Television - Is it An Idiot Box ?
By deep_enjoy
@deep_enjoy (237)
January 27, 2009 11:01pm CST
In 20th century, television was called an idiot box but now what when we have discovery channel, history channel, national geography and many more. Not just this, we can even learn lot more from the movies. Movies are now released from every corner from the world, so don't you think we can learn a lot about different cultures in the world. Not just cultures, we can learn lot from everything from Television.
So, according to me television is no more an Idiot Box... What is your opinion about this guys...
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14 responses
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I watch those channels and love them. I think the term idiot box comes from the fact that most people just watch trash and network TV and ignore the good options.

@Ithink (9980)
• United States
28 Jan 09
That is about what my reply was going to be when I saw the discussion. I really believe it can be a learning tool in this day and age with certain stations that they now have. Of course there is a lot of non-educational programs too so I guess it could be both.
@Uroborus (908)
• Canada
29 Jan 09
I think if you go by what is mostly watched it is still an idiot box for the most part. It's true that it can be used for education, but few people take the time to look at educational material on TV. It's great that some do, but most people watch crap.
There is one aspect where, if anything, TV today is more of an idiot box than before. This shows up in the evening news programs. They cover very little that is truly relevant, and when they do it's not that in depth. The best recent example of this is the pathetic coverage of the war in Iraq, with the "embedded" journalists that were never allowed to see anything but what the pentagon wanted them to see.When it comes to news, many of the older news programs were better.
@deep_enjoy (237)
• India
29 Jan 09
When it comes to news channels, these guys are real demon's of television. All the stuff they show is completely either irrelevant or unclear....
@twignig (19)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Even though I like the song "Idiot Box" by Incubus, I agree. I've learned a lot from TV. But you also have to know what to believe. For example, someone can't expect to get a forensic lesson from C.S.I.
But, other than that, there are loads of educational shows people can learn a lot from.
@city_girl21 (68)
• United States
29 Jan 09
No, I don't think so. Television provides a necessary form of entertainment that isn't present in our everyday lives. Comedy relieves our stress and going along with the thrill of TV shows lets us get away from problems we may be facing in reality. In addition, there are some very educational channels like you mentioned. Television is definitely not an idiot box. What's wrong with having some fun once in a while instead of constantly working?
@deep_enjoy (237)
• India
29 Jan 09
You right, people work for hours continuously they hold stress for long hours. Here TV helps them get it out. I know few army men, who say they have been asked to watch comedy films and shows with which they forget all the stuff... war or and issue.
@reon862 (133)
• United States
29 Jan 09
TV is and will always be an idiot box. True, there are educational/documentary based as well as full time movie channels out there, but for the most part those channels are either extra or part of a more expensive cable package. The standard channels that companies give are the idiot channels serving up 80% idiotic content and 20% news/sensible content. I think that in the future this ratio of idiotic/sensible content will start to even out or even lean towards sensible because of the ongoing discussions about how TV rots the youth and kids do crazy things cuz they see it happen on Tv, etc, etc.
@deep_enjoy (237)
• India
29 Jan 09
When it comes to child you are right, because they don't know what's right and wrong for them. But when it comes to youth, youth has thinks rational. So, here TV can't be blamed for the acts of youth. So a person has to decide what's good for him, and if he cant do so, he'll be considered kid.
@StarBright (2798)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Television, like anything else, can be what you make it. It brings all of the wonderful stuff you mentioned; but it also brings Jerry Springer, Flavor of Love and the one star movies. So you can choose your poison. Depending on what you watch, it can be an idiot box or an educational tool, a wonderful form of entertainment, or your connection to the outside world. People all over the world witnessed the events surrounding the inaugaration of America's 44th President. Without television most of us would have had to rely on second hand accounts from biased reporters. Television enabled us to see and hear for ourselves what was said. I doubt that we can go back to a time without television. That's for sure.
@deep_enjoy (237)
• India
29 Jan 09
That's what, we are on the same page....! Life without Television is just like rolling back to 19th century.
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
29 Jan 09
most of the stuff on the idiot box is not fit to look at.something things on the box is ok to look at we can learn a lot from each so much information we can learn from discovery channel and history channel and many more.
@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 09
At previous time, people called it "An Idiot Box" because the name is too long and commonly misspelled and converse, a TELEvision. Where it started by history, photoconductivity of the element selenium by Willoughby Smith in 1873. But now, it has been called as TV and no more for an idiot box.
That's true for your saying bout the current features of TV well equipped with the latest technology and categorized under an electronic media. Matter of fact, latest marketing strategy made by some providers is ONLINE TV such as PCTV4Me;
So, TV program is also a knowledge network that provides lots resources for those related issues to human kind, I mean the advantages of it.
@deep_enjoy (237)
• India
29 Jan 09
Hi Micheal, thanks for that update. I didn't knew it. But here in India people use to say that its an idiot box because it showed all non sense. But now, its more than useful for the people. Just imagine how a small and rational investor(stock exchange investor) would invest in stock exchange without switching on his/her TV.
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@digerati (286)
• Philippines
28 Jan 09
hi deep,
yeah, there was a time as far as i remember, that television, is considered an idiot box.
but even that time and up to now, i dont agree on it cause it depends on ur usage and what channels are you viewing...
there is always an advantage and disadvantage on being addictive to something just like being a television addict.
but it really depends cause there are as many as educationnal materials that are showend and tv as there are not.
television - a great tool for information highway,
@deep_enjoy (237)
• India
29 Jan 09
Hi digerati, you mentioned a good point of television is good if we make it good... But being bias to my own point, I say, a child of age 5 doesn't know what's good and what's bad so at that point, parents are responsible to make it right.
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@Cryptid (72)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Television is certainly still an idiot box.Most of those shows are pseudo-educational.While some are truly educational, anyone who spends much time in front of a TV certainly becomes idle, lazy and to an extent idiotic.The human mind does not distinguish TV from reality as both are seen to be external stimuli by the brain and it reacts identically to both.
As an educational tool television is quite limited.DVD's can be more educational in reality but still limited.The best education is gained by being worldly and traveling and exploring the world.Being out among other people and generally being a real person as a whole.
Consequently soon after the TV became a household appliance obesity started to rise.Many people also use the TV as an excuse to do nothing essentially.
@deep_enjoy (237)
• India
29 Jan 09
ha ha ha ha.... then I will ask my brother to stop watching TV, because he is really fat. And I don't think its bad watching TV for and hour a day. And seeing your technical info, I think you have a good knowledge in all these stuff...
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@deep_enjoy (237)
• India
29 Jan 09
Yap, I believe that. Until they get any sponsor's, they keep on tampering us with old and boring movies.
@jsgomes (78)
• India
28 Jan 09
I think TV is still an idiot Box, as it makes us sit like an idiot sometimes for hours & hours (without much productivity) watching foolish serials and soaps (that never seem to end) depriving your husband/wife/children/parents/studies...(the list continues)
Well I think you got it. It's okay as long as you are not quite addicted.
@deep_enjoy (237)
• India
29 Jan 09
No, I don't always stick to TV, just an hour a day, a little more on weekends. I generally on PC. And its not that bad, there are many thing on TV useful if utilized.
@sravani128 (65)
• India
28 Jan 09
ya its true by this histroy chanels... kids will be helpfull.....but for guys some channels are idiot