Finding the woman of your dream but she doesn’t want children !
By ronnyb
@ronnyb (6113)
January 29, 2009 5:16am CST
Of all the rotten luck in your world it had to be yours. Imagine this is perhaps the only woman who satisfies your long and meticulously created list of qualities even the ones that you thought were elusive .Imagine going through a long list of unsavory female characters to find the perfect rose but get pricked by this thorn
You can talk for hours and not get bored she shares your morals, she shares most of your likes, your dislikes and even when you disagree its is still just beautiful. In fact you play the devils advocate just to engage her in an argument with the hope of the benefits that come with making up.
So what now, will you choose to ignore this once in a lifetime occurrence and opt for a woman who is more willing to carry your seed but lacks this emotional depth.Can you risk your kind going extinct for just the intellectual stimulation ?
Do you forget all your dreams of a large family with several little boys and girls running around for her
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17 responses
@kezabelle (2974)
29 Jan 09
Well really if children are important to a person then maybe that woman isnt the woman of their dreams!
What if they just dont want to be pregnant then there is other ways of becoming a parent, plenty of women dont want children.
And really if its the mans dream of lots of little children running around for HER well its not really their dream either then is it I dreamed of having children for me not to see my partner running around after them!!!
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@kezabelle (2974)
29 Jan 09
Well no one is perfect but I dont know it depends if what you feel for her could overcome the need to have a child or if it will just make you bitter and unhappy?
My ex finished things with me because HE didnt want children but he knew I did I found my current partner and we are very happy and have two beautiful little girls I was so unhappy when he finished with me but I will always love him for giving me the chance to follow the dream I had of having children, like I say it depends how important having children are to you and if you could live the rest of your life never having fulfilled that particular dream, me personally i couldnt.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
29 Jan 09
Yes thats is what I am thinking too,how to balance the need for children of having with your need for companionship.And how happy you will be with this person that seems so well suited for you against the background of having a child.I guess your partner did this evaluation and decided that he could not live without having a child.I am happy that you are now happy ,I shall be reveiwing my own situation in this perspective.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Very well written discussion and interesting. People change in time. Perhaps, if this is your story, your woman will change with age and give you children.
I was married at age 22 and really didn't have any interest in having children. Within 7 years I had three. Two of our adult children have children. We have one daughter who is not interested in having kids and that's ok with me. It's her choice.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
30 Jan 09
Thank you .In a sense it is my story ,I am dating this wonderful young lady,a real treasure but she adamantly states she doesnt want any children.Well maybe I shouldnt say adamantly because there are times when she sounds like she might welcome a child if the conditions are good ,so you may be right ,she may change .The truth be told I understand her point ,she wants to be able to adequately take care of them and is somewhat worried that her child will suffer in this cruel world.I liek her and I will not leave her because of this
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@simplegurl1969 (324)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Personally, I think if You really want to have children, then prehaps You should keep looking for the right person, or better yet, let God give you the person that your actually meant to be with. Contrary to what the vast majority or people seem to beliee, Not ever woman does want to become a mother. Some may Not want to have children at all because of the world being so dark & gloomy with all the Greed, the materialism, & selffishness that's everywhere, & maybe she actually does have real ligitamate reasons. I know also that Some God Fearing people out there, who maybe set in their way may think otherwise, but they has to be another purpose t live & to living then to get married & breed cause if there wasn't than what's the point of continueing to live in complete ignornance & fear? With that said, If you really care about her & you don't just want to be with her as a "TROPHY" to show off to your friends, & to breed with, & if you can accept the fact that prehaps she realy doesn't what to have any children, then she's deserves to be loved UNCONDITIONALLY, otherwisee, your fooling both yoursef & her. That's my imput into the subject. Thanks for asking.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I know the " G-d Fearing People" won't believe you but tell them I don't want kids because I don't like them.
• United States
30 Jan 09
i wouldn't & am probably gonna' get some feedback on my answer but i think people who do not want children are selfish & just concerned about what they want,
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
30 Jan 09
i have a good friend that will sit and tell people to their face she doesn't want children, but it's because i know she can't have children. i'm sure there r reasons why some people don't, beyond what they tell us. there r some who think this world is messed up and don't want to bring an innocent life into it, that's not selfish to me at all.
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• United States
30 Jan 09
i was in no way referring to people "who can't" have children that"s a completely difeerernt story & has nothing to do w/what i said.
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@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Dreaming of having children, adjusting your life to have them, making them, anticipating them and actually having them and seeing them grow... what an absolute fabulous dream to have. For yourself and for your partner.
If your partner does not share this dream, she is not perfect for you. Sure, now, while you are still on the fence of the issue, it seems as if you're giving up something perfect for something that may not happen for quite some time.
