I saw a child hitting his mother
By dreamertink
@dfollin (25543)
United States
January 31, 2009 8:04pm CST
Yesterday my daughter,grand daughter and I were in a small eatery yesterday and we have to stand in line to order our food.A woman about in her 30's was in line with her son that was about 4 or 5 and he stepped out of line and was going ahead of other people and his mother gently took him by his hand and brought him back in their spot.Then the little boy turned around and started hitting her.The mother just stood there calmly looking at him,not telling him to stop or looking angrily at him.Then after about a minute or two he stopped.Then a couple of minutes later he turned around and started hitting him again.She again did nothing to repromand him.Everyone was starring at them.
What would you have done?
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30 responses
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I ask my son to stop a few times, and then I ignore him. Generally, when he's engaging in bad behavior, ignoring it for a moment makes the behavior go away. My son hits me all of the time, in public and at home.
I've had situations like that before, where he wanted to go to the front of the line or get out of line altogether and I wouldn't let him. So he hits me. He doesn't understand the "whys" all the time. I explain everytime what's going on and then the hitting or the temper tantrum starts, or he calms down and waits patiently -- depends on what kind of a day he's having. For the record, he has Autism.
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@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Wiccania, your situation is much different then the AVERAGE mother's, because of your son being autistic. My sister is raising her 6 yr. old grandson, who is also autistic and she really has her hands full. He too hits her and there doesn't seem to be a way to stop it, the more you tell him to stop it, the more he does it! His own mother calls him a monster and gave him to my sister to raise. She found it is easier to just let him do what he wants and when he acts up, just find some other thing to get his attention. His doctors even said he can't learn right from wrong but I don't believe that because every time I went to visit my sister, he would lay on the floor and look up my dress. The more you tell him to stop that, the more he will do it, so one day I had enough! He was on the floor doing that again and I deliberately stepped on his fingers, HARD until he yelled and guess what, he has NEVER done that since, so they CAN learn! Your situation is much different from average mothers who DON'T try to teach their average kids not to hit.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Ok ignoring them doesn't always work,believe me I have tried it.
.But my kids are not Autistic,so I do not know how that works exactly.I used to babysit a boy that had down syndrome and had 2 younger brothers.The father told me not to treat him any different then the others.This boy at the restaurant was not autistic have down syndrome.

@wiccania (3360)
• United States
1 Feb 09
How do you know he didn't have Autism? No one knows my son has Autism until I tell them. He looks like a perfectly normal boy, a little taller than some kids, a little shorter than others. He doesn't have any of the "tics" that a lot of people with Autism have, etc. I'm not saying that the boy in question DID have Autism, but I know a lot of people treat me like I'm a bad parent, and even voice their opinions to my face when incidents occur in public. Often leaving them red faced and apologizing when I inform them that my son has Autism.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Everyone handles it differently and even though I would not tolerate that kind of behaviour, I would have given him a warning first. If he didn't stop, then I would have taken him outside and had a hard word with him. I don't like to reprimand my son in front of others, so I take him aside and deal with him then and there.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Yes,but she did not say anything or even look upset with his actions!I was shocked!
I agree that you should not punish them in front of other kids,but I have found that after taking them aside and punishing them privately does not always work after 5 or 6 times.Then if I do repromand him or her in front of other people and they see their looks and understand that it is not just me thinking they should not do that.That I am not wrong.
@wallfranklin (148)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I agree. I never find it appropriate to reprimand your children in front of other. I'm not sure why I feel this way, but I do. There are alot of parents out there who have no problem punishing their children in public. I've even seen quite a few spankings out there. I just disagree with this.
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@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
1 Feb 09
Hi friends,
Antiquelady, you've got the right idea. As far as I'm concerned, after my generation (I'm 47), this world fell apart. If I did something wrong, I got a good smack on my butt for doing it and believe me, I knew better than to pull that again. Today you can't even raise your hand and I think that's crap. The kids know this too. I know what to do with all these child psychology books... use them on their butts. That would be the day one of my three dared hit or kick me.
I have never gone with the psychology books. I have raised my children (14,23,19) the way I was raised. You want to call Children's Aid, go ahead. But I have three of the most well behaved, disciplined kids you'd ever want to meet and I am more proud of them everyday. They also have great manners which is something else that has not been taught these days.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Cheryl,I am 47 also and I totally agree,after our generation the world fell apart.
I was a single parent with my 2 boys and when we were getting ready to move one time and it was evening time and I had to finish packing to leave in the morning.My friend was helping me in the living room.One of my son's had already gone to the building next door to spend the night with my friends son,her husband was there.Then my other son was back in their bedroom and yelled to me,"Can I go?"And I yelled back,"Have you finished your homework?".
He got pajama's,clothes for the next day,toothbrush and paste,comb and a few toys and went up the sidewalk to next door.The lady downstairs called the police and when the cop got there he was laughing because that lady is always calling the police for nothing.He said that she said that I was yelling at my son,kicked him out and that he was walking up the street with everything he owned.
How does she know that was EVERYTHING he owned?
