Negative people

United States
January 30, 2009 12:25pm CST
Have you ever had to work for someone whose behavior is not only negative; it's outright rude? Inhuman and not at all humane? My school has been a real joy for many years, and I figured I'd retire from teaching here, and never consider transferring. Last year we got a new principal who was rude and arrogant from the first day. This year he was joined by new assistant principals who are showing him those ugly traits can go much, much farther. For the first time since I transferred here from an inner city school in 1985, I'm thinking about a transfer. These administrators will not speak to us teachers unless it's to criticize. They won't even return a "good morning," except for a dirty look. Does your boss or do your bosses ruin the whole career for you?
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21 responses
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
31 Jan 09
Feel bad for you as that can be such an uncomfortable situation. I have a good boss right now. Am only part time and work in a fun atmosphere at a sporting facility. However my previous boss was a different story. He was nice, friendly and kind most of the time. Many times he would reprimand me in front of loads of people. I was so embarrassed. Almost quit the job as a result of his behavior. He would never call me into his office and speak to me alone if there was a problem. I would ask a simple question, this happened during special events, and he would blast me. There was never a standard way of doing things and he wouldn't tell his employees if there was a small change prior to the event. Eventually he was fired but it wasn't the result of my complaining. Another important issue was discovered and the finger pointed at him.
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• United States
1 Feb 09
Sounds a lot like the assistant (not an administrator, but a "pet") who asked if, in teaching English since before she was born, I had never learned to read. I handed her two sheets of students' names for tutoring. I told her there were two pages because she sent more kids to me than a single page could carry. Her only coment was a theatrical sigh.
@josephb (219)
• Malta
30 Jan 09
NOT THE FIRST TIME and I hate and I like this at the same time , when they go I can't do that it's impossible , it can't be done , we will not success and or their bla bla bla bla bla I just hate it and start screming at them that yes everything's possible that if we do our best we can do it if we have ccoperation we will succeed sometimes they turn t positive and sometimes not but I try to give them courage
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• United States
31 Jan 09
The case where I work is, if they'd stop trying to micromanage, we'd do the great job we've always done. We were an A-, B+ school until the new administration showed up, and we're a D now. The students' attendance was second-best in all of south Florida, and now it's just three up from the very bottom. Why can't they see that they're ruining a wonderful place for everyone else?!
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@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
31 Jan 09
Luckily I have never had a negative boss and that is probably just as well or I would have quit I am sure. However I have had negative co-workers and in fact there are 2 of them at the present time. To make matters worse, we are all doing the loads to Brisbane every week and listening to them is a bit much. You see we have UHF radios in our trucks so we can communicate with each other and other road users, primarily other truck drivers. These 2 blokes drive me nuts with their continual complaining all the time and to make matters worse they were not forced to take these loads. Like me, they chose to because it is extra money and we can actualy do less work for the week if we want to. Last week I decided that I would take the truck to my home and leave from there rather than the depot. It means that if I am lucky I do not have to listen to these 2 whingers for 20 hours the trip takes one way. Also if I am realy lucky I can be in and out of the Queensland depot before they arrive there so I do not have to listen to them on the return journey as well. As truck drivers we have enough other things to be concerned about, i.e. car drivers who are inconsiderate and think the highway is a speedway track. It must be very unpleasant for you working where you are. I think that you should really give serious consideration to requesting a transfer to another school. If you do that, then you will be able to retire on a good note and not a sour one which this lot of administrators are giving you. I am wondering how old these administrators are? Somehow I suspect that it is not that old in the scheme of things and that could possibly mean that they feel "thratened" by the older and more experienced staff. So instead of dealing with their own insecurities, they make life as miserable as possible for everyone around them. Smile at them, be polite and they will wonder what you are up to. It always ruins the day of some petty despot.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
2 Feb 09
Sounds to me like the administration team are immature and also jealous of the older teachers and staff. Also they are certainly showing no respect for either the experience or the knowledge of the long term staff members. If they can "get rid" of the long standing staff, then they can bring in new and younger people who perhaps they can intimidate more easily. The really sad thing is it is the students who suffer the most. Yes it will be very uncomfortable for people like yourself cobrateacher but you can look back and realise that you did achieve something and you did contribute to the wellbeing of many of your former students. The students, as you know, find it hard to get enthusiastic again once they lose interest. All the very best of luck to you and I think you should give serious consideration to finding a nicer place to teach for your last few years. There is karma and this new man will find that one day he is no longer in his prime either.