But imagine this: you decide to stay with this perfect women, you continue to fulfill each other in every way... until the day comes when you HURT inside because you don't have a child to share your life with. All of a sudden, this perfect woman's conversation turns to arguments. Those long intellecutal conversations turn into trying to convince each other why you're wrong. Even the making up isn't the same because all you can think about is making a baby.
You will begin to resent her for not giving you the chance to realize your dreams. She will resent you for wanting something that she doesn't.
What you percieve as being perfect now may not always be perfect in the future. Your outlook on life, love, relationships will change over time. The perfect now is exactly only that: perfect now. Keep looking because your perfect rose will fade in vibrance over time. In the future you may find a perfect sunflower, or a perfect daisy who can't wait to share your dream of being a parent.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
30 Jan 09
I agree that there are some woman that fear to have children but considereing that you found a woman like what you said i think if you love her so much why do you regret to find is not relied on what she gives or not to give but love is what you give to her...
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@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
29 Jan 09
i think that if u don't share the same goals in life then ur always gonna bump heads, it won't work out because the one who gave up their goal will always feel like the other took a dream away and have that ill feeling towards the other. i think marriage and kids is a big thing that u both have to be on the same page about.
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@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
29 Jan 09
This is a hard subject, because as you explained she has all the qualities you admire in a women, except the carrying your seed part. If I were you I would think real hard about your desires. will you be able to live the rest of your life knowing the one thing you desire this women will never fill the same way even though she gives you so much more in other areas...
but to be able to have children and watch them grow how precious is that I for one feel you will never get all that you want and you have to sacrafice sometimes in order to get by, maybe... (like one of your responders posted), she will grow and cnange her mind but that is a risk you will have to take because if she doesn't eventually you will have a need to fill that empty void and resent her in the end for not wanting children.
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@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Well you can either wait until she changes her mind or get someone else. It is possible to find the perfect mate but it will be very difficult. The trick is to have patience and not give up.
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@jenrl17 (420)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Well, as others have said, 1)noones perfect and 2)if your dream is to have kids and not your partners, then how perfect are they for you? You have to weigh your options and your priorities. If having a family is extremely important to you and will give you unlimited happiness vs fulfilling your intellect, then perhaps go for what will truely make you happy. Noone should ever compromise what they truely want. Like another poster said, I think her former partner showed true love by letting her go so she can get what she really wanted in life, which is children and kudos to her for going after her true happiness. She didnt compromise and couldnt be happier.
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@saffrondreams (596)
• Canada
29 Jan 09
Then you'll have to decide which is more important: being with the woman of your dreams or having children. Hardly anyone will satisfy your criteria 100%. Sometimes, you have to make a compromise.
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@wallfranklin (148)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I found the man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, who wanted kids. I knew I didn't want kids. I didn't think I would be a good mother. I'm very selfish and didn't think I could put their needs before my wants. I told him this and we decided that neither of us could live without the other and got married. The discussion of kids hadn't come up for two years, I thought we were good, at least for then. Then I found out I was pregnant. I knew I hadn't wanted kids and thought of adoption. He was against this, still wanted kids. So I stuck it out. We kept our son and I didn't know how life would go. Come to find out, my motherly instinct kicked in and I would do anything in the world for my TWO kids! She could change her mind, she also couldn't!
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@burki1994 (141)
• Turkey
29 Jan 09
I don'T understand if the woman is the woman of his dreams she should have children.Maybe that woman is not the woman he dreamed of...
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
29 Jan 09
If having children is the ideal situation for this man this woman cannot be the one of his dreams. However if it isn't really that important to him then he should sacrifice that one detail to be with her. If he feels he will never be complete or happy without children he should move on, knowing there is someone out there for him. I never had to worry about such but if you really know someone going through this I hope all goes well for them.

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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Maybe it is because I am American and my birth right is the " Pursuit Of Happiness". but I say there is another woman who is like this woman And she wants children. You can't make her want to have kids and if you try to force her,she will soon resent you and you will lose her.And it isn't fair to you to forget about having kids. That won't work either. Sooner or later you will resent her.If she loves you,I mean Really loves you, she will set you free to meet the true mother of your children.I Never wanted children so I will tell any guy I am with first off. I hope they believe me and just think , " I Can make her change her mind." But if the man I loved Really wanted children, then I would let him go to find the mother of his children.We can still be together,I am perfect mistress material anyway, and he can have me and the children he has always wanted. It isn'r fair for a partner to force the other to have kids or not have kids.
@vijayanandp (682)
• India
30 Jan 09
well i can say is that you wanted a female of your dreams and you got her but she dosent want children and you want children then you can well be with her and when ever you want her you can be with her hapilly and well merry a lady who too wants children and to have your family go on instead of stoping with u