Do you think there is a cutoff age for women to have children ?
By ronnyb
@ronnyb (6113)
January 30, 2009 7:51pm CST
In my community I am always hearing people say that "she is too old to have children" and they say it with such scorn for the woman.Usually it is in reference to a woman who is over thirt five and doesnt have any children.
I am wondering if there is a cutoff age for women to have children ? I am seeking your personal opinion as to what you think is a good cutoff age as well as scientifically supported evidence?.In addition women who dont have children any at all or by a certain age are always looked down upon here on the island ,is that the same where you are ?
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41 responses
@suzzy3 (8341)
31 Jan 09
It all depends but I had my son at thirty seven and that was pushing it,all those extra scans and doctors appointment the drain on my body ect.My husband was forty and he was pleased to have one but no more,as like he said he did not want to collect his pension at the same time as the familly allowance.He said he considered my children from a previous marriage his anyway.When you get to a certain age of about forty your energy levels drop and you get what I call to sensible to have kids,running around and larking in the park which is part of the process of entertaining kids and helping them to learn to play and have fun.I have no medical evidence that says what the actual cut off age is,there is no doubte these older parents do love thier kids and want the best for them,but what they see as the best is not necessarily good for the kids.Having to get up through the night ,change nappies, wash night and day can take its toll on the younger parents let along someone who is in their forties.You are more financially stable at that age normally so you could pay someone to help out with the cleaning ect,but it is not money kids need it is active parents with lots of energy.This is a very immotive subject and I expect to get shot down in flames ,but this is just my personal experience,then you have the teenage years ,loud music ,clothes ,mood swings and my son even turned round and said you are the oldest parents at the school,except for one older boy whose parents were really old,thanks a lot.Then we have ten years before we my husband retires and we would like moody teenagers and nappies out of our lives by then so we can share each others company and do a few things we would like to do,but after saying all that if you have waited years before you are able to have a child ,you cannot blame them as instinct takes over to produce a child and like love you cannot fight it and I suppose why should you.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
31 Jan 09
Wow only you could present such a detailed perspecive
.I particularly found the part where your son says you are the eldest parents interesting because I hadnt even though about that but that is a consdieration too.In addition you are right about having the energy to play with them..Good andswer ,Thanks Suzzy

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@suzzy3 (8341)
31 Jan 09
Thank for you comment my son jokes with us about buying a stair lift and could we not have an accident till he finishes university as he needs our money.Meanwhile my daughter who is thirty and in need of money could we do more ladder work as she needs the inheritance so what do we do.My kids are a scream arn't they? Missed you were have you been?
• United States
31 Jan 09
noone should be looked downon because they don't have children. no,it's not that way here. i was 38 when i had my 2nd son. i told people i grew up w/my first son [iwas 18] & was going to grow old w/my 2nd & i have. nancy grace on tv ws 48 when she had her first & she had twins. she was talking about it on her program a few night ago. i wouldn't want to be old when i had mine but they are a blessing no matter what age u are. i don't think it's anybody's buisness but yours.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
31 Jan 09
i believe 67 years old is the oldest woman in the world to have a a matter of fact she had twins.
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
31 Jan 09
how old is to old to have a child well there is a national debate about this check it out
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@jwiz512 (78)
• United States
31 Jan 09
I understand what your talking about. However in response and honestly speaking. God gave woman at cutoff already. When a woman goes through Menopause that is her cutoff age. I am not a religious freak here but the body as it is made, already has determined the age it will no longer allow children to be concieved. Man has told us what our cutoff age should be. Being a mother of 6 children I would have to say that we must reason with ourself inside. We know our own limits and whether we could handle raising a child when we are older. Everyone should think about this. I am now 54 years old and just meeting a man who has an 11 year old daughter. I am so looking forward to raising her since her mother and my husband have passed away. But it really is the person/female or even male that should determine when the time is right for them to stop raising children. If I could have had more children I would have. But again it was in God's hands that I couldn't have anymore. My body had complications with the last child and then I had to have a partial hysterectomy. However I then took in foster children to raise becaue I loved children so much. Now I am older and I have a grandson who is 19 months old. I know with my medical conditions that I probably couldn't raise a baby. I believe that God does tell us when to stop and he puts in place the required signs to let us know. If an older woman is healthy and wants children so bad, then her cutoff age will be when she goes through menopause like the female body was created. I also know that Doctor says 30's it the cutoff age for having children. Another thing is we need to look ahead as to whether we want to be 60 years old and raising a small child or teenage. But if we have patience and a strong desire for children then go for it. I don't know if this helps you in any way but like I said I am 54 and so looking forward to finish raising an 11 year old girl.