• United States
1 Feb 09
Your age and mine are the same, old boy. All of these administrators are in their 30s. The principal's secretary, who was my student many years ago, told me she's heard hi talk about wanting to get rid of the old folks, because he just doesn't think we can do a good job. At that time, he had never visited a single classroom or even introduced himself to us. Our school is loaded with people in myage group, who have been there through one administrator after another, and who are always getting all sorts of recognition from the state, the county asnd educational organizations. I suspect he's uncomfortable with our experience and expertise. I just wish he and his underlings would not take that out on us when our rooms are full of students...
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
30 Jan 09
I worked for 17 yrs at my last job and had the same boss for the first 14 of those years.. We disagreed and argued on a daily basis, but not until the company got rid of him and replaced him with a long string of much younger know-it-alls did I really comprehend the word idiots.. The last 3 years of my job were comprised of being written up, talked to in the office, talked down to and sent home, I ended those 3 years with a file big enough to choke a horse.. In the first 14 years, I thought things were really bad, but after, I would have killed to get my former boss back.. He was so much more fair and never wrote me up for disagreeing with him.. I don't really have an attitude unless someone gets one with me first and as I told one of my bosses, "You just hired me, you didn't buy me".. So I got wrote up again.. I have been gone from there for over 10 years now and I have never been happier.. Good luck to you and I sincerely hope it gets better for you..
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jan 09
I would definately pursue this matter.. Good Luck to you..
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
30 Jan 09
lord yes, i had a few jobs where some of the other workers was like that, but they found out really fast when they stepped to me with the rude attuide that i don't take it from no one, i jumped right back in thier faces. i had a boss like that once he found out the same thing, never less i didn't keep my job long, he decided to call me a few bad words and i gave it right back to him, told them i don't care who they think they are, step to me dis respectful you will get it right back no matter who are
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• United States
31 Jan 09
Since I've already filed for retirement, although I hvae a little more than 4 years to go, I just want to be left alone to do my work. I really do know what to do, as I've been Teacher of the Year twice, and nobody else has ever been honored that way more than once. He says that was then and this is now. All the administrators treat us as if we're ill-behaved morons, to the extent that the kids even talk about it. Two of my kids filed reports of one of them being abusive (verbally, of course) in front of the class, and that was totally unfair. The principal called them in and told them, if they want to graduate, they'll change those reports to indicate that it never happened. Need I continue? I think the picture is clear!
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• United States
31 Jan 09
he should be glad he don't have to deal with my kids, because they sure wouldn't like me at all. lol. tell you a story. my daughter was in middle school had a learning disablty. so she was suppose to get extra help and wasn't. so i had a meeting with the counsler and a dude from the school braod. the counsler looked at the dude and told him, now i will let you this if you make mr___ mad it's on you. he kept saying well by her file she don't need help, i kept saying i am not talking about her file. this went on for awhile. so finally i asked can i see it please. well sir you are not allow to see it. well i am her dad. so i can see it, and i grabbed it from him. well the counsler looked at him and got up ok you are now on your own you pi$$ him off. i open the office door and tossed out the file and looked at the guy and smile. ok so what file are you talking about ? she got extra help lol
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• Malaysia
2 Feb 09
hi cobra ... i am married to the whole "family" of negative people .. if i said "a" it will be definatly be wrong, but the "a" from them is so great ... well this people run the whole ligfe for me .. my advise cobr, if you enjoy this school and the students here, just ignore the idiots i know it is difficult but y wish them good morning ..if the they complain then u respond .. otherwise be "stupid" as they are "smart" well i have been successful so far i am "stupid" but being smart in so many ways now cheers
• United States
2 Feb 09
That's a big supply of wisdom, my friend! The nasty boss's secretary whispered to me today that they'll be long gone and I'll still be there, and I'm getting better at taking them with a grain of salt!
@unuzzz (1273)
• Indonesia
31 Jan 09
Hi there, I'm actually not working for this guy, but I had the chance to be around him for a day And I can say that he is the LOWEST human being on earth This old man is a bilionaire who own the biggest medicine company in my country And I can see him treating others around him like trash Looks like he treats himself as a king He always give others command to do his thing, Like once he was thirsty, the water jar is only three footsteps far from him And he COMMANDs someone to take it for him, and that glass of water must be served on a tray He also love to yell at others, to his wife especially I can see that he had no respect to his wife, I feel pity for the old lady, she must be depressed for all these years Shame that old man ! I can say that my present job has the best boss, so far Not a boss actually, she is my supervisor in my team She is always helpful and supportive to us She is a good mentor and sometimes also felt like a sister, hahaa She also often asks us to join her for lunch When she is around, it'll always feel warm Those things always spirit me to come to the office everyday .. :D Thanks !!
