By deep257
@deep257 (56)
February 1, 2009 9:59am CST
which do you think is the best method to attain spiritual salvation ? also how do you define salvation? is it only for the self? is it only the divine feeling? or is it the eternal knowlegde..??
3 responses
@shiroorarjun1 (21)
• India
30 May 09
All are Very nice questions deep.
from the questions i see you are a v deep thinker...
i have done lot of study in hindu as well as christian scriptures and they both, I mean jesus as well as all hindu saints say the same things about salvation which is said by jesus and selfrealization which is said by all hindu saints.
I wanted to know if you are a christian or a hindu so that it will be easier to explain to you matching your thought wavelength as to what salvation is.
so i will answer your questions after i have received your reply
@deep257 (56)
• India
1 Jun 09
first of all a very warm thanks for replying to my discussion. i am a hindu by religion but open to all types of explanations. to me salvation is not defined differently by different religions. it is a law of nature that all matters are constantly trying to gain stability. i think salvation is also a path to this stability as man is nothing but matter. this is defined in different manner by different religions but the core fact is the same...... this is what i think...i would definitely like to know your views about this ... with regards
@shiroorarjun1 (21)
• India
8 Jun 09
hi deep
nice to know that you have replied and want to know about salvation...
see, it is one thing reading and another thing experiencing...
that is why all religious/spiritual interpretations are wrong when the interpreter has not experienced and is interpreting only in the worldly sense.
since you asked what is salvation (christian) and not self realization (hindu) which is the same i will answer as Jesus has described it himself in his parables...
" Not every one that saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven...but only he that doeth the will of my father"
"Be there fore perfect, even as your Father, which is in heaven is perfect."
"Who so every therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven."
All what Jesus said perfectly matches with Hinduism.
One cannot leave the onus of salvation into the hands of the realized one and only say that i have faith in him so i will be saved. one has to follow his rules to the utmost just as HE followed the rules of HIS Father.
Of course there is GRACE to save us. BUT we have to follow rules to our best of capabilities and then and only then Grace will follow and bestow on us salvation.
There is only one way and the easiest way to follow his rules. Love him and all beings to the fullest without making any distinction of class creed or religion.
this is v v v difficult to do. but he has suggested one line which is my favorite which is the same as written in the geeta and vedas...
"The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light..."
this line clearly states that our concentration and total aim in live should be to love him unconditionally...Is it possible to do it for the full 24 hrs of the day for a novice ? no... so start practicing atleast for half and hour then one hour a day in meditaion and try and love him, think of him, give him your entire self and slowly you will change the perspective of thinking and start having love and compassion and forgiveness towards even wrong doers.
Cant explain every thing in only one comment...if you want clarification we could discuss further...
@shiroorarjun1 (21)
• India
2 Feb 09
Salvation is gut feeling that one knows himself to be the "deathless one", GOD. The way towards this The oneness one feels towards ones god. the utter submission towards him. the sacrifice you could make for him. the "perpetual" thoughts you could devote towards him. The pull you feel towards him. The falling in love with him. like a lover for his beloved. Thoughts only about him, how you could make him happy, about how you could do things for him all the time, buying him flowers, fruits, incense sticks,candles, and what not. always in his presence. that's the feeling towards salvation. the method, trying to do these things with ones full oneness with him. giving all to him. your dreams, your works, your thoughts, all of it all the time every thing. And then it will happen when all things fall into place and "ALL IS ONE WITH HIM". and you will "BECOME" him. the one and only. the one without the second. the one without end. the deathless one. the eternal. you will know for sure in your gut feeling that you are the soul the deathless one. the eternal being. god himself !
@vutum6887 (118)
• India
2 Feb 09
Salvation is a strange word! Almost no one knows for sure what is it!
Again there remains a question-should I do something or engage in a process in order that I will achieve the so called salvation? Will it not be diverting my attention from the very essence of salvation???
I feel i need not at all worry about attaining salvation (or whatever it is). I try our best to befriend men and women. I reach out to many, in various platforms (in real and virtual world) with the sole target to gain acceptance and friendship so that I may share-my pains, thoughts, joys, etc. But one entity that is crying out for my attention I choose to ignore. That entity befriending which, I can gain the maximum, I humiliate by not responding. That entity whom I can love without the risk of getting blackmailed (emotinal or otherwise) i rebuke. THAT SUPREMELY UNSELFISH and LOVING ENTITY is MY OWN INNER SELF.
A common question that might prop up is HOW TO?
The answer is very simple indeed(though admitedly the so called SIMPLE things are really the HARDEST one to achieve), if only I try. It is so much within my grasp, so much reciprocative and yet, and yet ..... I ignore it. That divine tool which can easily lead me INTO my inner self is my OWN MIND. And that is why perhaps goes the term - MIND OVER MATTER.....
I never talk to my mind. I never befriend it. I waste billions of seconds chatting over phone, in the internet and yet feel so restless and deprived after all those activities. Do I really derive happiness? Does it make me relieved? On the contrary, it makes me often, so tired and irritated. But do I spend even 1 MINUTE with my mind? The answer is a big big NO! And therein lies the answer to SALVATION.
The salvation lies in our mind. As the great people have proclaimed time and again, IT IS ALL IN THE MIND. Love it, caress it, talk to it, implore it and even order it and it shall always favourably respond. It will NEVER tell me "I am tired of you" or "you are so boring" ......
It will quietly listen to me and guide me when I truly seek its help. The nswer is always within me. Only I need to extend my hand and thoughts to it.