When for you is enough? (a relationship/love discussion)
By laydee
@laydee (12798)
January 30, 2009 8:06pm CST
They have been separated with their husband and spouse for a long period of time, both met and spent 10years or more together as live-in partners.
After a while, things became rocky.
She had a phobia of men cheating on their partners because her previous husband was in the military and had so many women.
He complained a lot about her thinking too much and wanting to be with him all the time. He complained silently, and never confronted her about the situation.
They are now separated...
He says it's because he just lost all the love and thought that enough was enough. Even said the whole thing was a mistake.
At one occasion, he said that he never realized his elementary, high school and college buds were just in his vicinity while vacationing in L.A. It was only when he traveled alone (now that they're separated) that he knew they were there and had a blast spending time with them.
Now, my question. Did you ever come to a point of totally realizing that the relationship wasn't worth it? When did that happen? How did that happen? and How did you feel and how did you break the word to him/her?
Is it really true that there will be a point where you'd truly say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!?
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14 responses
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
31 Jan 09
I had enough of being accused of things I wasn't guilty of but I knew it was over when it was easy for her to lie in the first place, it only took 1 year and two months to figure out that it wasn't going to work after 20 years invested in our relationship.
Then we tried to make it work and I became the piggy bank... I could tolerate that then the lies came again and I could not tolerate that, the fact that she couldn't give to the relationship and she had to lie to my face...
Bad enough she lied behind my back and excused her behavior because my mother encouraged her to lie...
Enough is enough... she doesn't love me I get it, I'm tired of getting hit with lies they hurt more than the physical abuse which eventually heals...
Lies live forever... Unless exposed by the truth...
How's that for an answer?
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
2 Feb 09
That is exactly what my wife said to me, mothers are to love their children more than anyone else. I said duhhh! not my mom...
Then as an observation my daughter who looks just like my sister would be taken on outings for Christmas things and my mom would spend hours with her. Then my mom would take out my son the younger of the two children, the children are 5 years apart, and my mom would only take him to the nearest five and dime for about 15 minutes to a half an hour at the most. This would repeat often enough that the children noticed the favoritism being show to our daughter. My wife then realized what my mother was really like, but too late for me as I had already been harmed then my wife started swinging.
She swung from I was a good guy that she loved to I was the guy that could not do anything right.
In the end she stopped reaching out to me and I felt like the complete driving force in our relationship, I felt so all alone, totally unloved and then she started to hide things from me... Now as I look around for things that she took from me I also realize that she was encouraged by the church to remove lots of items, my old bibles, I had a set of books for the game Dungeons and Dragons, there was a computer program that I created... All of these things disappeared with out my approval. Right along with my old check registers... That was a good way to track all of my activities, especially my financial endeavors. I wanted to show my daughter how much I earned in my first year of working I accounted for almost every penny that I earned.
Today I keep all of my reciepts...

@taggedskate (211)
• United States
31 Jan 09
Enough is enough....wow...that's a good saying.
I don't think that enough is ever the word to use when it comes to the subject of love. Love never leaves a person, no matter how hard they try. If you truely loved someone it will be with you forever.
However you are able to make it fade a little and make your life a little easier. There is no easy way to break it to them that it just isn't working. Especially if the other feels differently about the subject than you do. If I were you, I would just explain how the feelings aren't there anymmore and you feel like maybe there is someone else out there that would make you both happier. Life is suppose to be happy, you know?
A good point to know that "enough is enough" is when it's coming down to you feeling that you're not worth anything (because you are), if hitting or anything abusive is involved, cheating, anything that will verbally, mentally, or physically hurt you. You need to look out for yourself and do what makes you happiest. There is someone out there for everyone. That is about the only time that I would ever say enough is enough. But even then, it's hard to leave sometimes. It's completely up to you and what your heart feels.
My ex relationship went down hill for 3 years and is slowly fading. I noticed that it was time for me to move on when he went to jail for the 10th time in a year. Yes, it took me a long time. But, I followed my heart. And right now, I couldn't be happier because of the road that I followed.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
Wow, it took you a long time to realize ey?
Anyhow, I guess love could leave us blind or too tolerant at times, but yeah, there will always be a time when we truly realize that it's time to say goodbye but truly there's no easy way to say goodbye to love.
Thanks for dropping by.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I hit rock bottom in my last relationship before I met my husband. I lost "me" in the whole process, especially the last 3 years of our relationship. I won't go into detail but it got to the point where I didn't even want to go home. I found every excuse to work late and then took up a part time job at a pub, so I could work weekends and not be home. A friend helped me get out and start all over again. It was a hard road to build up again but I did, and I found "me" again.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
31 Jan 09
Definately...at least for me. My ex-b/f cheated on me for 8 of the 9 years we were together. For a long time I simply closed my eyes to it and refused to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. It finally got to where it couldn't be ignored any longer. We split up, I found out most of my friends had slept with him and we've both moved on. We both got married though his is a psycho and he had a kid with his wife. Sadly, we both still live in the same town but we rarely if ever run into each other. My only regret is that I wasted so much time with him.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
Oh my gosh! That's really explaining how you wasted all those time for him. Are you sure your 'friends' are your 'friends'? How could a friend sleep with someone's husband anyway?
