Christianity and spiritual gifts.

United States
January 31, 2009 11:29pm CST
Hello, I am a Christian, but I also see and hear glimpses of the other side. I have spoken to many preachers about this. They all tell me that spirits are only demons.. they can and would not be the spirits of loved ones who have moved on or others who are deceased. Many have even hinted that I was possessed. Which I most certainly know that I am not possessed lol. Yet when I remind them that the bible tells us to "test the spirits", and I ask them why this would be included in the bible if there were no "spirits". None of them have been able to answer that question. So I am tossing this question out to you. How do you feel about spiritual gifts? By spiritual gifts I am meaning, mediumship, clairvoyancy, clairsentience, visionaries etc. How do you feel about the existance of spirits? Do you believe that we as mere mortals can see angels and demons.. or even God or Jesus for that matter?
3 responses
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Yes there are gifts. Each person that receives them gets one. Some receive the gift of tongues, some the gift of healing, some the gift of prophecy. its all in the bible. Your preachers dont really know what they are talking about. The old jews said the same thing to the disciples years ago. You are possessed. And even to their own prophets. You should always test everything.
• United States
1 Feb 09
Thank you! See? They do not know what they are speaking about. I truly believe that each person has their own gift. We are all created in the image of God, so wouldn't it make sense that each of us would be special in our own way? This is why it is so sad that I have a tough time going to church or even attending one. My beliefs contradict so much that they teach. Yet, I consider myself a very devoted Christian. It is rather funny that many of my friends follow the Pagan path. Yet since I am not judgemental they never say anything against my chosen path. In fact we celebrate their solstices together. I pray to God and they pray to their Goddess/Gods. This has also received very disheartening comments from our other Christian friends. My Pagan friends say that I am "Pagan at heart". They find a deep understanding in my spiritual writing and mediumship. It is very sad that I cannot find this same understanding in the Christians that I know. I wish that they would open their minds because the understanding and knowledge gained would help them feel more whole IMO.
• United States
2 Feb 09
many people who call themselves Christians, don't even know what it means to be one. Did you know that the church referred to in the bible is not what people think is church today. Church is not a building that you go to, with a choir, and cross on the roof, and some guy telling you that you're going to hell. church is a gathering of people who look after one another. Help each other through hard times , and to understand the word. It can be anywhere. With anyone. If you are with someone right now, helping them in the name of Jesus the Christ, then you are in church. There's alot of things me and the other christians don't agree on. One is just how much love God actually has. They damn people to hell. I say that shows very little faith in the power of Jesus's sacrifice. Well anyway, if you're having visions, they're for a reason. So don't take them lightly, no matter what is said.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Well, I certainly believe that there are demons, in fact, I have felt them... experienced levitation and a spiritual battle occurring around me, had demons physically grab me, shake me and hold my mouth so I could not speak. I never experienced possession, thank God, because every time I was attacked I would pray for God to remove the demons and He always did. This is my best piece of advice for you - prayer. Do not worry about any kind of rituals - prayer is the only way to get their presence to leave you. I guarantee that if you do not pray for them to go, you will experience possession some day soon. As for seeing demons, despite feeling their presence I have not seen demons with my eyes - only once in a vision did I see demons. And as for human spirits, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that they are in fact on this earth. Perhaps our spirits dwell on earth until Christ's return.... or perhaps people are free to go back and forth from the afterlife to earth.
• United States
8 Feb 09
Thank you, for your comments as well. Believe me, I pray constantly. I believe prayer is the only thing that keeps us sane in this world. I can recall many times that I have seen things, and I would just close my eyes and pray for God to protect me and that I belonged to God, not them. I would call upon his name to make them leave. That is the one and only true method.. prayer... none of the other rituals that have been produced in the past works.. only prayer. It is my firm belief that only God has the power to remove them. Do you think that we are permitted to go back and forth from the afterlife to Earth? I have pondered that very same question for a very long time. I used to think that maybe these spirits were denied heaven. They wandered around the Earth trapped until they were to enter hell, or were they given a chance to redeem themselves in some way. This second theory became wiped from my mind when I noticed some of these spirits I have encountered did not seem tainted at all. What are your thoughts on this?
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Feb 09
Well I'm NOT Christian and havent been for a very long time but none the less I've been spiritually gifted as you put it since I was a very young child...My daughter is as well....I absolutely believe in spirits and our ability to communicate with them and they with us...BUT I have had numerous experiences and I KNOW its no "demon"....then again I dont believe in demons, satan, god etc...
• United States
1 Feb 09
Very interesting, Ravenlady. I believe that my daughter is also gifted. I have heard her speaking to someone in her bedroom at times other than her brother. It is a very light and cheery conversation. Then there is the other part that disturbs me. There have been a few instances when she has come to me frightened and afraid to go to sleep. She tells me there is a man that won't leave her alone. Sometimes during the day she tells me the "man" is watching her through the window. I can never see or hear this "man". Yet the more calm and cheery one I can hear but not see. He never harms her in any way, other than scaring her.. so I try to tell her maybe he is just curious, maybe he's lonely. She is so persistent at not liking him that she asks me to tell him to leave her alone and go away. I do this, and she goes right to sleep. It annoys me that my mother tells me that I should not encourage this in her. It is even more annoying that my husband doesn't believe it at all. I tell my mother that she never believed me when I was a child. Instead she would put me in the car and take me to see the preacher. They would annoint me and pray over me etc etc. It was so annoying. I told her I would NOT have my daughter feeling this way about me. Both my mother and husband insist that I am wrong, but I don't feel that I am.