Nighttime Problems
@MichellinaGem (164)
United States
January 27, 2009 7:57am CST
Okay I am truly baffled by this and would like suggestions on why it happens and what to do. Starting last Monday my son who is two and a half suddenly started dwaking up in the middle of the night crying. He has done this ocassionally before though I have never been able to find a reason. However he has done this every night now since then. He actually usually wakes up twice. Once around 9:30 or 10. He usually is in bed around 7:30. He then wakes up again at about 1. He is very difficult to get back to sleep. He basically just wakes up and seems to be either hurtor scared but I cannot find a reason and as he cannot talk yet I cannot get him to give me an answer. Any ideas??
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13 responses
@juveriam786 (111)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Same situation, my son was a good sleeper then he started waking up in the middle of the night, and now he's in our bed. And my daughter is following suite, I feed her so she wakes up anyway, but she has migrated to our bed. Thats the problem. Dont let him migrate to your bed. Try to console him and keep him in his room and bed. Once they come over its hard to break them of the habit. Try giving him a warm bath before bed, and instead of putting him to bed at 7:30 try 8. When does he take his naps? Sometimes if kids nap a lot time during the day they will be too fresh to sleep. My son was doing that. But he didn't nap today lets see if he sleep in his bed tonight.
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@lovesummer (1162)
• Malaysia
29 Jan 09
from my experiences kids dont sleep well when they got too tired hmm.. maybe get him more to nap see if it helps..
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@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
He only takes one nap at around 1 on days I don't babysit and at 11 on days I do. I have never let my kids sleep with me because I always heard stories from peoople who had kids 6 or even older still in their beds. I quit giving bath right before bed because they play so much in the bath that it makes them alot more awake than they were when they started the bath. I give it right after dinner now and then let them wind down for about an hour before bed.

@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Have you considered that he might have teeth coming in? It can be really hard for babies to sleep when they are cutting teeth. When the back ones are starting to come in, you might not even know it and those are the most painful. I would suggest trying a couple of things. First of all, if you don't own any Hyland's Homeopathic Teething Tablets, get some. These were a lifesaver when my son was teething at that age. They are completely safe for kids to take and are just little chalky tablets that taste kind of like sweet milk. You just put them under the child's tongue and they dissolve instantly. Really easy and not terribly expensive. You can get them in the pharmacy section at most Wal-mart stores. Sometimes you have to search for them, but I've found that most of them carry them. Now, you say that he seems to be hurt or scared when you go to him. First of all, if it is teething, then he might be a little freaked out by the pain in his mouth and that could explain why he is behaving that way. I would suggest going to him, but not picking him up and not talking to him. You can maybe murmur a couple of reassuring "It's OK"s, but you don't want him to learn that by waking up in the middle of the night, he will get attention from you. Lay him back down in his crib and rub his back or belly, depending on what side he sleeps on. (My son was a tummy sleeper even with the SIDS scares. I have his terrible gas and a baby that was able to flip himself over at 3 days old to thank for that.) You also want to avoid taking him to your bed, as tempting as it may be. You don't want him to learn that waking up in the middle of the night means sleeping with mom and dad, either. From your basic description of the behavior, it really sounds like teething to me. I don't know if he has all of his teeth yet or not, but that was my first thought from reading your question. The only other thing I can think of is nightmares. If that's the case, react in the same way when you come to him in his room and eventually, the nightmares should probably stop. However, I think that it would be very unlikely that he is having multiple nightmares each night for several nights. I would say that that is not typical, which leads me to believe that it's something like teething.
@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Thank you. I do have the tablets as I have found them useful for all the children as they started cutting their teeth. He has most of his teeth. But as several people have mentioned this I am thinking that he might be cutting hs two year old molars now. He has always slept on his tummy too. He just would not sleep on his back due to gas, so I gave up and let him sleep on his tummy. I don't take him to bed with me, but I have been picking him up and talking to him and things. It might be best to cut down on that stuff to encourage him to not make a habit of this.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
28 Jan 09
hi daughter(elementary years) one time woke up in the middle of the night and went directly to the bathroom to take a bath..well thanks to God that it did not happen again...not really sure of your son though since he is so young at 2 years old to sleep walk at that...did you remember of anything that happen that cause him to do that...maybe he was traumatize or scared on something that during his sleep he still have it..
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@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I have tried desperately to think of anything near the time this started that could cause it. Honestly the scariest thing that happened is that I cut his hair with the barber style electric clippers for the first time and he ended up with really really short hair. He seemed mostly Okay while I did it though.
@JHEZ924 (119)
• Philippines
28 Jan 09
hi, Im also a mom of a 1-yr old son and I also experiencing that... I also don't know the reason since he can't speak yet.. Maybe he's not comfortable on his position, maybe a bad dream, maybe something hurts on any part of his body, and whatever... So what I do is when he cries during the middle of the night, I just hug him and say "Why baby, don't worry mom is here and I will not leave you." after that he will stop crying and we will go back to sleep together.
It actually helps knowing that somebody is on their side and it is very comforting to them that they feel our love for them even in that very simple words and action.
