How Organized Is Your Dresser?

@gtargirl (5376)
United States
January 27, 2009 1:12pm CST
Do you have a sock drawer, a personals drawer, one for shirts, another for skirts, dresses, pants etc? I'm the kind to do my laundry, fold my laundry and stick it whichever drawer needs filling. I wonder if this might be a small indication of what kind of person we are? Just asking.
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25 responses
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
28 Jan 09
I only use small dressers for socks, and other accessories. I hang up most of my clothes. Keeps them wrinkle free, and its less work for me.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
You must have a big closet.
• United States
29 Jan 09
I don't have alot of clothes. Or shoes
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Yep, my dresser is very organized. Socks all put together, undies one the same drawer off to the side and the rest of the drawers are neatly arranged also. I spend too much time as it is searching for things so this saves me time. I know where to search for good sweaters and shorts and even have a craft drawer in my big dresser. The rest of our house is a mess in places. Have one bedroom and the dining room table that needs to be cleaned off and straightened up. It's a good winter project I need to tackle real soon.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Great pun...rofl
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I love those winter projects. It'll be worth it when the whole house looks like the inside of your drawers. Wait . . . that didn't sound right.
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@snowy22315 (186374)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I guess that there are some drawers I reserve for certain items but really I kind of live out of the washer and dryer. I dont really do anything to totally put the laundry away. I tend to wear the same clothes over and over so I dont really put the stuff away most of the time. I live in Virginia so you never know when you will need various kinds of clothes.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Well, at least they're clean. That's always a good thing.
@thorgrym (675)
• United States
27 Jan 09
BIG pile on the floor! Seriously, I need to work on that. Due to medication and disability, I gained a lot of weight really quickly. Because of this, I had to buy new clothes. I don't want to get rid of the old clothes because I hope to lose all the weight and be able to wear them again. So, aside from my sock drawer (gee, my feet are the same size!), I don't keep too much stuff in a dresser that I actually wear.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Big pile on the floor??? That can't look to attractive. I'm glad you still have the sock drawer.
@thorgrym (675)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Well, it's in the corner at least
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
28 Jan 09
hello gtargirl how organized is my dresser? some of my dresser drawer's are very organized, like my socks, undies and things like that. other of the drawer's need cleaned out very badly. i have one dresser drawer that i just keep reciept's in, and it needs to be cleaned out bad. there is not enough time in the day to do things like that, you know? lol but sometimes, while that i am watching television in my bedroom, i will sort through my dresser drawer's and clean them out and organize them. take care and have a beautiful evening.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Ah, cleaning up those dresser drawers . . . it's a never-ending task, I say. Hope you're having a beautiful evening too, my friend.
@srbollar (259)
• United States
27 Jan 09
I have specific drawers for everything, but I also have a laundry chair... I just pile up everything there because I never feel like putting it away. lol I'm a slacker like that. I haven't seen that chair without anything on it in months! ~Jesus loves you and I do too~
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Ah, yes, I used to have a laundry chair. My kids lived out of that chair. We're slightly more organized these days.
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 Jan 09
With my clothes yes I am a bit organized but not that much.. But I do keep my clothes they way they should be.. I have a drawer that keeps my personal undergarments.. another drawer for some of my creative collections like some decorative items and my little box of memories(like gifts I got in my past for my birthday) And third is for daily used sutffs like deodrants perfumes and napkins, and some documents as well.. which can be used latest... I don't know this is my habbit when I ever I lost something my wardrobe is the first thing where I search for it. Then I have the place(in my wardrobe itself) where I hang all my shirts, tops and mufflers, scarfs, belts, and night wears. In lower department I hang my jeans, pants, and capri and stuff Right besides it there is another department where I hang my skirts and this winter I am keeping my sweaters and pullovers there as well. Then I have another department for my shoes where I keep my all footwears. Thankgoodness my dad got a personal wardrobe made for me.. So I take full use of it. I would still say that I am not an organized freak.. As I don't do my laundry my self.. I did do it earlier when we had no maid.. There are days when I feeling like doing nothing. And ironing my clothes umm I do that once in two months otherwise I iron my shirt/skirt/pants the day before I have to wear them or sometime I ed up handelling the busy morning.
• India
29 Jan 09
ha ha .. Not exactly.. I would call it an "all in one dresser".. thats it.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I'm thinking you must have some huge dressers.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
28 Jan 09
It's semi organized LOL I mean I use the top drawer for socks, underwear, bras etc and the second drawer is for teeshirts and small tops, third drawer for hoods and sweatops (if i can fit them in) and the 4th drawer for casual pants and skits. Some of them are not folded but just thrown in there. I hang most of my work clothes in our closet and those that need ironing.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I tend to have my drawers organized like that too. It's just when I have so much laundry, I begin tossing them into whichever drawer. Hanging them is good too, but that's where I lose space.
