Somebody Call The Fashion Police...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
February 1, 2009 7:34am CST
Last night my niece spent the night and brought her Jonas Brothers magazine with her…a magazine I might add that costs $10!! I’d never pay $10 for a magazine but anyways…
She wanted me to look at it with her and so I did. I also came to a conclusion…these lovesick teenyboppers that are madly in love with them have got to be blind!!
These boys, for the most part, look like they dressed in a dark closet. Their clothes rarely match or for that matter go together. We’re talking spandex pants with suit vests, ascots, cowboy hats with hoodies, a purple shirt and green pants, neon colors, you name it. It’s like they have no fashion sense, taste or dressing rules. If it’s clean, wear it.
Looking at their pics makes me want to scream “Go Home and Try Again”. I cannot believe that with the millions they have they can’t hire a fashion coordinator to help them dress with some kind of taste. They do occasionally look nice but it seems like a rarity.
Now, I know that there are a lot of ppl out there that like them and I’m not trying to be mean but come on… I told my niece outright that if she ever dated a boy that dressed like that I’d have her committed.
Is it me or what? What in the world does a girl see in a guy that can’t even dress himself? Is this really the style today?
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57 responses
• United States
1 Feb 09
i guess it is but that doesn't mean we have to ike it. back when i ws young we wouldn't have given them a 2nd look if they had been dressed like that. i think it is so 6tacky,
@kezabelle (2974)
1 Feb 09
I had a look at the picture and you know they dont look that bad! I guess it all depends on what our own personal views of fashion are and the worst thing is they probably DID hire some sort of designer to help them make their outfits pretty much what they are wearing in that picture is classed as fashion these days an ugly fashion though but whats ugly for one is beautiful for another I guess!
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@HomeFlower (987)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
Yep, it's the style and I don't get it
It's not just what they wear, either. How about their hair? The trend with the hair short all over and kept longer at the top, then spikes into a cone shape ...... OK, so the Jonas brothers don't wear their hair like that, but so many others do, it drives me nuts. At least it's not as bad as the ones who don't brush their hair at all, eeek!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Feb 09
You mean spandex is making a comeback?! I thought-and hoped-it was gone forever!
The new style nowadays is mismatching. Clothes are supposed to be superficial concerns and not supposed to matter. The more they clash, the more stylish you are. But they do matter because there is no freedom to put on just anything--you have to think about it, plan your combinations and it's more trouble than dressing nicely. At least, that's what one teenager told me!
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
3 Feb 09
Teenagers have always gone for SHOCK VALUE. Whatever it is that us adults find offense with, they will do.....FOR ATTENTION! That's it.
Do you remember when mini skirts were shocking? Or how about a bathing suit, that wasn't a one piece. OMG! lol
Mohawks, peircings, when things become commonplace, they just find another way to get us ADULTS to react. I fix them by NOT reacting. Then, they start acting like little humans, instead of silly little children demanding attention.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I agree with your ideals. I don't like to see these kind of style either.
I think, parents should guide their teen agers now a days on how to dress appropriately. Most teen agers think that they look cute with that tasteless style that they are displaying. And you are right!!! Fashion coordinators should have good taste to share to the public. The thing is,,, they are looking for unique styles that most likely indicate that they are not from this planet.. hahahaha
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I believe they are probably trying to set their own trend. I don't really care for the way they dress or even the way they look but to each his or her own. I wouldn't date one of them even if they were my age and they asked but that's just me.I'm sure the girls just like them because they are what is popular at the moment. Of course these aren't the only guys I have seen that are popular that I think aren't the greatest things to look at.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I do agree with you, BUT... Look at what Elvis wore... That was a big change from what others were wearing. What about when musicians started wearing blue jeans and t-shirts on stage instead of a suit and tie? What did the parents (and aunts and uncles) think of the kids that adored them? Look at what Mick Jagger wore on stage, or David Bowie... Madonna... Cher... It's all part of their "costume" and their "image". Most of the musicians we grew up with did the same kinda thing - on and off the stage. They're trying to stand out, just as many have done before them. What's worse is that they probably do have a fashion person and that's how they're being dressed...
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@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
3 Feb 09
They do rather look like a thrift store exploded onto them, don't they? They kind of remind me of some music videos from the 80s. Perhaps Duran Duran?
I think they dress like that because all their fans wish their parents would let them dress that way.
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
4 Apr 09
"A thrift store exploded onto them"...I love it!
I remember the ' one dressed quite that bad back then.

@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
1 Feb 09
They are young, they are having fun, if that is the worse thing they ever do...then they are fine with me.
I look at the way we dressed in the 60's and 70's---it was awful.
And you know what..they are not wearing big pants that are falling off...they don't look scary.
