long distance relationship b/w 16y/o girl and 18y/o boy

January 28, 2009 12:24am CST
uhhhh....i know i'm still very young for a relationship,but blaming my heart for falling in love at this very early time is not fair..so,here it comes...i have a bf who's 18 years old,,and i'm 16.we came from the same place but separated coz i have to study in some other place which is quite far..i know a lot about him,even his ex-gfs..and,one of them is my cousin(3rd cousin).he loved her greatly..but they separated without valid reason(as he told me),which cause so much pain to him..he courted me (in text) after 5 mos. of their break-up..it took 2 months before i officially say i love him too..it was quite smooth and good as our relationship started...but then,,,we lost in touch,he didn't contacted me for about 2 weeks...i keep on calling him,but he never answered.i used new number,,he responded.i confronted him in a nice way and asked him calmly about our relationship..he admitted that he still love my cousin..so,we broke up.but,i'm not angry.... after a month,,he texted me again saying he wanted for reconciliation..but i said,he will broke my heart again..he said he won't do it again because he realized that i am the one he really loves,,,i don't know why i accepted him again in my life and in my heart..(and i'm that stupid,maybe u think).but i really love him,and my heart speaks for it...so we're back to each other's arms and hearts again.....in our first month,,it's nice and very good,,,until we had a misunderstanding..i heard from a friend that whenever there's quarrel between lovers,the guy will be the one who first says sorry so the quarrel is over..but it was not what happen...he does not even say sorry,,i was worried so i was the one to approach and be sorry for it,,,what i think is that it is also my part...so i did it.,then the quarrel was over..sometimes,,i want to talk about him and my cousin so i opened that topic to him once,,,but he refused to talk about it and demanded to talk only of us..he said he doesn't want to talk about it anymore..because i am the one whom he love now..but i am bothered because i know that they might still see each other,talk with each other..(they are both there in our place)...he said i should trust him..i trust him,,,but there's my heart afraid of those "what if" things....i feel helpless of my situation..sometimes i think that i am the only one who really loves.and the only one fighting for our relationship.....
2 responses
• India
28 Jan 09
jolissa surely ur missing something from ur relationship..i tell u abt my gf, she got married to someone last year, n i still love her, miss her, coz she is too sweet, we keep in touch for more than 6 yrs, n spritually still in touch and for whole 6 yrs time i had never allowed her to say sorry to me..I love doing mistakes n then say sorry to her...whnever she says sorry i told, pls dont say sorry, ur always right...I dont have any other relation after she got married, simply coz i dont need, i have our sweet memories n still some times i cry missing her..just few words for her Godbless her, whereever she lives.Luvs her a lot...
• Philippines
28 Jan 09
Building and keeping relationships are hard no matter how old or experienced you are. My advice is to do whatever makes you happy WISELY .. meaning whether you stay with your boyfriend or not, make sure you think things through with a clear head and if it helps, write your thoughts down so when you arrive at a decision, you'll always be reminded how it came about and you'll eb able to stick with it