I look, I look, I don't See

@dik_an (475)
January 30, 2009 5:31am CST
I figure this out if I meet new friends. I look and talk to them but I do not see and hear anything! Five minutes after I meet new friends I will forget his or her name and her face. May be I'm not focus in them or I think about something else, my body is there but not my mind. Any suggestion for me? Because it's so embarrassing if I meet the same people and I keep ask "What's your name?". The worst I can not focus in the class and seems like useless because I don't understand and remember what the lecturer said. Have you ever feel the same? I look, I look I don't see?
3 responses
• Qatar
30 Jan 09
Hi.. dik_an i think that in order to remember your new friends names , faces you should link their name to something that can make remember their names. For example, Tom has a round face so in order to remember his name is to link his face shape with his name. It's an easy way just focus first on their names whaen they are introduced to then try to make some sort of links in your Mind and i can a sure you that you will never forget. Because people dont like to be forgotten, I have been read that once in a book about relationship.I dont like someone to forget my name either. Good Luck My dear^_^ and Happy my lotting.
1 person likes this
@dik_an (475)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 09
Thank you for the suggestion. I'll try to link my friends with something that I can easily remember. :D
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
30 Jan 09
Oh don't worry dik_an, your not alone...I'm kinda like that as well. Specially when I just met the person and I only see him once..I would definitely forget the name and the face. I should be able to like see that person a lot of times before I could remember.
@gazal61 (20)
• India
30 Jan 09
it do happens with me also sometimes... i do not forget the faces,but i cannot remember the names, i know my class for 2 years but i still do not know the names of most of my class mates.