I just got the word 'THEY' banned Gnosisquest????
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
United States
February 1, 2009 7:30pm CST
That goes too far, they are over the top...
I think something is foul, very foul...
I hate to see any of my friends banned, worst of all for religious differences.
We should be fee to oppose religion and religious dogma or idolatry, we should be free to practice our own form of religion or to not practice any religion at all.
The church, synagogue, mosque or temple should be crushed, since organizing religion leads to complete corruption through absolute power over all of the masses.
We are facing a global problem and it begins in the seat of the leadership of those who lead us into false beliefs.
If we want to make our world better we would be best to remove organized religion.
That fragile brittle foundation shall not remain into our future.
Too many lies and too many people have died...
Where does all the money go? To Rome, Israel, the Middle East? Religious money folks, religious money... If we put all that money back into circulation where would our world go? At least maybe we would have enough money to tide us over until we realize that we can remove the entire monetary system completely!
Soon and very soon, we need to get rid of this dirty money and the religion that feeds upon that dirty money...
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12 responses
@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I think I figured it out
anyone that shows the slightest hint of intelligence is reported by the trolls because the trolls see them as a threat
its the only way the trolls can feel superior
get rid of all the smart people so that they (and their stupid multiple personalities) can rule the site
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Now I really thing that is stating the obvious... Oooops, does that make me smart? I better look out over my back to make sure that I don't get stabbed...
Certainly it might go beyond intelligence, and getting right to the heart of the matter, it might be a core belief system maybe?
Really who stands to gain?
We are not talking pennies here, if you add up all the pennies there is a great expense that someone has to pay for...
How about that Pepsuber add during the super bowl, is that the best that they could come up with? Gawd that was low...
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@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
10 Feb 09
It is a sad thing that a person should be banned for speaking the truth. However, this is to be expected when there are so many people who like to believe in falsehood.
Religion is an obstacle to the spiritual path. Not only does religion grab money from the masses, but it also spoils the time and energy and peace and happiness of the people. But masses are also in a way responsible for this, but few are those who do any logical thinking and wisdom and find the truth that organised religion does.
Few like GnosisQuest raise their voices, but these voices are silenced by the religious ones.
The problem can never be solved unless the majority realise the falsehood of organized religion.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
10 Feb 09
You are leaving me speechless...
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
10 Feb 09
Frederick, I thought you don't believe in god. Did not you say sometime back that you are an agnostic? I am just curious to know if you have changed your position or if I am not getting what you meant in this post. Good day!
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@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
10 Feb 09
My friend,
In a way, speechlessness has its benefits. The more and more you go into utter silence, you experience more and more the true God. I have experienced this myself.
The more and more we go into silence, the more we fall into the ocean of bliss. If only the religious people understood this simple truth and left their false gods, we would have a far better, much more humane world.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
8 Feb 09
I just received an email from the real Gnosisquest. He is aware of what is happing and will return when he has time. While I don't feel free to disclose the full text I can let you see this part.
"You can tell them that the real Gnosisquest will have something to say and when I do those that know me will know that I am speaking and not a person trying to be something he/she is not."
Good to know that he will be back when he has the time.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your contribution...
Thank You... 

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 Feb 09
Was your friend really banned or possibly deleted by trolls? Apparently some clever person has found a way on here to delete other people's accounts. If this is the case, your friend should contact Admin and there is a good chance that they will set it right.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
13 Feb 09
If I was at liberty to tell you the whole story you might find that this is a mutual thing, if it was trolls, it harmed MyLot, and in a way trolls certainly are the issue or problem, you could call them terrorists!
Thanks for the info Dawn, I'm sure he will get it...
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
17 Feb 09
Now why would you say that, it appears that a discussion was created to explain some of the innocent people banned and with an e-mail request sent to the administration they were fixed and put back into business. I sent GQ a message stating that, I sent the links to the discussions, the ball is totally in his court and from what I gather he might not want to rejoin as he is working on another book.
Go figure????
