Do you think Miz and Morrison should be permanently moved to Raw?

@Marcola (2774)
United States
January 30, 2009 5:35pm CST
Really now. They've been appearing on both Raw and Smackdown with little reason other than the fact they are Raw's tag champions and part of a talent exchange. Last I checked, they were ECW superstars. Since they're Raw's tag champions and don't seem to be losing the titles to Cryme Time anytime soon, they should be Raw superstars. It kind of kills the concept of a brand extension. There's also Chavo Guerrero who spends more time on Smackdown than on ECW, when he is in fact an ECW superstar. I say move him over to Smackdown. Now, those of us who watched ECW last Tuesday know that Matt Hardy will be "exclusive" to Smackdown now. I realize the ECW roster is thin, so here is what I'd suggest: 1)Make Hacksaw Jim Duggan an ECW superstar. He can work with the younger talent and we can have the occassional "2*4 match" or something. 2)Bring Hawkins and Ryder back to ECW. All they do on Smackdown is job and it's not like either tag division matters to WWE. Heck, maybe even split the two up eventually since there aren't tag team championship belts on ECW. 3)Bring Kane back to ECW. Let him be the sadistic monster we all love. Have him go on destructive rampages setting superstars on fire and so forth. Also, bring back the inferno match. Thoughts?
6 responses
@lanevla (37)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Sometimes, WWE just seems to lack completely in direction. I don't understand the idea of the brand split, when talent are just jumping around from show to show as it is. Not to get too far off point here, Marcola, but I'm sure you'll agree with me that Matt Hardy's jump to Smackdown made absolutely no sense. Teddy Long merely appeared on ECW last Tuesday and stated that Hardy was now a member of the Smackdown roster. Excuse me? Does it not make Teddy look like a complete moron, simply letting arguably the top star on his brand walk away for... nothing? Wouldn't he have been smart to work out a trade of some sort with Vickie Guerrero? Do the WWE writers not see this? This also would have been a great "excuse" to bring a guy like, say, MVP over to the ECW roster, just to shake things up. I believe they should take Miz and Morrison, move them to one show, and stick with it. Raw is obviously their flagship, and M&M are the top tag team they have going right now, so move them permanently and stick with it. All of this jumping around leads to logic gaps and is just generally confusing to the viewer. As for your suggestions: 1.) I agree that Duggan could be a valuable member of the ECW roster. Hell, the guy is so over to this day, I *might* even give him a run with the belt. Why not? Or just use him as another stepping stone for Jack Swagger, one of the very few bright spots on the roster right now. 2.) Hawkins and Ryder, I think, are done in WWE. It's not necessarily their fault, but the company has just shown now willingness to do anything interesting with them, whatsoever. A roster move might be good for them, but even better would be a totally new gimmick, something fresh for them to do. Put them under masks and have them attack Cryme Tyme or something. Anything. 3.) Kane, I think, is a pretty good fit on the Raw roster. For some reason, I just think he fits well there. Speaking of masks, I think it would be great to work an angle where Kane develops a dual personality and starts wearing his old mask at least half of the time. He is an example of a worker who goes out every week and does his job (often thanklessly) but the creative team never finds anything interesting for him to do. He's been a loyal soldier for WWE for a long, long time, and deserves a lot better.
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Well said. You make some very good points. Teddy Long said he was releasing Matt Hardy so he could go to Smackdown to feud with his brother. Even though, Teddy doesn't like Vickie in the storylines, he could've traded Matt Hardy for two superstars that aren't doing anything on Smackdown: Ryan Braddock and Scotty Goldman. You're probably right about Hawkins and Ryder, since they haven't done much with them since leaving Edge. It would be hard to take them seriously at this point. As for Hacksaw, I think he'd be a good candidate to work with the superstars of the "new talent initiative." I don't think I'd have Jack Swagger job to him though, since Swagger does have a lot of potential and it wouldn't look good. I completely agree with your view on Kane. His current storyline is just plain dumb. He's willing to do whatever creative asks of him and has put a lot of younger talent over. (I wish he wouldn't.) I also feel he's a better worker than some people give him credit for. They should let him go back to being the monster heel he should be and take the championship from John Cena. I get tired of seeing him play second fiddle to John Cena, Batista, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio and the list goes on.....However, him no longer playing second fiddle to those guys likely won't happen anytime soon. If he went to ECW, they could rebuild him. Eventually, he could work with Swagger. Maybe Kane could stalk him around the arena and do some of the mind games Undertaker is famous for. Just a thought.
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Kane as GM? Works for me! Seriously, I'd love it if the show revolved around him. Heck, he didn't get nearly enough tv time when he was ECW champion. Seeing him in a suit would be awesome and that would definitely make Raw better! I can imagine what the GM office would look like.
• United States
2 Feb 09
Outstanding points! Surely, they could have done a better job in "explaining" Matt's departure from ECW. Teddy could have worked out a trade, and you made an excellent call on Braddock and Goldman, two guys who really could benefit from ECW's "developmental" presentation. It's a missed opportunity, but even more than that, it just makes Teddy/ECW look bad. I also completely agree on Kane. I get frustrated when I hear people slamming him, as he's one of the more underutilized and underappreciated talents today. He COULD be a monster again, and is capable in any role they put him in. Frankly, if they are unwilling to push him as an indestructible force again, I think they might as well go in a completely opposite direction. Call me crazy, but why not make Kane the GM of Raw when all the dust settles from this McMahon nonsense. I'm serious... have the McMahons throw up their hands and announce Kane for the new position. He comes out in a suit, and proclaims (very articulately, as he can do) that Raw is going to hell on his watch. Kane has already noted that he will likely be winding down his in-ring career soon. I swear, Glen Jacobs could succeed in any role they put him in. I'd love to see something like this.
