Shamelessly copying my tagged blog from Yuwie

@dawnald (85139)
Shingle Springs, California
January 28, 2009 11:20am CST
Well for your reading pleasure, here is my last tagged blog which has links to all my previous tagged blogs. Read it and sleep! (not a ref link) I had intended to write a blog this morning about why I haven't been on so much, the fact that I have writer's block a little bit and what's been going on in my life. And then I get on here this morning and find that I have been tagged once again. So I'm going to take the things I was going to say, number them and call it a tagged blog. lol 1. For almost a year and a half, I have been on here almost every day with either a joke or a family story. Not sure if I'm just burned out, have writer's block or what, but I haven't had any funny stories lately. And the jokes that have been coming around have mostly been things I've already seen before. But I'll be baaaacckkk... 2. Bragging about Dearra - my oldest just came home with her report card and she had pulled all her grades except for math up to an A. Hooray for Dearra. 3. Bragging about Naomi - clearly Naomi isn't wired the same way as Dearra is. She just came home with three perfect math tests and a report card saying she was doing great but needed a bit more help with her reading. Hooray for Naomi! 4. Bragging about Cary - his IEP* meeting was last week and he's progressing really well. His spelling is better than most of the other kids in the class, so is his math, and he's reading. He has some problems in a few areas that are predictable, especialy socialization and language, but he's doing really well. Hooray for Cary! 5. Work - in case you missed the news flash, my company is outsourcing IT**, which is where I work. The good news, I have been retained and am grateful to have a job. The bad news, my friends and co-workers are going to be scattered to the winds. 6. The 2009 US Figure Skating Championships just ended last weekend and my favorite, Alissa Czisny, won the ladies competition. I pretty much cried and jumped around and made a total fool of myself. Hooray for Alissa! Hope she does well at Worlds. 7. And speaking of Worlds, if you happen to watch the broadcasts, look out for me in the audience. That's the last week in March in Los Angeles. My first Worlds. :-) 8. One reason I haven't been here so much is that I've developed a serious myLot addiction. Yep, I got hooked on the discussions over there and some days it's hard to pull myself away. Anybody want to come over there and be my referral, let me know! (grin) 9. I got a rocking chair for my birthday. No cracks about approaching little old lady-hood, please! 10. The latest book I have read is "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon. It's written from the perspective of a young man on the autism spectrum who has discovered that his neighbor's dog has been killed rather nastily. He decided to investigate the mystery and discovers some things about his family in the process. Highly recommended. 11. I don't actually read many political books, I'm kind of stuck on Science Fiction and Fantasy, but the one I am reading now is highly political as you will see from the title. It's "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder" by Vincent Bugliosi. Mr. Bugliosi makes the case that Mr. Bush should be prosecuted for the deaths of our servicement in Iraq because he lied to the country about going to war there. Whether you agree or disagree, it's fascinating reading. 12. I haven't said this publicly here on Yuwie before but Richard and I are in marriage counseling. 13. The foster kittens that we have been watching are Nancy, Diego and Jason. Nancy has been adopted into a nice home and we miss her. We adopted Jason and he's a little sweetie. Diego is going out the adoption center on Saturday and I hope he finds the best home ever. :-( 14. I was nominated for the Bloggie Oscars this year. The event is this Friday, January 30th at 8 PM Pacific time. For more information, go to Fran's blog: And thanks to everybody who nominated me! 15. The internet has got to be the coolest thing ever invented. Recently I met a second cousin I had never heard of before and now I have a complete genealogy of one side of my mother's family. It helped me get back in touch with my school friends. I can keep in touch with my relatives in other parts of the country and Richard's relatives in Germany. And I got to meet all of you guys. Hooray for the internet! 16. Satellite radio - my car came with a year of prepaid satellite radio and I am in hog heaven. In addition to channels for every type of pop and rock music from every era, they have jazz channels, classical channels, a broadway channel, a Sinatra channel, news, sports, you name it. And when my year runs out, maybe maybe I can afford to keep it! I hope, I hope. 17. I moved to Sacramento three years ago from Los Angeles and mostly it has been good. Good schools for the kids, nice area, new house cheaper than crappy old house in LA, etc. But I confess I sometimes get homesick. Almost all of my co-workers are down in LA. Most of my friends are down in LA. A lot of my family is still there. And other than online friends (and you guys are great), I haven't got offa my duff and made one new friend up here in three years. It's kind of isolating. Somehow this crazy introvert has got to figure out where and how to make connections! 18. Health - in the last three years I have gotten into natural cures, organic food, naturopathy (seeing one, not becoming one lol) and I find there are a lot of benefits to it. If nothing else, my back pain is way better than it was three years ago, and that alone is something to be happy about! If you guys don't improve the conventional way, remember that there are often alternatives. The downside is that most insurances don't cover them. 19. A joke: "Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees. "Yes, Sir." the employee replied. "Well, then, that makes everything just fine," the boss went on. "After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother's funeral, she stopped in to see you." 20. A quote: I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone. *Individualized education program ** Information Technology So, have you ever done one of these tagged things before? Are there any little tidbits you would like to share about yourself?
1 response
@riyasam (16556)
• India
29 Jan 09
dawn,it is morning here now.i am not sure.i understood what you have written ,but i am going to reply anywayas you said,i also do get a block attimes,i do take a break of about a week and our friends respond to our discussion,however crazy,it seems to others.
1 person likes this
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
29 Jan 09
It's just a list of 20 things about myself....