Get a little more active and I'll see what we can do about your low status symbol... I know a few positive thinking members are working at helping others.
It certainly is a team effort and some goals are difficult to achieve.
But once you get the hang of things... Well anything is possible...
You'll see...
Peace and Blessings,
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
3 Feb 09
That's a terrible shame, GQ was one of a few people who had been here since mylot's early days and I have NEVER seen him violate ANY guidelines! Next time you talk to him, tell him that MSV1313 is outraged and hopes he'll come back soon and send a friend request to AngryKittyMSV.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
3 Feb 09
We are hanging tight, he found me seeking me out to tell people like you, we can all hang out together thanks to a Little friend...

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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
4 Feb 09
Yep, I absolutely agree, and I know that I don't have to say a word, he already knows how you feel.
After all when they ban a person that doesn't preclude that person from coming back and reading what others say...
I think your words have spoken volumes...
He last told me that he was working on another book, did you get his first one?
I know that I hope to acquire this next one...
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
3 Feb 09
He said a lot of provocative things, but nothing in violation of guidelines and he was never rude to anyone although many were horribly rude to him. He is my friend, although some of his posts were intellectually beyond my limited comprehension, he's a GOOD guy! I think whoever found him offensive just didn't understand what he was saying and took it the wrong way. Whoever reported him and got him banned should be banned themselves. I am seriously pissed off that they did this to him. I bet it was the jihadist sympathizers, they always were the most rude to him due to their willful ignorance.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
I thought Gnosisquest was an atheist who wanted all belief in God made illegal (as if he could do that) I thought he was against Christianity and was on a mission to destroy, if it were possible, the faith of the elect. Oh and the money I give to my church pays for the church and our minister's salary, and the offerings go to help the poor in our congregation and the poor at home and abroad.
I mean he practically said in one of his discussions, that the Jews do not exist, since he thinks Abraham never existed because well there were no plaques in UR saying "vote for Abram for mayor!"
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I guess your bias prevented you from seeing the real truth, Abram was the first name of Abraham but the time period and all of the research that this great scholar had accomplished proved that the Abraham of the Jewish people was a fraud, not that an Abraham ever existed but that the one that was recorded about was a mythical one where many parts of the story were obviously taken from other cultures and their religions.
The bottom line is that if you follow your contributions closely it might reveal your money is not working as you think it does, in fact you might be really surprised to know where your money actually goes, when once you have given your money over to the hands of another individual to do with as they please.
I'm firmly convinced now as I share with all of you for free that pastors that take money are not doing the work of and for GOD...
My hands get dirty and I see no help for my financial needs, this is going to be a real tough month to get through, I see the worst coming already and the month is only one day old...
And by the way a man who can visualize his daughter during a heart attack is a very spiritual and spirit filled man. Did you ever read about his riding in the Ambulance with a paramedic providing CPR on him (Gnosisquest) and he (Gnosis) could see his daughter playing in the living room of his house... That is a very deep spiritual experience and not his only one... I will guarantee that Gnosisquest is closer to GOD than many of the people that sell false religions.
You should be looking for the truth in all things and you should not believe the lies sold by professionals who are only interested in making a profit.
I want my children to succeed to but at what extent and how far will I go to make their lives better for them? I know I won't be selling my soul for a bunch of lies and I won't be party to a bunch of people who build false religions of false foundations for an exclusive organization that only seeks to control the world through fear and the dissemination of false information.
I believe in the truth and seek to tell the truth.
I do not like being fooled or fooled with unless it is a mutual thing.
I like having fun, and I can let my hair down, that is what is left of my hair.
I hope you think about all of his discussions there were all very interesting deep and poignant, particularly the ones on perceptions and understand preconceived notions that are taught to children passed on from one generation to the next...
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
8 Feb 09
I agree that there should be freedom of religion or freedom of conscience. Of course, this freedom is also to mean that there we don't abuse those who have difference of opinion. Freedom of speech and freedom of conscience go hand in hand. And it is important that we don't use our freedom of speech to abuse others' religious belief.
