if you have 3 boys. It should save alot of hassle of fighting and as far as the Ds 's go, they are handheld and the games are less expensive and they can chat back and forth on those so yea each of the kids should have one of their own. Just dont let it hurt your wallet to much.
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Thanks for the comment and I agree with you also. :)
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
27 Jan 09
I can at least take care of my wallet, but once addicted, there’s no way you can take care of your children after that. I am simply scared of the video game addiction syndrome. Its for this reason, I am forever acting poor to my son and why I have not taken internet at home. online games are just as bad (if not worse) and with no batteries to go off, kids are just hooked to the net forever. Its not only bad for their eyes, it drains their intelligence and makes a couch potato of them.
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Thanks for your response and I agree.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
26 Jan 09
If you truly believe that your kids should only have one system, and share their games, then why do you buy them all these expensive systems and games? You're enabling their behavior.
I have 5 children, granted the little 2 are still babies so don't count. My oldest is 11 and the most into video games in our house, although my 6 year old twins like them too.
Here's how our video game systems break down.... the twins don't own any of their own games or systems. They watch their older brother and their dad play, and sometimes play along as well.
My oldest son got his first game boy... yes, the old old game boy, a year ago for Christmas. At his birthday we gave him OUR OLD game cube. Any games he recieved were purchased used, obviously because they stopped making game cube games.
At that time my husband had just purchased himself a USED ps2. Later in the year he was given a free x box 360, so at Christmas we gave the ps2 to my oldest son and purchased him some games he'd like from a used game store.
My oldest son plays his ps2 during his free time as he pleases, but the x box he can only play with his dad. The twins are allowed to play the ps2 with their brothers permission, and again, can only play x box with dad.
The game cube and game boy have been put away since nobody is interested in them anymore.
So we have never once purchased a new system or even a new game. I refuse to spend that kind of money just to spoil the children. There are plenty of more productive things they can do with their time!
@blueyeqtpy (14)
• United States
26 Jan 09
UHH? I think they said they were not buying anymore seperate games anymore and took on system back or did you miss that?
Anyway whats so special about your 11 year old he gets all the game systems and your other two children have to get his permisson to play HIS games? Or beg him?
That doesnt sound too fair to me, sounds like you might be enabling your eleven year old to become a spoiled child? :)
Thank You
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Because 6 year olds dont need their own seperate system. That's just far too young, and believe me, my oldest is far from spoiled. Just because he was given our old, used game systems does not make him spoiled in the least.
@worm69camaro (53)
• United States
26 Jan 09
You are right, A six year old child cannot really understand whats going on in video games of today and do not need their own video game systems.
At the same time I dont think Fly is enabling her kids to be spoiled either, i understand where she is coming from. Two boys into their own thing are going to fight over the game and two systems for a house of three boys does not sound like a bad idea to me, again if you can afford it.
And by the way fly, was one of the 360's for your older son that was passed down to one of the younger kids?
If so that does make perfect sence.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
27 Jan 09
The technology is constantly improving and when a product first comes out on to the market it's always going to very expensive due to popular demand. However, the price will eventually come down and this is a good thing. Video games are good as long as there can be some kind of balance. It sounds like you are in a difficult position though. You seem to be handling it quite well. It would be nice if a family could agree on the one system but I guess everyone has their own individual choices. There's another thing about video games and I don't know whether this is true or not but it was mentioned that these games actually make you more intelligent. Some of the games deal in problem solving and the like, there's generally content in the game where you have to constantly figure something out. I think video games do get your mind ticking over, good for the brain as it were. Good luck with your own situation anyhow. Andrew
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
27 Jan 09
You are so right, And my youngest son is really into these type stradegy games. My oldest is more into the sports games such as, Football, Baseball. basketball etc... And thats where the fighting and arguing over the games began.
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
I think it's more bad for your wallet than for your children lol! Wow! two Xbox 360 each?! I think that's too much. One Xbox 360 is enough for one home. I think that is being impractical. I think you need to exercise your authority in them. The game itself is kind of expensive so that's double the expense! Kids would love to have you as their mom! hehe..
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
27 Jan 09
LOL, I know I did not really think that much of having the two 360's until their friends (after sleeping over) would go home to their parents complaining and wanting their OWN game system and the parents would then call me to see if my kids really did actually have their own 360?
With the handheld DS, Nobody really sees a problem with them each having their own, but people seem to think I need to get rid of one the 360's because that is just to much.
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@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Yes I'll agree that video games do probably do a good amount of damage to the children's parents wallet but it's something for them to do right? My brother likes video games a lot and I did to when I was a kid. Now I'm starting to be interested in them again. Video games can be a positive thing for children though because it gives them something to take their stress away from school that they probably have built up and it helps them so they don't get bored. Don't worry though I think that pretty much every child will eventually grow out of video games or at least get old enough to buy their own.
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Yes I think they can be good for the kids. It really depends on what games they are playing but the 360 has really helped my youngest son out alot with his reading.
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@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Yes I am beginning to see just how bad it is for the wallet! :(
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@worm69camaro (53)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I would like to say that I have also heard of cases where children actually benefited and learned more from playing certain games and game systems and I find this very interesting. I wonder if there have ever been any studies done on this?
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@yina24 (358)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
Well, in response to video games, it's too numerous nowadays... too many to mention because even on internet, our children can still play... Technology is rising every now and then so it's quite hard for us moms to let our children quit.. it's not that we're being in an old-fashion way, but we're just trying to limit their use of those such...
I have my five year old daughter.. she's not into gaming but then it happened one day from morning til 12nn, she's playing in the computer... i got a hard time stopping her since she will cry out loud and her father will hit her.. so i just stopped from nagging her to stop...
but then, i explained to her the causes and effects of playing for long hours... we just needed to be more patient and up-to-date to for the advantages and disadvantages of letting our children get intact with the use of such...
Since my daughter is still in her pre-school years, so it's quite easy for me to explain..
It's really hard for your kids to quit as of now.. but try to introduce some games to them which are unrelated with the use of computers.. also to give them some examples, news, or pictures of what might happen to their own health...
Let them have some workshops outside of your house.. I guess it'll a lot cheaper and they can even meet some new friends.. There's no harm in trying anyway^^ hope this helps..:)
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I have the Internet problem with my 15 year old so I know what you mean and thanks for your response. :)
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@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
i have four children and we have 1 nintendo ds, 1 psp and 1 ps2. if they are not going to learn to share then it is better that i keep it all and not let them play. i am a single mom and buying them each is not a good idea. my son has his own games and the girls share the same likes of games. sometimes there are also games that my son plays with the girls. they need to learn to share or else they can not play
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I agree with you and we did start out with just one game system each.
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@nchap36 (556)
• United States
26 Jan 09
I really think video games are bad on your pocket. Its a good way to get you kids out of your hair. When they are on there video games its so peaceful. I'm so glad my daughter has grow up out that stage, but now its designer clothes, shoes, purses, and jewerly. Wait minute I'm still getting it bad. Oh well we can't win for losing.
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
26 Jan 09
Yes it does keep them out of your hair and thats why we had two lol! But I am in the same boat as you with my 15 year old. he grew out of the video games and into name brand clothing and shoes, cell phones, ipods, etc! I guess it is always going to something and actually gets more expensive as they get older! :(
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@juliotostado (168)
• Chile
26 Feb 09
You made a big mistake buying to them different systems for each one, the solution there it was to teach them how to share. When I was kid I shared all my consoles with my 2 brothers, and I had no probmel with that, even I learned to play the same game with them, or even having fun just watching them playing.