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@shalli17here (627)
• Indonesia
31 Jan 09
hmmm..actually eventhough we're not wanting it, but yes it has a cutoff age for women to have children. if we sees it from a medical view, a women has a menopause which we can not have a child anymore if the time is come. but the menopause deadline is different from woman to woman, depends on their healthy. there are some women who can have a menopause at age 60. but there are also a women who got it at age 40 or 50. so yes, it is better for women who are willing to have children before age 40, at least 30 or less is better.
uhhuh the paradigm is same in here..sighhh..
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@smartie0317 (1610)
• United States
31 Jan 09
Here, at least where I live, it's the same but done in a diferent way. Like if someone is over 35, you say "Oh good,ect..." Then, the same person says "Can you believe so and so is having a baby?! She's too old!" It's my opinion that 35 is a good point to stop. When you are 35, your chance of having a healthy baby goes lower and and lower. There evidence to show chances of things like autism rises every year after 35. There was some lady on Oprah who was in her 30s when she had a kid and was shocked he had autism. I try not to judge others, but once I turn 28, that will be my cut off. Also, I see these women in their 30s who do all these treatments to have babies. God should decide when you have a baby, not a scentist.
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@LadyWinter (195)
• United States
31 Jan 09
Autism has not been proven to be a genetic disease. Are you thinking of Downs syndrome possibly? The chance of that does increase with age and there are tests that can be done to show if a fetus has downs syndrome. There is no test for autism because they dont know what causes it yet though there are many theories.
I was 23 when I had my autistic son and I by no means think I was too old to have a child. I have never read any evidence that autism increases after 35....since it has not been proven to be a genetic disease. You should recheck your "evidence".
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@smartie0317 (1610)
• United States
31 Jan 09
It was Down Syndrome then. Sorry for the mistake. I hope your son is doing well.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Well, tell the "ladies" of your community that my mom had me when she was 40. These days there are women having kids when they are in their late forties. It aint over til' it's over.And who's to say that the woman they are talking about Has to have children? It is her choice, not theirs.So in other words, in their minds there is a cut off but her in the real world there isn't . ps. Annie Leibovitz had her daughter when she was 50!
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
8 Feb 09
You are right with the kind of technology that we have today women are having children much later than they used to.Also it is better to wait and be certain that you are ready for motherhood which is so unlike what obtain in many instances today where people just have children without giving it proper thought
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@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
31 Jan 09
I don't think there is a cut off age for having children. The first Lady of USA, Michelle Obama is expecting her third child now and she is 45. As long as the person is f it enough to take care of the child, then I don't think that age plays a serious role. Although having a teenage child when in you are in your old age can be a bit problematic especially if the child is drifting away from you.

@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
31 Jan 09
Is she, really? I didn't hear that. But that is a great example. She didn't have children until her late 30s, and they seem to be like the perfect family. It certainly doesn't seem either of them are "too old" to be parents. And I think she is in better shape to be running after little ones than a lot of 25 year olds. So good for her!
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
31 Jan 09
..Well, as long as the woman is still having her menstruation, she is still capable of giving birth.. however, that depends on the health of the woman.. If the woman is healthy enough and she has very strong resistance, then she can still conceived.. The problem with women reaching the age of forty in giving birth is that, they are hard up.. their health is in a delicate situation.. that's why most doctors would recommend that women atleast conceived before the age of forty.. that is also considered as the menopausal age and it is very risky to give birth..
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@jenrl17 (420)
• United States
31 Jan 09
In my personal opinion, I think a good cutoff age would be maybe 35, in the range of 35-40. It also depends on how healthy the woman is, the older she gets. I would not want a child after 40 I dont think because I wouldnt want to be 60 when they just turn 20. Id prefer to enjoy their life and see my grandchildren and thats not as possible the older you get if you start out later in life. I dont have kids myself and Im going to be 40 in a couple of months. I dont think its looked down upon in the US but if people dont approve, I dont care. Its not their life they are living.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I totally agree with you! I was 21 when I had my son, but I was kind of glad to have my one child so young because I will be just hitting 40 when he graduates high school, so I should still have some life left to live. I feel sorry for my sister in law. She is 17 years younger than my husband. Her mom had her when she was almost 50, so she will be almost 70 when my sister in law is graduating from high school. The problem there is that if parents want to be there for their kids later in their lives, they might not be.