@redfang (967)
2 Feb 09
Oh god no please not miz and morrison on raw perm, omg that would be like overkill, they are already a pair of prannits to have them on there even more would just be like @ oh man not again @ i honestly can not stand the pair of them in the least and i would be happy for them to not be around. Misserable morrison would maybe be better for the screen if they were not so up themselves and so damn cockey all the time and if they showed a little more respect or at least had their personas have more respect then they do at the moment it's just like i can't stand to watch them and thankfully i record the shows so i can just fast forward past their matches etc.
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Well, if you don't like them, they're doing a pretty good job with their gimmick then, and in my opinion, they put on pretty good matches. Only problem is, they've beaten nearly all of the other tag teams in WWE.
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
31 Jan 09
No I like seeing them more on ecw then raw if they move permanently to raw then it will lower ecw rating by a lot. I think they will unify the tag teams with carlito and primo which would be cool if they had a match at wrestlemania this year since they really dont need 2 tag team titles since theres hardly any tagteams left in the wwe now.
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
4 Feb 09
I don't think it would have that much effect on the ratings. Heck, if Jamie Noble stays on ECW, that alone is pure entertainment. (Especially his promos.) I'm sure they'll still beat TNA in the ratings. As for unifying the tag titles, I definitely think they should.
@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
i agree that miz and morrison should move to raw permanently. they show up there more frequently than in ecw. same thing with chavo who shows up more in smackdown with vickie. anyway, wwe creative should think this one through. a roster change is definitely needed. matt seems to be moving to smackdown as well with his impending rivalry with jeff. the ecw is really thin. when they started the brand again, they had big show, kurt angle, rvd, a couple of ecw originals. i think wwe should put more talent in ecw. i really like the new superstar initiative of teddy long. i guess losing bourne to an injury was big but i feel ortiz and swagger can hold their own against the other members of the ecw roster but i doubt if these two can hold the roster on their own. i say put kozlov, mark henry, big show, and kane back to ecw. not to appear there as part of a superstar exchange but as full time members of the ecw roster. i think these group of wrestlers can work well with the member's of ted long's superstar initiative. the storyline will go on like this. all four will start out as heels and challenge swagger for the title at one time or another but eventually we see big show turning a new leaf and helping out the ecw champion. the heels join together under kozlov, henry, and kane and the favorites of ecw rally under big show and swagger. this culminates with a handicap match between the team of kozlov, henry, and kane against the team of big show and swagger. in the end, swagger betrays big show and ends up to be a heel as well. ortiz and hopefully by that time, a fully recuperated bourne come out and make a save on big show. i know it's been done before but ecw needs a shot in the arm and i doubt if creative can provide that but i bet new faces in the roster can and will make ecw better. about your suggestions: 1) good point about hacksaw joining the roster but i'll throw in gold dust as well. gold dust can have a running feud with bogeyman and then both will realize that they are two of a kind and make a very bizarre and interesting tag team. it's also a good idea to give the tag titles to these two just so the tag team division gets soem life back in it. 2)hawkins and ryder to the ecw will also be good but they ought to win matches in there. i agree that these two should split up and pursue individual careers in ecw. 3) i agree that kane deserves to be in ecw and he is the perfect heel to carry the ecw flag. the inferno match is a great idea and there shoudl be more no-disqualification matches in ecw. also, i'd like to see ecw do something about the current storyline of tony dreamer. hopefully he gets a shot at the title and he holds on to it for sometime. a back and forth feud with swagger with the title changing hands between the two before wrestlemania sounds good to me. that's about it. cheers!!!!
@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
forgot to add that christian cage would be another great addition to ecw. he can start out as a face of the brand and then eventually be a heel. i think his in-ring skills and "charisma" with the crowd can do the brand well.
@jakeb1 (562)
• United States
31 Jan 09
The tag team scene is really in shambles right now. The 2 best tag teams right now are The Miz and Morrison and Cryme Tyme. I think they are better as a tag team than as individual wrestlers. They work well together. To answer your question, I think that they should be moved to Raw but there isn't as many tag teams as there used to be. I thought Hacksaw Jim Duggan was signed to a legend contract and only appeared from time to time. I also agree that Kane should be moved back to ECW. He used to dominate there but now he is losing clean to Kofi Kingston on Raw.
@Marcola (2774)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Yeah, I think Hacksaw does have a legend contract. Yeah, Kane jobbed to Kofi Kingston on Raw, but he also jobbed to Chavo Guererro and Bam Neely in a handicap match on ECW last year. That never would've happened to monster Kane.
• Australia
1 Feb 09
I don't really watch ECW much. Chavo's profile has been moved to the Smackdown page, so he's property of Smackdown now. Miz and Morrison should just be put on Raw, ECW is pretty much a place for the developmental wrestlers and I agree that Hacksaw could be used over there from time to time to train them up. I think it's really hard for WWE to have a solid tag team division across the brands unless the Talent Exchange was exlusive to Tag Teams or something.
• United States
2 Feb 09
I do feel there should be only one set of tag team titles, much the same way there should be only one UNIFIED world champion. Merge the World Title with the IC title to create the RAW champion, and merge the WWE title with the U.S. title to create the Smackdown championship. ECW already has a title by the same name. At this point, you'd have a champion for each show. A tournament should be held to crown the Undisputed Unified titleholder. That person can then "travel" to each show, perhaps on a bi-monthly basis, to defend. Go back to brand-specific PPVs as well. As for the tag titles, simply unify the Raw and Smackdown belts and, similarly, have the champions defend against the top competitors from each brand.