@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Thank you I always do my best to get to him and comfort him quickly.
@Corimore (249)
• United States
28 Jan 09
amazing enough my 1yr old started doing this but I've gotten pretty lucky. She has been able to talk pretty well since she was about 10 months old. She wakes up crying and saying more milk or hurts or belly so i know what she needs. My son on the other hand didn't talk till he was two and he started waking up screaming when he was sixteen months come to find out he was having night terrors caused by growing pains and physical changes. Talk about scary when all you can do is give them tylenol and wait it out.
@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I don't know how to find that out for sure. would it hurt to give him tylenol anyway??
@MissAmie (717)
• United States
28 Jan 09
It definately sounds like night terrors. My nephew does the same thing. He will scream and even be standing up but will not respond to anyone. After you shake him a bit and call his name loudly he will wake up and say he had a bad dream and go back to sleep. It was very scary to watch. I thought something terrible was wrong, but after a few times I guess I got used to it.
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@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Sounds alot like my son since he really will seldom respond at all. he just crys and crys. I could try to wake him up more fully then put him back to sleep to get him out of the dream perhaps.
@davido (1623)
• Canada
28 Jan 09
I think since you know the time he wakes up now maybe youll try to be around him then so when he is about to he feels our hand around him he may sleep back quickly. He will soon stop it i part of things that happens any way. He may be hungry!!!
@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Thank you. It is a good idea to try to be there before he wakes so I can get him back to sleep before he fully wakes up. I have been giving him a drink, i could try a snack as well I guess to see if he is hungry.
@swietekfam (363)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Could be many reasons. The most logical is bad dreams. I am a mom of 3 boys and my youngest is 6 now and once in a while awakens crying or whining. I used the monster spray method on them when putting them to bed. Its just regular air freshener I would spray into the room at bed time. That helped out alot.
Another logical explanation could be growing pains. They are young and do not know how to tell us they hurt or are achy. And usually its periodical in nature so if that is the case then that could be the culprit.
I know its difficult when as parents we cannot make everything all better right away but just some extra love and tenderness is all we can do.
@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Thank you. I had fogotten that there were real growing pains. That could be it as I am pretty sure he is in a bit of a growth spurt.
@kezabelle (2974)
27 Jan 09
Is he very upset like screaming? if so id say night terrors these occur at the same time each night and while distressing to watch at the time they dont remember it and they arent actually awake and never remember it the following morning.
If he is just waking and refusing to go back to bed just be firm and put him back to bed each time he gets out it takes time but he will soon realise you mean for him to go back to sleep
Good luck weve had it at several times with both our girls (almost 5 and 3 years old) and its never easy but will pass xx
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@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
He wakes not really screaming but certainly crying. He always seems scared. He seems awake enough to want me to hold him and to somewhat respond. I don't thini he is just trying to get out of bed.
@mjmlagat (3170)
• Philippines
27 Jan 09
Sometimes kids just have routinary sleeping habits and maybe this is one of his. If he is not feverish or feeling ill or something, there's nothing wrong with him. Sometimes kids get irritated with the disturbance caused by wee-wee so that is why they cried. My son when he was still at that age experienced the same thing, it was only during the time that I stopped wearing diapers on him that I learned that he was irritated when being awaken by his wee-wee.

@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
27 Jan 09
Thank you. Maybe if I try to make him go potty before bed it would help, or make sure to change him as soon as he wakes up. Thanks fo rthe idea, hadn't really thought of it.
@rainmark (4302)
27 Jan 09
My son is more likely similar to your son.When he wakes up every middle of the night or 1am or 3am i give him his bottle of milk and he gets back to sleep. Sometimes when he really cries and cries it's because of his teething. So i give him a teething gel and i put him to our bed to give him a cuddle and he gets feeling better andget back to sleep.
So maybe your son has his teething and try him to cuddle and get him back to sleep or give him a warm bottle of milk.
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@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Thank you. I usually refill his cup when He wakes up. I don't know if maybe he could be cutting his 2year old molars. he has all his other teeth.
@rizzu87 (860)
• Malaysia
27 Jan 09
at this little age children start observing things more, it can be the influence of the environment. Like the televisio, something on tv which made him scare, or not on the tv maybe in his observation he must have seen something scary. This is just my thought.
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@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Thank you. I don't think it could be the TV since we don't get TV channels so we just watch movies and therefore he just watches the same ones everytime. Unless he has recently become scared of one and doesn't show it when it is on. However you are right about being more observant and of course he could have seen something that I didn't even notice that was scary for him.
@rocko5150 (62)
• United States
28 Jan 09
he could be having bad dreams or waking up and possibly seeing dark figures. I know how this sounds but i have heard that children especially young kids can seee things that we can't. I had a friend who woke up and she swears she saw somekind of dark figure hovering over her and then it went away. I beleive that evil does exist and that they look for easy targets such as children. Do some research on the web on deamons and children
@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I certainly believe evil exists, but am pretty sure that if my son is seeing dark figures it would be the shadows caused by the light outside his window. Evil always preys on innocence, youth and those that are unable to understand and fight it. I do believe in demons, but not like that.