earning money by blogging

February 1, 2009 5:24am CST
hey people can u tell can i earn money by blogging on the net by making my own blog and stuff if yes then please can you gimme the details i will be interested and please tell me what are the uses of the blog please i will be gratefull to know
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1 response
1 Feb 09
Yes, you can earn by blogging. No, you can't earn a lot quickly! Blogs earn virtually nothing for the first six to nine months, maybe longer. It takes a long time to build up readership and popularity. A good blog has one main subject - pick something you love and can write about consistently for a long time. It informs and/or entertains. Have a look at parts 3 and 4 of the Guide in my profile: there's some info on blogging and some resources for what makes a good blog and so on. One final note: there are paid-to-blog sites. I only know two (I really should go and see if I can find more...): Orble.com and Today.com. Those can be a way to guarantee a little bit of cash while you're getting started. Feel free to ask if I can help in any way, and good luck!
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