But,because she called the police the report had to be turned in to Child Protective Services.And because CPS was called my name was to go on a list in the database in our capital that I was a suspected mental child abuser for a year even thou it was unfounded.At the time my job was at a day care center at a baptist church,which I lost because my name was on that list.I had to stop all my volunteer work involving children for the next year! There has been other times when I had child services called on me because I was calling my child and because he did not listen I told him that he could not go back out.Lol
There was a lady about 20 miles from here,that took her 6 year old boy into McDonald's and he was yelling so loud that the clerk could not hear the order.She told him 4 times to be quiet and he didn't so she reached down and swatted him on the butt and a cop came over and arrested her.In another incident,I am not sure what state this was in a woman took her 2 kids into the grocery store.The younger daughter was sitting in the front of the cart and the older son was walking and when they got to the check out the boy kept hitting the girl.The mother told him to stop.He kept doing it and then he hit the girls fingers on the bar of the cart.The mother smacked him on the hand.The cashier said wait a minute and went up to the managers tower and told the manager to call the police.The cashier stalled till they got there and arrested the woman.The police called her husband he came and got the children.The mother spent the night in jail for 2 nights.Then the judge let her go home,but gave the husband complete custody of the kids and said that the mother can live in the same house with them,but she could not be left alone with the kids.He had to hire an after school babysitter over the age of 18 to be there until he got home.After 6 months if she passed the review then they could go back to normal.And they wonder why the jails are so full!

@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
That sure is awkward, and I wouldn't do anything at all. I mean, if she would just allow her son to hurt or hit her and just ignore it, then perhaps that's her way of disciplining him. I'm not about to step on someone else business, but if ever my kid does that to me, I would surely reprimand him.
But I guess that woman is just trying to keep her cool but will discipline the child when they go home or something.
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@MichellinaGem (164)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I try to quietly reprimand my children if hey start something like that in public. In general I have already taught my children to not hit or kick and the oldest is only 2. He has some behvior problems but usually does well in public and is notusually hitting or anyting like that. However the few times that he has hit me in public he is definately corrected. otherwise he would just keep doing it. What is to teach a child they are not supposed to hit if you do not teach them??
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I taught my kids that they are not to hit,especially a parent or another adult figure.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
1 Feb 09
maybe this woman taught that it was just okay cause her child is just a kid and don't understand yet what he was actually doing. but i think that the mother should have reacted and should have taught her child that it is wrong to hit a woman or mother or adult person cause when that child grows up he will carry that attitude if he is not reprimanded for his actions.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
It's not like he was a baby.All my kids and my grand daughter has been taught that it is not nice to hit.My grand daughter is only 2! This boy was 4 or 5!That is not too young not to know you don't hit.
@wallfranklin (148)
• United States
1 Feb 09
If my son was doing that I would definately leave the place we were at. There's no need for that. I think staying and eating out if basically a reward. He shouldn't get something that he enjoys if he cannot behave appropriately.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I am sure that you enjoy eating to and by leaving you are letting him control you and the situation.Everytime that you want to go somewhere or do anything,like talk to someone on the phone and he doesn't want you to then he will know that all he has to do is misbehave and you will leave or stop your phone call.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Oh,you missunderstood,I am not saying that your kids are not behaved.I am just saying that this child child was not being have.
@wallfranklin (148)
• United States
1 Feb 09
My children know that they can't just misbehave and get what they want. By leaving the situation, they know that when we get home, there's other consequences. I have very well behaved children and I tend to think it's because how I choose to discipline them. I understand this with some kids as the parents just leave and that's that. I feel that there has to be some other consequences involved also.
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@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I see that crap all the time, just watch: The Nanny! Why these idiot mothers put up with such a thing is beyond me! I stop that kind of behavior right in it's tracks the very first time a kid either spits on me, or hits me, or says a dirty word, or bits me. I don't care if it is a baby, you have to stop that crap the very first time they do something like that! It DOESN'T take a VILLAGE to raise a child, it takes intelligent, mature, caring parents who know how to raise their kids so they won't become abusive, rotten adults!
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I have watched "The Nanny" and those parents are so stupid and sometimes I think Jo,the nanny is too.
No it does not take a village to raise a child when it comes to teaching them morals and how to act.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
I would have done nothing. The young mother should have known better than letting her child hit her. If he hits her at 4 or 5 she should not be surprised if he beats her up when he is 14 or 15. If the mom would have hit the child it would be appropriate sto say something but if the child hits the mom she should know better than letting this happen.
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
2 Feb 09
if it was my child he would have got poped my grandson tried to hit back and he is 20 months old i don,t have to pop him i can just show him that is a no no he turn in look in my eyes and sitck his lips out and i tell him i love you but you can,t hit.for me this is a very last resort.i will even use time out if needed.
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@mammamuh (582)
• Sweden
2 Feb 09
Several here would have spanked ther child for doning this.... that's so fun (not) - since they think spanking their children will teach them it's wrong to hit ......
I would have done as the mother with one of my kids when she was the same age - the other two would never have done such a thing - since they never hit me or any one else.