I would not wear it but I won't stop them.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I have no idea why girls today can date anyone that looks like trash! And, that includes the baggy pants. I hate it. Some don't know that a belt is to keep their pants around their waist, not around their legs! I would love to see these pants start falling off in public places and embarrass these guys, IF it could embarrass them. But anyone willing to show their behind probably would not get embarrassed at all.
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@Wordplay (239)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
OMG...these kids today...
Back in MY day we really knew how to dress in style. Remember dresses with shoulder pads? Neon colors? Leg warmers? And of course big hair--it took at least one full can of hairspray to make it stand up like that. And lots of makeup which took forever to apply. We put time and effort into our appearances, not like today's kids with their just-rolled-out-of-bed look.
And the men with their "business in the front and party in the back" mullets? Dreamy! Talk about the best of both worlds.
Yes, all this stuff was as cringeworthy as it sounds. It horrified our parents at the time, and now it horrifies our children now to see how we looked back then. But at the time we were, like, totally totally total.
Every generation has its trends that set it apart from the ones that came before it. That's all part of being a teenager. Coordinated fashion? That's grown-up stuff. Youth is all about self-expression.
As for the Jonas Brothers, I know they are one of the hottest bands amongst the teeny-bopper set right now. I'm not sure whether they're trying to set trends or reflect them...probably a bit of both...but I have the feeling the "dressed in the dark" look is more calculated than it looks. But don't worry, years from now I'm sure they will look back and wonder "What were we thinking?"
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
2 Feb 09
In my defense, I always hated shoulder pads, I never wore leg warmers, I didn't do 80's makeup, and I never wore a sweatshirt with the neck cut out... Of course, I was young in the 80's and didn't really start wearing make up until like 1994...but still.
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
1 Feb 09
LOL....somebody's dating herself! And I'm right there with you...or maybe a little ahead
. My stepdaughter leaves for school every morning looking like she dressed in clothes that look like they blew out of a land fill on a windy day. On the few occasions when I've picked her up from school I was amazed that they almost all dress like that.
Then I think back to how I dressed growing up in the 70's. Flannel shirts, jeans and overalls...better if any of them were torn. More than once my dad went to grab a warm shirt out of his closet to find that they were My mom hated me going out like that.
What was the fashion when you were growing up? Somewhere between the Brady's, Saturday Night Fever and KISS? Do you remember if your parents liked it?
I try to look at it this way: Their fashion sense will change (and hopefully improve), their hair will grow out (and the green and purple dye too). What I shudder to think about is what some of these kids with tattoos and body piercings will look like when they've gotten old and fleshy. When I look at them, I decided that my step-daughter can wear what she wants (as long as it's not obscene) to fit in. Clothes are easy to change when she outgrows the style.

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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
23 Feb 09
So THAT'S where my daughter got her fashion sense at. I swear she dresses just like they do. I give up matching her outfits cause she never wears them the way I match them. Yellow t-shirt with purple fleece pants with flowers on them is what she wore today. I told her why she wear that outfit. Said they go together. I said how? lol
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I know what you mean. But I think it is the fashion trend these days. The 80's had the huge hair and the shoulder pads. Some (shudder) boys had mohawks. I have seen a few around here recently. The neon is just coming back. Why? Who knows..lack of originality perhaps.
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
4 Apr 09
"Go Home and Try Again"...I like that, and that just about sums it up. What the heck were those kids thinking? Can't they afford clothes that match...and fit? Why does that one guy even OWN yellow capri pants? If I saw them on the street, I would mistake them for homeless.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
15 Jun 09
I don't mind seeing a crazy fashion sense every now and again.. To each's own, right? At least they're bringing some kind of eccentricity to the scene - to me, it's refreshing. I'd rather see people with their own unique sense of fashion than everyone conforming to the same standards - and wearing the same exact thing. And not to go on a tangent or anything..But it's become almost socially-acceptable for women/girls to have an eccentric fashion style, so it's only fair that men should be treated the same! That's what I think anyway.
And the younger girls obviously find something appealing in how they dress - otherwise they might not like the Jonas Brothers. And it's not that they "can't" dress themselves - it's that YOU don't like HOW they dress. I think that's a little bit different.
Why not let them have fun while they're young? I'm not sure how old these guys are - but I know when I was 14, I was a pretty eccentric dresser - as teenagers well should be! I'm pretty sure the Jonas Brothers have at least a couple more years of experimenting before they have to "settle down" and start dressing "normal".
@silveralight (126)
• India
11 Jun 09
Its right!
Jonas Brothers really don't have any sense of fashion! They dress like 10-year-olds.
And I don't know who their hairdresser is... but that person even sucks hard!
They should really get a fashion counseller like "Stella" in their new series"JONAS"!!!
Somebody save them!