Saturday Mail Delivery May End Soon!
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
January 28, 2009 2:51pm CST
I don't believe this is going to happen now that I'm OUT of there! For years all of us that worked for the Postal Service had been saying if they were serious about saving money they'd go to five-day delivery but that was always out of the question and wouldn't even be put on the table. Now, the Postmaster General has asked Congress to lift the requirement for six-day delivery.
Mail volume has been dropping in recent years and it's predicted that this year, for the first time ever and despite rate increases, they'll take in less money than the year before. Of course, the price of fuel and other increased costs have affected the USPS's bottom line but, in my opinion as a former letter carrier it's their own fault also. As soon as the Postal Service decided that money is their top priority instead of service they started losing customers. If you've ever had a problem with misdeliveries you should know that the reason they happen much more than in the past is because the carriers are constantly harassed about getting done as quickly as possible and if they go into overtime they get reprimanded but if they give someone the wrong mail that's not that big a deal!
So, how do you feel about this? Will it bother you to only get mail five days a week?
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47 responses
@sweetpeasmom (1325)
• United States
29 Jan 09
that would kind of suck because I do most of my shipping on saturdays, but if they have to do it than we will have to get used to it. I do not understand it a lot though because if they keep raising the prices than where is that money going to where they have to cut back days to deliver.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Their expenses have been going through the roof, like everyone else's, but their volume and therefore their revenue has been dropping. I think you'll still be able to do your shipping on Saturdays because the post offices will still be open the same times they are now, it's just the house to house delivery that will be curtailed.
@jenrl17 (420)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Annie, the only way it would bother me is if it affects important mail regarding disconnection notices from utility or phone companies. For example, if I get a notice like that and receive it late due to post office service being cut, Id be pissed. Other than that, it wouldnt bother me a bit. It would be one less day of getting junk...or would that just mean getting MORE junk the next day? lol. I wanted to ask you, will we still be able to access our p.o. boxes on that off day?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I'm sorry you had to deal with such poor service from the post office. The problem is, besides management pushing carriers to be faster and faster and the heck with service they've also been hiring a lot of temporary employees who don't get the proper training and don't get much pay and get no benefits and they know going in they're only there for a short time. In other words, they really don't CARE if they give you your paycheck or not. Sad to say, but unfortunately it's true.
@jenrl17 (420)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Well, its a shame that they go in on such bad terms. However, regarding being a temp, Ive been a temp for jobs many times and I still did the best I could cause I was representing the company I was employed with. When people apply for the p.o., they have a general idea of what theyre getting into. As far as the training goes, its a carrier job. How hard can it be to read a darn address? I know a lot of houses/bldgs dont have addresses on them which makes the job more challenging among other factors like weather conditions, but I cant imagine the training would be that extensive to where they dont get the concept. Even lack of training shouldnt be much of a factor, but then again, Im on the outside. Also, how do you explain the possibility of deliberately not delivering certain mail? Thats a crime. If they simply dont care, then they shouldnt work there, but then again, we ARE talking about the government AND people in general who hate their jobs. The p.o. doesnt have the best customer service for sure, but what they do have, I believe, is a guaranteed job for life for the most part where its almost impossible to get fired, so thats a huge benefit, esp considering more and more jobs are being lost with every breathe we take it seems (not referring to temps, but they too, are given a good temp opportunity and easier open door for later on since they gained some experience). What Im surprised about, is how you mentioned no benefits. Dont all government workers (except temps) get good health coverage?
@jenrl17 (420)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Almost forgot. Wanted to thank you for explaining mail delivery problems. I had no idea they were under that kind of pressure, so how can they do their job effectively. I cannot tell you just how often Ive had problems with delivery, but you being a former employee, I guess I dont have to lol. It just got so bad for a while that I had to put A FEW traces on my account just to see what was going on, why I wasnt receiving all my mail, but that of course was a waste of time as they never found any problems (of course not...not the beloved post office). Also, I think the postman took it upon himself to chose what mail to deliver to me and what to send back. Me and my boyfriend both, never got some mail and it was usually paychecks and we had our names on the box and everything, put in a forwarding address when applicable, so no excuses for non delivery, but it still happened. Thats why we're looking into p.o. boxes to assure proper mail delivery.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Oh God, I hope it doesn't go to 5 days. I have a two day turn around time to get books out on Amazon and it's rough even with 6 days. My post office used to be open until 7 PM and that was cut back to my dismay.