One of my kids did have problems with expressing her feelings (like an autistic thing) and could easy lay down on the floor kicking and the only way to help her was to ignore her. She did out grow it around 5 years old, but some children function this way - I would never judge a parent ignoring like this mother - but I would judge a parent for spanking the child - I would even report him/her to the police since ints against the law to spank your child here!
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Here it is not against the law to spank your child.But,even if it was I would not call the police unless it went to something more then a spanking.Beating a child is not right and is against the law.
• United States
1 Feb 09
i would have blistered his butte right there. she's really doing him a favor but letting him get by w/that.

@justicescomrade (29)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I wouldnt take it that far, but for sure i cant stand that kind of stuff. If your child is hitting you when he is 5 or 4... i would definately take him aside and get his attention to me, hold his face towards me if i have to, and make him listen to me. but thats just my opinion and it comes from a controlling personality soo =p
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Well, If I am the mother of that kid? I will take him out of the restaurant. I will not make a scene inside while people watching? Kids are showy when people are watching them. It is embarrassing to the mother. If she will take her kid outside and discipline him while nobody is watching, the kid might realize it. But if she also smack her kid or reprimand him in public, the more he will make a scene to cover up his embarrassment. He needs to be discipline and the best to do it is in private.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
2 Feb 09
At first I discipline in private,but I have found that if the problem persist and I embarrase them in front of people then they stop it.I have found with my kids that they think that all their friends and friends parents and so on,think that they are little angels.
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Hello dfollin! What? A child hitting his mother? Oh my God, I never knew that the world reverses now. I didn't know that the child has the right to hit his mother. Well, if I were in your place, I have nothing to do with it. I don't think I have the right to tell the mother what to do because for sure she knows what to do.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
No a child does not have the right to hit their mother,but they do sometimes depending on how they are being raised.There are a lot of people here that do not believe in spanking their child or even talking harsh to them.Doesn't make any sense to me.
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
3 Feb 09
It really doesn't make sense. I do believe that children need to have a little fear to their parents.
@forslahiri (1042)
• India
1 Feb 09
Possibly asingle child.Possibly his mother is a "Height of Patience".
There is a saying- Unruly child knows the cane....
I wonder why all people standing around were also spectator?
If I was there I'd have given a TIGHT SLAP onthe boy's face and would have said if he does it again infuture his hands/legs will be broken by me.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I was a spectator nd so were many other people.I was wondering also,how many other people were thinking,"Why doesn't that lady spank him!" But in the United States you cannot and should not touch someone elses child.You cannot and should not break a child or adults hands/legs.That is not just a spanking,like I and others have said that is child abuse!That is outragios! Even if you do that to an adult in this country you will be put in jail for assault,righfully so.
If that's how it is in India I do not think I would want to visit there.
@forslahiri (1042)
• India
2 Feb 09
Yes,that is very much in vougue in INDIA.
Do visit and inform me, if possible !
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@stillsweet43 (2)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I can't believe that this mother would just stand there and do nothing. At that point I would have taken him out of there and just forgot the take-out. I don't think he deserved any kind of treat at that point!!
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
No he wouldn't deserve a treat,but wouldn't you have deserved to eat?
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
1 Feb 09
If it was me, I would have immediately told him to stop and if he didn't then I would have left the store and taken him to the car. My son used to hit me even before we ever spanked him. Me and my husband don't hit each other and he was never around other kids, so I have no idea where he learned the behavior. I nipped it in the bud and he knows not to hit me now. I can't believe that mother didn't do anything to stop him. I was talking about parenting styles in a discussion last night. That would qualify as permissive parenting. Being permissive about aggression, which is what she was doing by not reprimanding him, usually produces children who are aggressive later in life. This mother probably has no idea what kind of damage she's doing by allowing that behavior.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I have never believed in permissive parenting and my son is raising his daughter as well.
@cici929 (37)
• China
1 Feb 09
I do not like this kind of situation. I love my baby but never spoil him. I think the baby like a white paper. So I think the child is not wrong. The mother do not know how to educate her baby. I tell my baby respect others and never hit other people, my small baby is very lovely. I hope the parents do not spoil the baby ,and teach them the good behavior.
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@kunal420 (161)
• India
1 Feb 09
thats very bad it show that the boy have no love and no attraction and no faith for hs mother who have given him his new life in this world a mother give birth to his child is the main think which clearly show his love to that child and the child have done this what a shame
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Yes,it is bad and sad that the child showed no love and obviously had no respect for his mother.

@dmrone (746)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I would have told him No to begin with. If he persisted in hitting me he would have been spanked. I do not believe in a child hitting their parent or any other adult. I have children ranging from 22 years to 10 years, and everyone of my children know that it is not acceptable in any shape, fashion, or form to hit at any adult. My grandchildren are not being taught that rule, but it still applies for them when they come to visit. I want respect from my children and grandchildren, and sometimes it takes a spank to show the child that they can't misbehave (disrespect).
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
1 Feb 09
My son's are 28,25 and my daughter is 12.I taught them not to hit.My 25 year old has a 2 year old and he has been teaching her not to hit and she doesn't when she comes her either.I babysit her and see her 3 to 5 days a week.