@jenrl17 (420)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I hear ya. It would be a shame to have kids when older if you wont be around to enjoy them grow up or enjoy the grandkids. My mom was a heavy smoker all her life and she quit for the last 5 years of her life just to try and be around a little longer for her grandson, to see him grow at least a little more anyway. Now all they (my sisters family including a 2nd child) have is a movie or 2 and her memory, whatever that may consist of, along with pictures of course, but its still not the same. At least its something though. Her 2nd child never even got a chance to meet grandma or grandpa on his moms side, but thank goodness for the movies and pictures. Can never take enough of those.
@UK_Shree (3603)
31 Jan 09
I think it is different for each individual woman. I think statistics would state that there is higher risk of pregnancy-related health problems for mother and child when the woman in over 35, although this may vary according to race.
I don't think it is fair to shun women who do not have children by a certain age, every woman's situation is different, and although I do believe that having kids is a beautiful and fulfilling thing, every woman on this planet is much more than a baby-making machine.
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@LuckyLadyD (359)
• United States
31 Jan 09
Basically I believe there is.
As we age, our bodies don't produce healty eggs, or cells.
Getting pregenant late in life puts the child at risk of being born with any number of health conditions, including disabling ones. This isn't right to the child who has to live their entire life like that.
And, if the child has enough wrong, who's going to care for the child when you pass, or no longer can.
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@wallfranklin (148)
• United States
31 Jan 09
I think that it's really up to the woman and her doctor. I do feel that at a certain point it starts to put the babies health at risk, but if the doctor says no problem, go for it! I personally couldn't think of having children past probably 35. That seems to be a good stopping point.
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
31 Jan 09
7 weeks ago I gave birth to a son. I am 38. My baby is healthy and looks like he is pretty happy. Our family is now complete. I won't be having anymore children. And I am over the 35 year old mark. I was and am healthy enough to have done so. I think it is an individual choice. The person should do research on pregnancy, birth, birth defects etc. And this should be done no matter what the age of the woman.
A woman should also be sure to consult their doctor, take vitamins, and get regular prenatal care. There are always risks with child birth. There are just more factors to consider as a woman gets older. I have 2 children. And I did all of these things with both of them.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Biologically speaking, women really shouldn't have children after about the age of 45. After that point, most women might experience complications with the pregnancy or may have started menopause which means that they can't get pregnant. There are cases where people have children when they're older than that, though. My mother in law had her youngest child when she was 50 due to a fluke. Her husband had had a vasectomy, but she got pregnant anyway and had the baby. It's a shame that people are so judgemental where you live, though. I wasn't supposed to be able to have any kids, but I ended up getting pregnant after my husband and I had been married for 2 years. I just think that it's a matter of personal choice. Some people don't want kids and I think that people should respect that choice. Some people really have no business having kids, so far be it from me to say that everyone should have kids.
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
Doctors said it has because women who passed that stage will have a hard time dealing with pregnancy by then. My aunt gave birth when she was in her forties so she only has one kid. The only thing I can see difficulties about it is having one kid but she was lucky to at least have one.
It’s a good idea having a kid at an early age but to our economy situation right now, it’s not a good idea. It’s okay to have a kid on a later age still but you would be spending less time with the baby unless you’ll be the one to take care until you die.
@sxrxnrr45601 (1171)
• United States
31 Jan 09
I really think that it is a personal preference for a women I know I did not want to have any kids after 30 but had one right before i hit 30 and then got my tubes tied I know my grandmother was alomst 40 when she had my mother I feel that this is something that is a personal choice really
@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I live in the US in Arizona. I do not think anyone really gets looked down on for not having children, but you ca for having too many.I have three. As to age, first of all there is a built in age to stop, it is called menopause. Secondly it varies from woman to woman. I figure I will be able t have more at thirtyfive or fourty no prob. However I know some women that it was a delicat thing medically fo rthem to have one in thier early to mid twenties. They would probably be best off not having any after thirty five or so. If they have anymore at all. If you are helathy enough and physically capable I see no reason not to if you want to.