It's hard for me to understand why mailings are less with all the activity from eBay, Amazon, ABE etc. I guess I'm just looking at things from my own perspective. I used to send out about 20 packages a year but last year it was well over 500. Also, I like using the post office. I had bad luck with UPS and it wasn't as convenient. It's amazing how many of the US Post Office packages actually get there in good condition. It's one of the few branches of government that seems to work well.
I have to admit that I have daydreams bout teleporting matter. Wouldn't it be neat to have a little machine by the computer that would accept packages and then break down all the little atoms and rebuilt them at the destination? I read where there is actually research being done on this but I don't see it happening in my lifetime. Still who ever thought we'd all have computers back in the 1960's.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I don't like the idea of teleporting people so much as teleporting things. The Jetson idea is cool but they say that in reality they will have to break down all the atoms and put them back together on the other end. I'd risk it with things but with people you could wind up with a toe where your nose should be or worse. Issn't there some kind of WWII urban legend about this called The Philadelphia Experiment? LOL
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I think the postal service really missed the boat on the parcel delivery. It would seem like that should have gone up considerably but I think a lot of people have gone with their competitors like UPS and FedEx. Anyway, whenever cutting back on six day delivery had been mentioned in the past there was no talk of changing the hours or days when the post office is open. Each office makes their own hours and they're given a budget under which to work so maybe they'll even increase window hours to accomodate the public better.
I've had dreams of being able to teleport myself like the Jetsons! Just think if there were no traffic jams, no gas expenses or any kind of fare for travel, we could just get into a chamber and zap ourselves wherever we wanted to!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
29 Jan 09
This is not surprising as I have been expecting something like this happened and not just because of our present economy problems. I very seldom ever use the postal service compared to how often I used it a couple of years ago. The price kept going up and up for stamps so now I use email and online banking for all the communications I use on a daily basis. So I imagine since the Interest allows me to save money I can imagine millions of other people feel and do the same.
So to answer your question it does not bother me at all as the only service it may affect is getting my Netflix movies and that not a major problem.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I did not think mail delivery vehicles used gas. This is was I was able to find:
U.S. Postal Service is always looking for more efficient, and environmentally friendly, ways to deliver mail. About 43,000 of the agency's vehicles are fuel modified and are either electric hybrids, run on natural gas or hydrogen.
I think it is a way to reduce the number of employees more than gas usuage that is their reson to reduce service..
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I know I don't use the mail much at all these days. I pay just about all my bills either online or over the phone and I haven't written a letter to mail for years. I hardly send any Christmas cards any more and only a few birthday cards.
From an economic standpoint it really makes sense for the postal service. Even when gas prices are relatively low, I imagine it would be hundreds of millions saved nationwide each week to drop a delivery day. There are a lot of gas-guzzling mail trucks out there going a lot of miles with nothing but starts and stops every few hards all day.

@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I just hope people will understand. I'm sad to hear that the carriers' jobs are made harder for them by their superiors...and I hope it doesn;t become harder because of this development.
And...if people find service lacking, I suppose we could always turn to or create alternatives, we'll see. *shrugs* This is America after all. Land of options, even if they do sometimes all suck, lol.
I've been on the lookout for any news on how the Postal Service is being affected ever since the gas prices, so thanks for the update!
On a more personal note it is slightly a bummer that we won't be able to get mail for an extra day less than usual. I really love getting mail, and at times are tiny mailbox is stuffed as it is. I'm not, you know, grumbling to high heaven at the's just a little bit of a bummer. Mail's one of my bright points in life nowadays, with letters to friends in the military, important letters from politicians and activists...and the occasional book that I bartered for. *shrugs* But I'll adjust, we all will. So I can't say that I see this as a negative.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
To be honest, unless things have changed drastically since I left, the carriers won't be treated any better or worse because of this. Those in postal management are trained to be a$$holes and have their common sense and their compassion surgically removed.

@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Somehow, with all the price increases, I expected better service. It has declined substantially, though. Now, if they cut out Saturdays, I'll do even more business online, which already increased because of the numerous lost items. 
That's a thumbs up for improvements and a definite thumbs down for what actually happened when they promised all those improvements. They're just not performing up to their own standards!

