Obama & Tattoos???
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
January 31, 2009 11:51pm CST
Ok I was searching sites for tattoos and came across one of Obama not on obama but actually of obama on some guys arm.
"In the last 18 months, new U.S. President Barack Obama has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of people in the U.S. and the world. He’s made history by becoming the first African-American and 44th president in U.S history.
Now more than ever it’s safe to say “Obama fever” is hot as fire. He’s on T-shirts, hats, coats, socks… and even skin. This is the case with Michigan Tattoo Company owner Raven, who has dazzled people with a good-looking Barack Obama tattoo on his leg.
The lifelong Democrat and owner of the tattoo shop for eight years wanted to pay tribute to President Obama in the only way he thought would work."
There is a picture of it on the site.
SO What do you think of this? I think it is absurd to have someone's face tattooed on your body unless it is your child's face.
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15 responses
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
1 Feb 09
Okay I think it is a litle silly to have Obama tatooed on your body. I understand that his becoming President is history in the making but I think that this is taking it a little to far. I think that there are better ways to show your support than this. What if he doesn poorly later on and this guy comes to seriously regret his tatoo. I just don't understand some people.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
I think if this guy was able to actually put obama's face on him he probably won't regret it because he will just have it covered with something else LOL
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@Nashka105 (52)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I just wanted to say, well written article.
To goed grammar, and quality content!!
As to tattooes and president's faces, I don't know... it's just weird, and plus why conciously scar your body in that matter.
The body is a beautiful thing that provides us with the ability to experience the world around us. Maybe more love and less needles...
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
Well I like tattoos but I just find that kind of tattoo weird.
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
1 Feb 09
I must admit that I find it somewhat bizarre. I have to agree with you, StrawberryKisses, that you should get the tattoo of people that you love dearly. But if that's who they want to get, then who are we to judge really? Despite the fact that we might find it odd.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
Oh I am not judging the guy I am just pointing out how this is not normal LOL
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@relundad (2310)
• United States
1 Feb 09
As weird as it seems for me personally, it doesn't surprise me at all. I haven't seen much lately that hasn't been "Obamatized" in some shape, form or fashion. I am a supporter of Barack but I wouldn't have a picture of him on my body.
I can't wait to start hearing all of the baby boys that will bear his name at birth, this year. Wanna place a small wager that a huge percentage of AA boys will be named Barack this year? It's so funny to me!
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
1 Feb 09
Well look at what happened just a few months ago. Some guy(without his wifes permission) changed the name of their daughter on the birth registry forms to sarah mccain-palin or something along those lines. It would not surprise me one bit BUT I think it would be really stupid to do without knowing him or waiting til he has actually done something amazing.
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@StarBright (2798)
• United States
1 Feb 09
There is a cartoon circulating thru the emails entitled "1st day of school - 5 years from now" and it shows a teacher standing before a class full of AA children. She asks the children to raise their hands as she calls their names. She then proceeds with rollcall: "Obama Taylor, Barack Thomas, Obamalita Jackson, Michele Womack, Baracka Washington, Michele Stanley, Kabama Corbin, Obamalama Hicks, Michele Reed, Treybama Nichols, Lashabama Barnes, Labama Robinson..."
So you see, not only boys, but girls, too, will be affected by this. Think of little Obamalita and Obamalama. We have not even included the little Sasha's and Malia's and the variations on their names.
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@mscott (1923)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I ma not really into tattoos but I can say with absolute certainty I am not getting one of another person anywhere on me. If you want to buy a shirt or a bumper sticker or something cool, but a tattoo? Especially of someone you don't know, have never met, and lets face it really isn't proven one way or the other yet seems pretty creepy and crazy to me. 

@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
1 Feb 09
Yes exactly. IF he does something amazing for the world then I say go ahead if ya want but they do not even know if this guy is going to disappoint them or not.
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@SeoulBoy_Art (193)
• Japan
1 Feb 09
Well I would say the fact that he is the president is enough. He dosen`t have to do anything he has already done it. To understand that you would have to go and talk to some people about the old days. then it hits home why they feel that way.
I hate tattoos and and would never do it but then again to each his own. It`s a free country.
@isabella123 (688)
• Canada
1 Feb 09
Well,it is pretty stupid,but i've seen worse,some guy has Madox(Angelina jolie's son)tattoo on is arm.Now that's mess up too.
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@StarBright (2798)
• United States
1 Feb 09
To each his own. This was an historic election. For those who choose to wear President Obama's likeness on their body, I only hope he does not disappoint them. I am not a tattoo person because I can't imagine anything I would want stamped on my body. I hear that when you get old and your skin starts to sag, the tattoo starts to sag also. So if you have a rose tattooed on, does that mean the rose starts to look like it is withering and dying as you age. What a depressing thought.
I like the henna-tattoos that they do in India. They are beautiful, but they fade away after a few days. Also the stick-on tattoos are nice because you can take them off at the end of the day.
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
1 Feb 09
I wouldn't want any face tattood on my skin, not even my childs face.
The chances are too big that it doesn't turn out exactly the way you hoped it would be, and you will be stuck to it forever. It's a very detailed art to get a portrait just right. Also, I wouldn't tattoo the face of a lover on your body because, pessimist as it might sound, you never know if it will last and you will walk around with the face forever.
So personally, no. Not ever will I do this. But if someone else wants to do it I have no problem with it. It's a form of selfexpression and art I respect.
@AmbiePam (96740)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I wouldn't have done it. I'm not getting anyone's face on my arm, although I do have a small tattoo. It would just be weird to me. What if someone tattoed the face of a President on themselves and then said President goes on to do something horrible? It's a pretty big tattoo to be ashamed of. But of course I don't think Obama will be doing anything shameful...
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Mar 10
Sorry to say, I think it's idiotic. It's like putting your b/f or g/f's name on you...what happens if you break up...you have to spend a fortune to get it lasered off or live with an ex's name on your body. What if this guy decides he doesn't like 0bama down the road, what if 0bama turns out to be a big sh*t...this guy is stuck with his face on his body. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
3 Feb 09
A Tattoo of Obama!!!! Now that is going way too far! It's like getting your gf/bf name tattoo on your body and then you break up and can never cover it up! Some people are just really strange I guess!
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
Yep I agree. I know someone that this just happened to al in the last week or so.
@loveyevi (513)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I have to say that is pretty bizzare and I agree with you that you should only get someone who you love dearly tattooed on yourself. Maybe down the line after we find out what kind of president he is/was then it may be okay to have him tattooed on you. Only if he cured world famine, war, and the economy though and made peace on earth.
I mean more power to you, when it comes to what you want to put on your body for the rest of your life. But this to me just does not seem very well thought out.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
1 Feb 09
Yes I agree if he did something truly amazing for the world then yea hey go ahead have him tattooed on you but he has barely gotten his feet wet. Thanks for your response
@jpedrasa91120 (61)
• Philippines
1 Feb 09
Hahaha! It is ok for me to see somebody with President Obama's face tattooed on his body and even on his face itself! If that's what he wants, we can do nothing about it! But if that person is my own minor son/daughter, well, that will be another issue!
@wallfranklin (148)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I think this is odd. I would never put anyone's face on my body except for maybe my kids. You never know, they could do something to complete srew up and then you're just stuck with them on your body. What happens if it turns out that you hate this person? Then your just sol.
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@manunulat (604)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
Well, if that helps them then why not? It is really up to the person why he had that tattoo on... I just hope that whenever one has a tattoo of that political figure, whoever that is; that person also serves as an inspiration or if he is making some kind of political statement... then let's just respect that.