• Philippines
30 Mar 09
Honestly, my dresser is not organized. All different colors are mixed in one place. I don't have the time to arrange it since I am always busy. Do you know even planning for a wardroble a day before going to work, I can't do that. My idea of dress will be decided that day itself. I will just pick what is available dress for me. I don't give much of value in this area. I envy those people who can arrange their dresses, they have a time for it. It means that they are ready for everything and they really love themselves.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
31 Mar 09
OH, I think I'm a lot like you. I'm very happy when my clothes are washed and slightly folded, tucked away in my dresser. It's all good.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Well, since I just recently went through all my dresser drawers, culling out things I never wear, in preperation for a move I have coming up in the next month or two......I actually have my drawers sorted out. I have one for socks, etc. One for my pajama/lounge pants, and two for t-shirts. It actually makes it easier to find things and actually easier and quicker, for me, when putting up the laundry. Not sure if it is an indication of what kind of person we are or not. I'm not a clean freak, but I don't like clutter and
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Now the trick is to keep it all organized.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
28 Jan 09
Hoi, But, if you stick it in each draw that needs filling, how do you find it back? I am not the most tidiest person, my BF folds up the cloths better than I do. But, I do have them all in certain places. Socks with socks, t-shirts with t-shirts ect. Indicating what kind of person you are? Never thought about that. I think in your case you don't forget easily.hahaha! Otherwise you could never find anything back. The take it easy kind of type, don't like to worry about little things. If you are not finished today, you know there's always tomorrow. No hurry. I might be wrong, I am just trying to figure this out, hahaha! As for my BF, he is very perfect minded, likes to do everything perfect. With him it is perfect or not at all. I don't like the not at all part. But, slowly he is changing his ways. He likes to have everyone elses life organized,often thinks he knows it better. hahaha! He wants to be able to put pieces in the right place, on the right way. I think that would describe his folding up, stacking up so neatly. As for me, I have to keep my socks with socks and so on. I am forgetful. If I am in a hurry and cannot find something I can get somewhat stressed , hahaha! But, I don't iron my close, unless really necessary. I don't fold them up properly. Just good enough that they don't wrinkle. Or fall off of the pile.hahaha! So I guess you could say I am a little sloppy. For me it is a waste of time, folding everything to the corner ect. I get bored easily. It is hard to try and describe myself. I don't know what words to use. hahaha! Easier to say something about someone else, hahaha! Groetjes Margajoe
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
See now, the way we keep our dresser tells us a little bit about ourselves. You described me pretty good, except for the good memory. I think my brain cells are dying off actually. But I don't sweat the small stuff and all that. Hey take care, Marga, and don't get too bored. Welte rusten.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
29 Jan 09
hahaha! If you can find everything back, you must have a good memory. But, I know what you mean. Sometimes I wonder if my brain cells are still there. Know that I got the iron tablets, my concentration is a lot better. I was really getting worried, I thought there was something terribly wrong with me. Seems I am only in need of white blood cells, hahahaha! It took me long enough to find out, hahaha! So, I am going to bed early today, welterusten. Take care.
@MissAmie (717)
• United States
28 Jan 09
When I first moved in to my apartment I had a separate drawer for socks, underwear, long pants, shorts, nice shirts, t shirts and pajamas. I also had them separated by family member. My hubby had his own drawers, I had mine and my daughter had her own. Now everything is piled (but folded at leatst) on top of the dryer. ha ha.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hehehe, I have a spot on the dryer and a special place on the ironing board for shirts and jeans.
@umcane86 (65)
• United States
29 Jan 09
LOL I was just thinking earlier how AWFUL my dresser and closet are. I need to spend 2 hours fixing it, but I just found mylot yesterday and am getting hooked!
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@bbaychic (45)
• United States
28 Jan 09
I don't have much drawer space, since the dresser is all screwed up and most of the drawers are broken. Sooo, I kinda cram everything in there. I do try to keep my knickers separate though! My babies clothes are sorted into plastic ziploc bags...mostly to keep the nice fresh detergent smell. Ahhh...*sniff*
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Is it time to hit all the good yard sales? Baby needs a nice dresser.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
31 Mar 09
My dresser is the most unorganized thing in my house besides my closets. I don't know how they get that way I can clean them out and straighten it and within a week it is a mess again and it doesn't help that my hubby is using it to pile his clothes on either. He has to many clothes and some has go to go or atleast go in a closet. I have alloted places for things to go in my drawer but sometimes I have socks in my other drawers and pants in the shirt drawer..enough to drive a sane person batty.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Jan 09
I do not have that much drawer room. I put my socks and underwear in one drawer, my t=shirts, and shorts in one drawer, and the rest, I either hang up or fold over a chair. Besides I have much of the drawers filled with our papers. My husband's side is a bit more organized. Yes I did that myself, he had nothing to do with it. Now if I bought a filing cabinet, I could put my papers in that, but right now I am saving for something else.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
4 Jul 09
Pretty much organized, when I have the space. Lately however there really isn't much space so many things are crammed in the same place, I don't think that it says anything about me, except maybe that I am running out of space :) Everyone can be organized when they have enough space to be anyways :)
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
31 Mar 09
My dressers are very organized at all! I just throw things in and it gets quite messy.
• India
28 Jan 09
Hello my friend gtargirl Ji, Well, to say I am little organised way, which I was never before my marriage some 40 yrs back. I was married to a soldier , who is now retired person and he made living in most organised manner. everything should be in disciplined manner. All house-hold otems should always be 'displayed' and not thrown. So i have my shelf, where i arrange my out-fits , keep all my sarees/bloses/under-garments hanging tidely with help of hangers even he is of the opinion that same colors of hanhers should be used for hanging particular saree. What he funny my husband. LOL!. may god bless you and hav e graet time.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Let's just say that my dresser is creatively organized. lol I can't find anything when everything's nice and tidy.