During French Revolution, people had used their freedom to abuse others. And so the immortal line by Madame Roland de la Planière who exclaimed from where she was to be executed, "Oh liberty, what crimes are committed in your name!"
Organised religions have done damage to the world. But politics have done more damage. Science also has brougth atom bomb that destroyed millions of lives. What we need to do channel these categories in good and productive manner. I believe religious quest is an inbuilt mechanism of our human nature. That is why throughout the centuries religious people have always far far outnumbered irreligious peolple.
My view is then that we need to discuss different religious views in a civilized manner. In the namee of freedom let us not repeat the French Revolution once again specially the sharp divide that led to bloodshed. We can discuss things in a civilized manner.
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Here is where we are going to have to part our differences and see what is left to build upon.
You said or wrote that "organized religions have done damage to our world," We agree, but then you went on to write that "Politics have done more damage." To that I do not agree because when you define politics, you will have to end or begin with a religious foundation and if you follow an organization of religion your beliefs will not be true as there will be an element that is flawed by the design of that particular religion that you are going to follow.
In my way of thinking the only true religion can come from only an inner knowledge that is a personal and individual walk. Who to better teach this personal walk that a parent who walks with a personal GOD?
Too many people do not discuss anything in a civilized manner and they all try to defend their position through this false belief structure...
If the judge is flawed along with the other parties there can be no justice and that means that there are no laws and that means you do not live in a civilized society.
The problem is simple and elementary...
The victim of abuse remains the victim of abuse as long as the leaders who are bullies remain in control. That means there is no freedom and no hope for the victims of abuse...
That is not good!
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
11 Feb 09
Political violence is genuinely religious violence, it is a belief that greed and power can control other people. There may or might not be a god involved but a false belief certainly is at the root of the cause.
Here is the key, what lacks love, who lacks love?
Remember always GOD is Love, pure and holy...
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
10 Feb 09
What about Science? Do you mean to say that politics begins or ends with religious foundation, and so relgion is responsible for all the so-called political violence?
Before I proceed I thought it's important to make things clear so that I know what you say very clearly. Good day!

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I wonder what he was banned for? Some of his threads could be a bit condescending towards religious folks, but I don't ever recall him being outright inflammatory. Then again, I wasn't particularly fond of his brand of discussions, so I tended to ignore them for the most part. I could be wrong.
Let's hope it was a simple mistake so it can be corrected soon.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I don't know his account is all white, that doesn't look very good... He wrote to me and in his writings he said he was banned or booted... I told him to give it some time, and to try again later.
His interest at the moment is to write another book. So he thinks it is all for the best at this time.
I'm glad that we are still in contact. 

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@angel_of_charm (4134)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
hi dear friend, I'm sorry for what happen to your friend--i never knew him nor seen his discussions about this matter but i see with others response that this is causing some arguments--I am just afraid this discussion might be deleted as it happened to me many times when responders tried to fight with each other--anyway, no matter what it is--let's all hope that we can have him back--i see your point in here..this is a free forum to speak upon what you believe--members can respond to what they wanna say with the discussion as they are free to debate...nobody should get banned simply because their ideas do not match with others belief...
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
3 Feb 09
We are here to communicate with each other and there are things that we all need to learn... With knowledge comes power and the power to think keeps you from being a slave...
Gnosisquest was always a good communicator and would not get into an argument although he would engage a lively debate as long as we held to simple civil rules to keep the discussions flowing and free. He would meet people where they are at their level of belief to help enlighten them.
Many times the task is daunting, but it can be accomplished, some have come to understand in new ways, some left feeling spited only because of their own preconceptions. They tended to hold on so tightly to their false beliefs that the truth could not enter into their world of thinking. Those cases were so sad to watch, but watch we did with baited breath waiting to see that moment of a spark of connection. That ahha!, moment the seed crystal planted to root and grow.
It is very Zen really...
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Is this ANOTHER GQ impostor?
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I think that this might be the work of a like minded individual... Let's see where this one goes...
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