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
You're absolutely right about them not living up to their own standards. A little over a decade ago they started automating everything, with a machine putting the letter mail into carrier sequence. The idea was to save the carriers time in the office and give them more time on the street. Unfortunately, the machine doesn't work for crap and the carriers end up bringing a bunch of mis-sorted mail back every day. With the mail that was sorted by the machine, carriers also had to change their way of carrying, and now have to carry three or four bundles at once which isn't easy at all. After they started using the machines they inspected all the routes and eliminated some in every office and added on to the remaining routes. The routes were all set up and timed according to the lightest day there was but on heavier days it's not supposed to take any longer to deliver the mail. When it does take longer the carrier gets reprimanded for it.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
29 Jan 09
The guy who delivers the mail where I live also delivers sermons and Gospel. He has his iPod turned up so loud that everyone else hears it, so he must be near-deaf. People who watch him think they're watching a joke, since he moves so slowly, he can't be serious. I don't think he cares if he's reprimanded! It's no surprise that, sometimes, the mail arrives at 8 PM or later!
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@derek_a (10873)
29 Jan 09
Here in the UK the postal service is struggling too. There are less letters being sent out as many people use text and e-mail. There are many courier services that deliver parcels and it looks like the competition has overwhelmed the postal service. Also people don't use local post-offices as much, as so many things can be done on line. So, it looks like it's the same the world over. :-) Derek
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@ryzach (1544)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I look forward to getting the mail as some of my survey checks come in the mail, so they may be delayed due to this change if it take effect. Will not miss all the junk mail I get. I will just have to adjust to the change. With the technology people write to each other via email, we now fax items and our bills are paid electronically so the mail has decreased considerably I am sure. As much as I like technology it is still nice to receive a handwritten letter or card. Maybe I am old fashioned but it it something you can hold, I don't know. The post office going to a five day service will probably not bother me that much but it was nice when I could go on a Saturday if I needed to and for many others it probably was a more convenient time for them.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
29 Jan 09
THATS RIDICULOUS!!!Can the world get anymore confusing or screwed up? I need my mail. I dont think they realize how much trouble that is going to be. Not to mention the complaints and delays due to people waiting for the mail. I think they arent looking at the big picture. Good Luck to them. I know if I need something mailed. dl
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I think you're the first person to be really upset about this. I think they ARE looking at the big picture because it costs them billions to deliver six days a week. I think you'll still be able to mail something and it will go out even if mail isn't delivered that day.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Oh heck, why not. They take off for holidays no one celebrates any more so why not Saturdays? At least they aren't taking off for obscure holidays (The President's dog has fleas Day LOL)
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hey, I want to protest! I never got that day off when I worked!
You're absolutely right about the obscure holidays they get off, though. I always said I'd rather work those days instead of dealing with the MESS we had the day after a holiday! There is no delivery on those legal holidays like Veterans Day, MLK Day, etc. and the windows are closed by mail is still processed and collections are made so it means a double day's worth of mail, mostly JUNK (It feels so good to call it that! We weren't "allowed" to when I worked there!).
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
29 Jan 09
No matter how you try to fancy it up, it's still junk. LOL
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hey annie!I didn't know that you were a letter carrier! Wow!
Good for you! What a tough job that is! I always than my
letter carrier and when I saw him the other day out in the
freezing cold and snow I told him I felt so bad for him! He
always goes that extra little bit. He rings my bell if I have
a package when he puts it by my door so I'll know that there
is something there if I am home. He is such a nice guy. He
has been our letter carrier for years and when he is off on
vacation or his day off, everything is a mess. Mail goes to
the wrong addresses, and the substitutes don't care! So I for
one appreciate my letter carrier and the service that I get!
I don't think that it would bother me if they went to 5 day
delivery. It's just that it won't change the prices that they
have already increased. It is true that now I pay most of my
bills online to save postage and time. But, there are things
that I need to send out in the mail and things that I must
receive and I think there always will be!
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@angusthethird (515)
• United States
28 Jan 09
To clarify:
I just got back from reading what was actually said. Tuesday seems to be the day being looked at, because of its tendency to be one of the days with the lightest mail volume.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Yes, I read that too after I posted this. They've been saying that for years whenever the idea of a five day week was brought up but it seems unlikely they'd end up choosing Tuesday or any other weekday because of complaints they'd likely get from businesses. Tuesday is the lightest day now but if a day were eliminated that would likely change. As it is Tuesday is the lightest day because of so many businesses being closed on Saturday.