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• United States
1 Feb 09
Probably everyone has had disagreements on the job, but they've been very professional, and they haven't been dragged over to any other place on the job. We know that's not an option now. I filed suit about a huge bunch of disrespect coming from one of the Assistant Principals in front of my 3rd period class. At the conference, she and the principal insisted it never happened, and they had called in the students who wrote complaints about it. The kids were told, if they wanted to graduate, they'd change tose reports to reflect that nothing at all happened! Then I was told I could yake it to the next step, but the principal would win. He said he can always find a way to win.
• United States
31 Jan 09
We must be on the same page because I just posted about negativitiy and I am just so fraustrated with rude people. Negativity is a sign of ignorance in the worst way. It takes up so much energy to be negative. Negative people are never happy. I think they think if they smile and sayone nice thing they will melt. I just wish we could have a world wide holiday where people could notbe negative toward anyone for one day.
• United States
1 Feb 09
Unfortunately, events in the world have forced high schools to use metal detectors at the door, and I've often wished they also had nastiness detectors. If these negative jerks would just leave us all alone, we could go back to being really happy and productive at school!
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
31 Jan 09
Hi Jo, I'm so sorry that you are having such a bad time with the admin. It seems so unfair that they should be allowed to come in a disrupt a whole staff like that. With all the problems you've suffered with, maybe that's what you should do. Go somewhere where youare appreciated. You don't need this. Hugssssssss leenie
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• United States
31 Jan 09
That's something I wish I could do, sweetie. There's a freeze, so it's go there or go home!
@dropofrain (1167)
• India
31 Jan 09
I am at present working under the boss who is not only rude but insane and inhuman. He does not know anything about the work and always tries to haress the team. He tries and interferesin all the work and all the discussions but never helps anyone in any work.
• United States
1 Feb 09
There are always at least a few of those in a large organization. In a samll organization, they're a lot more difficult. Yours sounds a lot like Steve Carell's part on [i][The Office[i].
@Jenaisle (14078)
• Philippines
31 Jan 09
That's a sign of unprofessionalism. You should write a petition letter to your mayor or the organization concerned. If all of you in the school will petition them , then they'll be the ones to transfer. There is no place for teachers who show bad examples to the students. Do something about it instead of running away from it and losing a job which you have come to lovce so much. Or you could report them to the media. I'm sure you can do something positive about it. Good luck and happy mylotting.
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• United States
1 Feb 09
That's not something that hasn't come up around the lunch table (we only get 25 minutes, and that includes getting in front of our doors to direct traffic when the students start coming), so we don't get to alk much. Parents have gone to those in charge downtown and, so far, it hasn't gotten anyone anywhere. We're prevented by law from making such moves.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
31 Jan 09
There are definitly different contexts to those words I had to consider. I mean, I have some negativity towards humanity and think things like euthenization are great; but to treat people like crap in petty ways like this are beyond me. I am going to school to become a teacher and it is pretty sad that people would treat teachers like this. There is not much more I can say on the issue, though. I have not had a legit boss so I can not say I've experienced something quite like this. I have dealt with people who have been ridiculous and mistreated me, in similar ways, though.
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• United States
1 Feb 09
Before I frighten you away from the profession, you should know that, except for a few real jerks, we are loved by our students and our colleagues, and when we can close the door and get to work, it's a joy! They've brought in people who have no managerial skills, and who know very little about teaching at all. Everyone has to start somewhere, but they shouldn't be destroying this and other wonderful schools with cruelty and arrogance.
@user_786 (1338)
31 Jan 09
Yes a few times in the past i had some of my seniors outright rude to everyone. It looked like if rudeness is part of thier nature but ofcourse they used to be rude purposely - trying to show themselves better than others or superior. This is too stupid of those who do such things. If someone is superior in rank or other and then showing off thier status to others never make them more superior or better. This is what everyone could find out that someone is bragging off his status, etc and instead of becoming respectful , they become those whom everyone starts disliking altogether.
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• United States
1 Feb 09
Even the emotionally challenged students in the room across the hall talk about these jerks being so stupid, and ask if anyone thinks they're so great as they're trying to claim!
@forslahiri (1042)
• India
31 Jan 09
Hi, I think everyone of us encounter these type of NEGATIVE persons quite often.even at home,office,parties, there are no derths of these NEGATIVITY spreading people. Sometimes Boss,in-laws,peer, neighbour and so on.... Like Ur new Asst.Principal.what to do?Influence Ur POSITIVITY and expect some of his negativity to neutralise, otherwise wait patiently for his exit/transfer.Never looseUr cool & Positive -thinking. =Lahiri,Kolkata.India.
