Joe Torre rips Alex Rodriguez, Brian Cashman in new book
By jakeb1
@jakeb1 (562)
United States
January 28, 2009 3:59pm CST
Has anyone heard the story of what Joe Torre (ex-manager of Yankees, current manager of Dodgers) has said in a book he co-wrote named "The Yankee Years"? He dives into the relationship he has had with the players. He says the worst about A-Rod about how people in the clubhouse called him A-Fraud behind his back and called him phony.
Here is another excerpt about A-Rod:
"In his own way, Rodriguez was fascinated with Jeter, as if trying to figure out what it was about Jeter that could have bought him so much goodwill. The inside joke in the clubhouse was that Rodriguez' pre-occupation with Jeter recalled the 1992 film, 'Single White Female,' in which a woman becomes obsessed with her roommate to the point of dressing like her."
I thought Joe Torre was one of the best managers the Yankees have ever had and it is amazing how he could deal with the media on a daily basis. I understand his decision not to come back last year. I might get this book when it comes out next month to hear Torre's side of the story.
6 responses
@jbrown4444 (10)
• United States
30 Jan 09
its good that someone is finally calling A-Rod out. hes been such a prima donna his whole career. i dont blame the teammates for making fun of him. hes supposed to be a leader in there and play well into the postseason. A-Rod is yet to play well in the postseason. I'm a Mariners fan so i hate the guy. He's a liar and deserves to be treated horribly by his teammates and i hope torre rips him a new one
@stinge (810)
• United States
30 Jan 09
I'm pretty sure Torre ripped him a new one in this book. I'm not even a big time reader and I want to buy it. A-rod and alot of other players that go after the big money screwe themselves all the time. He went after the money in Texas, and as a result the team couldn't afford to build a winning team because of his salary. They couldn;t afford to sign better pitching or bring in another big bat. And then the guy said he wanted to restructure his contract come to Boston. I'm glad my Red sox didn't get that deal done. They probably would still be cursed. It just goes to show how spoiled he was with winning. He went for the money 1st, and now he complains when the Rangers were inlast place all the time. He should have thought about that before he signed for all the money in the world! Some of these team owners need to stop throwing money at these guys just to sign them.
@timhinyy (1653)
• United States
23 Feb 09
obiviously there is something deep going on with torre and the yankees for him to have written this book or contributed to this book in the first place i mean was it just an easy way to get back at them for im sure in his eyes disrespecting him with what by the way was the highest salary offered to any manager let alone one that had no playoff success in the last 5 yrs and was the manager on the biggest collapse in the history of baseball i liked torre when he was the yankees manager but it does seem like a little bit of sour grapes using a book to get out your frustations of how you were treated and considering all the world series success he had with the yankees maybe he deserved a chance to turn it around but maybe both parties had enough of each other by that time
@babostwick (2036)
• United States
31 Jan 09
If I see it in my library, I'll check it out first. Something tells me that it is potentially taken out of context. Then again, I'll have to see it for myself to give a decent look and review it as well. That's pretty funny about the A-Rod comment. I actually had a bit of a laugh and will have to see if he actually said that.
@stinge (810)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Well being from and living in Ny, of course I've heard this. It's on every page of the news paper. I read and heard of some of the commenst from the story you mentioned. I heard some real angry Yankee fans on espn radio saying they hope Joe Torre is never allowed to set foot inside of the new Yankee stadium. I'm not even a Yankee fan and I want to buy this book. Now I've been reading that the yankees are thinking of having a confidentiality agreement with all future contracts. I think those guys are a joke. And I'm not saying that because I'm a Red Sox fan LOL. The Yankees are one of the most elite and respected teams in baseball history. But all of a sudden this book comes out, and their clean reputation sort of speak is ruined. It's no secret to many that George Steinbrenner wasn't a favorite with all of the coaches during the Torree years. Don Zimmer in an interview after he left to be a bench coach for the Rays said he had to get as far away form George as possible. He wanted no part of him. The Yankee management offered a contract to Torre they new he would refuse. Instead of having some balls and saying they would rather go in another direction and not bring him back. I think many of the yankee fans have become spoiled with the idea of wanting to win every year. And they put the blame on Torre. But he was the best manager ever when they won all those world seris with him. The truth is, ever since they've been buying up every free agent, starting with Giambi in 2000, they haven't won anything. I think it serves the organization right for having this tell all book come out after the way Torre treated. People can call it snitching all they want. But it's obvious there are some hard feelings that Torre wanted to get off his chest. And I'm all for it. He's not a yankee anymore and he has no loyalty to any of the yankee fans. I don't think he's going to loose sleep over the fact that his nuber may never get retired in Yankee stadium as a reslut of this book.
@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Hi, I am from Seattle and we have been calling pay-rod a-fraud, since he left for the ranger "but not for the money". We even had money made up with those names when he came back to Seattle in 2001.So it wasn't surprising Joe Torre said that too about pay-rod is a-fraud.
@tehsnipes (45)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Rightfully so. A-Rod acts like such a spoiled brat. When it comes to the post-season, this guy is worthless. The yankees made a fatal mistake letting joe torre go. They're gonna get whats coming to them