@prettygirl_80650 (306)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Well that would suck terribly for the carriers have off sunday work monday have off tuesday ewww sucky work week
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Welll.... I feel that there should not be two days in a row where no mail is touched. So I don't like the idea of no mail on Saturday. Perhaps it would be better to pick a day during the week such as Tuesday or Wednesday, or, perhaps they could just make their days shorter.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Making the days shorter wouldn't work because there will still be the same amount of mail and the name number of houses to which to deliver. To shorten the days they'd have to shorten the routes, add more and hire more carriers. It wouldn't mean no mail would be touched for two days since it will still be sorted seven days in the large distribution centers as it is now. Maybe they will go with the weekday being eliminated but I was thinking along lines of businesses such as banks, legal offices, government offices, utility companies and places like that that aren't open on Saturday. It will probably take awhile for it all to go into effect, if it does. Who knows, Congress may not approve it.
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Hi Annie. As a retirecd Postal Clerk, I can really understand what you are saying. I think that there were a lot of things that the Postal Service could have done better, like really going after package delivery, selling express mail at a cheaper rate, doing a much better job with package tracking, and going to five day a week delivery. I suspect that the day that they will decide to give up
mail delivery on tuesday, not saturday, but that is not my decision. I hope that you enjoy your retirement/
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Like I always said, those of us who do the actual work could run the place much better than management because we actually know how to do the job and we have some common sense! I know Tuesday has been mentioned as the day to give up but I'd heard in the past that that may be a ploy. Businesses will get all up in arms over that so when they instead give up Saturday delivery there wouldn't be much of an uproar. However, it would seem like giving up Sat. would make sense so that's a good enough reason why they won't do!
My "retirement" was forced and I'm currently awaiting a disability claim to be approved.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Well if they do start having a five day delivery week hope they decide to stop Saturday deliveries rather than Tuesday. Whenever I mail anything I prefer to mail it the beginning of the week so I can be assured whomever I'm mailing stuff to will also get it during the week, rather than mailing later in the week (like a Thursday or Friday) where the recipient wouldn't get it until maybe the a weekend where the package or letter would just sit in a pile....talking about businesses that also only work a five day week
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
That's why I believe it will be Saturday that they cut out no matter what they're saying now about it maybe being Tuesday. It was explained to us years ago when there had been some talk about it that they know there would be an uproar over cutting back to 5 days so they'd start out saying it may be a weekday and Tuesday always comes up because it's the lightest mail day of the week. However, it's only the lightest day of the week because there IS mail on Saturday when many other businesses are closed. Anyway, they figure they'll throw Tuesday out there and see what the reaction is then they'll announce that Saturdays will be cut out and everyone will be relieved it's not a weekday which will have the biggest effect on businesses, which is what they cater to the most since they spend the most on postage. It's all a mind game!
@marina321 (4556)
28 Jan 09
I think it would
Sometimes you have packages or mail that can be re-delivered on the Saturday as at work most of the week so that would be the problem...

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Maybe I was wrong initially with my thinking that the outcry would be greater if they stopped delivery on a weekday rather than Saturday. Anyway, there is a possibility to dropped day won't be Saturday so maybe you'll be OK. Myself, I really don't care at all but if I were still a carrier I'd be hoping for Saturday off! I used to long for the days when I could be a "normal" person with weekends!
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I would not miss Saturday mail at all, it's not like if I get a bill it is going to be paid on Saturday anyway. I mostly get samples and coupons on Saturday but, I will gladly wait until Monday to get them. Think maybe they will lower the postage stamp price? lol
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@uicbear (1900)
• United States
28 Jan 09
Yea, I guess i'd get used to it. I don't mail to much out anymore and really the only things that i receive are bills and I don't mind waiting an extra day for those.
There are already sometimes when our mail delivery gets skipped. Then the next day we get a big ol pile. Is it the policy now of the postal service just not to deliver routes say if someone calls in sick? that's what we were thinking.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Jan 09
"Is it the policy now of the postal service just not to deliver routes say if someone calls in sick? that's what we were thinking."
Not hardly! If there isn't a sub available someone will be brought in on their day off. No routes ever go undelivered.
@MissAmie (717)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I can't see that 5 day weeks for the postal service would make a huge difference. Especially now with all the automated machines at the post office you can send your package without talking to anyone or waiting in line. I use the automated machines as often as possible. I know personally, I wouldn't miss it at all. I can understand the 9-5 people being upset though. If you're working the entire time the post office is open how would you ever pick up a package? You can even buy postage online now, so I can't imagine that the change would adversly affect too many people or disrupt too much business.
My dad is a postal worker, so I'm sure 5 day work weeks would thrill him! Even though I think he already works 5 days and uses a sub 1 day a week. Not sure though...he may work 6 days, but he really loves his job.
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