• United States
1 Feb 09
They do get terribly flustered when I meet these harangues with a smile and thank them for their comments. I've had more than enough of the depression they're trying so hard to cause.
@arlerambabu (1079)
• India
31 Jan 09
Negative thinking blocks progress and destroys the person who possess negative thoughts. For the time being they may enjoy but in the long run it wrecks the people. avoid such people
• United States
1 Feb 09
That's what's happening to what's always been a joyous, cooperative, happy faculty, and even our wonderful student body! I don't want the school to go to pieces for these people!
• United States
30 Jan 09
I've never worked with negative people like that before but I have been friendly to and lived with someone that was like that. It would get to the point where if they were having a bad day, they were and pushy to everyone around them, strangers or friends to make sure they ticked them off and made them have a bad day like they had. It is ridiculous.
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• United States
31 Jan 09
Hi, High, Even though this is my 41st year teaching, this jerk has the nerve to ask why I don't know I have to do whatever he says without question. Sorry, but I won't do what anyone says without question! Not when I know a good bit of it is wrong!
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• United States
31 Jan 09
I'm sorry you have to put up with this :( I a going through a similar situation-I am a preschool teacher at a daycare and 2 of our 3 administrators quit/moved away last year, so both of their positions were filled at the same time. The lady who filled the secretarial/accounting postition is very nice but the new programming director is HORRIBLE!!! She is rude and obnoxious, has been caught screaming at employees and parents, can't do a schedule to save her life, hired a friend of hers to cover hours we don't need to covered and then tried to cut the regular employees hours to create a job for this girl. This is only a short list of her screw-ups and she's only been there 4 months!!! For the life of me, I can't figure out why our director hasn't fired her. There are a bunch of us so few up we are getting ready to go over her head to the personnel comittee of our Board of Directors. Do you have something in place like that or are these rude people at your job the end of the line?
• United States
1 Feb 09
There's even a group of our faculty members who meet at the church down the block before school and hold a prayer meeting so that these miserable so-and-sos will be gone in a hurry!
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
31 Jan 09
Hey cobrateacher! I am sorry that you are having so much trouble at your job! I had that problem too many times in my career so I do know exactly what you are talking about. I worked as a Legal Secretary and I can tell you that working for lawyers was the worst! The are the rudest most arrogant bunch on this planet! They would curse at you and belittle you and make you feel like you were garbage! This didn't just happen at one law firm, it happened at many! My last job was the one that nearly cost me my mental health altogether! I swore I would never work in that field again! I liked the work, but couldn't take the abuse! So I know where your coming from and how it can really make you end up hating your job and wanting to leave. I hope for your sake that it doesn't come to this.
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• United States
31 Jan 09
Opal, do you think they might resent the many friends we have, who come to our defense? Other faculty members, students, parents and even a couple of the custodians have made very complimentary comments about meand the man who teaches in the room next to mine, and the more they smile, hug us, etc., the uglier they get toward us. One of them asked me the other day if I ever learned to read because I didn't do as her e-mail demanded. I dragged her to my room, put the computer on the e-mail pages, and asked her what e-mail. It wasn't there because she never sent it. She was just being pissy! I'm almost counting the days until I can get out of there! This is after having loved it there since 1985!
@savypat (20216)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Yes I worked 4 years for a Boss who was very though, she treated all of us like little kids who didn't know what we were doing. She reminded me of a Sister Superior I had in all girls school, that was as close to a Hitler that I had ever been. I stuck with it because jobs were scarce and when I quit she took me to lunch and praised me as one of the best employees she had ever had. I was shocked to say the least. I just goes to show how bad communication can be.
• United States
31 Jan 09
The administrators at school must have humanity in them somewhere, but it's deeply buried, to say the least! I can't imagine any of them complimenting anyone for anything. Still, I think they're even less comfortable than we are, becaus they must know the way everyone cringes when they walk up to us. Today, Friday, at exactly 4 minutes before get-out-of-there time, a mandatory meeting was called. All the two who spoke did was read us an e-mail they'd sent out earlier in the day. Do they not think we have lives? How sad that they have none - or act that way...
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@burki1994 (141)
• Turkey
30 Jan 09
I have got a negative friend.He things he is the king and treat me like i am his servent sometimes.So he is not my friend anymore.He was trying to be so cool and that wasn't good.So i just ended my relationship with him.But i didn'T work for someone
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• United States
31 Jan 09
How I'd love to be able to walk off! In August, 2013, I'll walk out and never come back! Until then, the freeze on transfers keeps me under their thumbs. Not being a mounted insect, however, I don't just accept that, by any means!