Oh, I'm glad you finally opened your eyes and moved out. That's the best thing you've ever done for yourself!

@makingpots (11915)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I had an enough is enough relationship when I was in college. I went off to college with my high school boy friend. He was a great b/f for high school but we just grew apart at college. We wanted different things, enjoyed different people, and began to realize that we were nothing alike. I realized enough was enough on my birthday during my freshman year. I just told him so, and he said 'yes, you are right'.
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@wallfranklin (148)
• United States
1 Feb 09
My husband and I have been through hell! We've been together 7 years and married 5 with a two year old boy and a one year old boy. We've had our moments where we would like to both just give up, but we haven't. I often ask myself, when is enough, enough. I guess if you really love the person as much as you should when you marry them, enough is never really enough. You stick it out and try to come up with any possible solution to your problems. I never see us getting divorced. I don't know what either one of us would do without the other.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
I'm touched with your story. Love, life and marriage don't actually end with the "I do's", instead that's the beginning. Life wouldn't always be a bed of roses and you can't compute, nor formulate the perfect formula or system for life and marriage, it's actually truly is a vocation.
It's good that you and your husband never see yourselves getting a divorce nor was it ever an option.
I wish you and your husband a good life together and I truly wish I'd find someone who's think that way too and who'd help me think that way as well.
Thank you for your thoughts.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Enough is enough to me when there are to many secrets. When the other party doesnt see the importance of the other remaining themselves. When the other party becomes so obsessive that they cant seem to get past what "could" happen and is to afraid to really love.
I have had those types of issues when I was younger all the way up to early 20's. When I met my husband thow after the first few years I fell so in love with him and only love him more every day it seems. Neither of us tries to shackle one another but actually prefer to spend a great deal of time with one another. He is my best friend and I am his so we love each other for who we are with no change expectations or attempts to hold one another down.
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@sunita64 (6468)
• India
31 Jan 09
Well i had a bf for last 5 years, for last so many days he was not even calling me once, only I was contacting him, so one fine day I thought enough is enough and decided to quit and did just that, too much of neglect can make person quit from life.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
Oh it's true. Regardless how 'busy' they say they are, relationships need caring too and it's not enough to say they love us, they also need to show it, just by calling we'd truly feel that they do.
Did he ever call you? Did you talk to him about leaving?
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
3 Feb 09
[i]Hi laydee,
I am new to this marriage life and I know it wasn't perfect. Adjustments everywhere but we never came to a point of thinking that way! I mean, we never had a great fight and hubby is very very supportive, patient and loving.
But, with friends, I know this is very possible. When one party tried her or his best to save the marriage but it is not possible anymore since there is no help from the other party![/i]
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@walnutbrownie (745)
• India
2 Feb 09
I really dont know when "enough is enough" when it comes to love..i think love once found truely just makes you go crazy and completely into it and u cant loose it just because love has left the other person.But yes i have had my share of "enough is enough" in my past realtionship when i was dating this guy briefly.I learned he was livning in with another girl and without even confronting him i left him on his own and never stayed in touch until last year he called me to say hello...so that was my expereince of "enough". I guess a point comes in everybodys life when enough is enough
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@borgborg (821)
• Philippines
31 Jan 09
I can't really relate to what happened to your friend but same situation happened to my friend. She and this guy have been dating for two years now, things become rocky when the guy started working and enjoyed too much of his time with them. He then told my friend that he realize his been giving him his 100% and its time now for him to enjoy time alone. I'm kind of disappointed with him because I really thought he loved my friend!
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
I guess he was burnout with your friend. Perhaps she made him blind with the whole world when they were together, that's why he found the new-found freedom when he started working.
You know, it's not totally his fault. Yes, he may have loved her but it'd different when you try to control a person's life, and forces him/her to be isolated from the world because once they get out in the open, they realize that they've been missing out because of you and that causes anger.
So, perhaps the fault is with your friend too.
@kaitan (46)
• Japan
31 Jan 09
yeah, i believe that you would really get into that point when you truly say enough is enough...Everyone deserves to be happy and when you are not happy with the relationship anymore , I guess, you have the right to free yourself. Why do you have to prolong your agony if you already know it's not worth it?
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• Philippines
28 Apr 09
* it's enough when holding on seems an impossible task and the idea letting go makes you feel relieved...makes you feel better...* it's enough when you've given him a second chance and he did what he had done before...a cheater who's cheated twice will always be a cheater...no matter how much he promises he'll never do it again...* it's enough when the relationship begins to feel like a burden..and romance begins to feel like a duty to be fulfilled...love should make you comfortable..not stressed out...*it's enough when it's only you who's trying to close the gap...and he keeps finding faults in you when you're already doing your best...* it's enough when you've lost your self-respect..and still he says you're not giving enough...
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