Yes!! We Have Got It At last Since.........
@tamarafireheart (15384)
February 1, 2009 9:59pm CST
Yes!!!! we have got it at last! yes folks I am talking about that white stuff that comes out of the sky, "SNOW" after 13 years this is the first time we have had snow, it is mius 4 at the moment and the its nearly 4.a.m in the morning and its still coming down, we have got at least 15cm I think outside but maybe more because I haven't gone out there with my tape measurement lol! but I can see its about 4 inches deep by looking at the top of the car roof. I am so excited and can imagine how the kids will feel in the morning as they get up, they will all run out to play I'm sure, I haven any kids but I'm sure the kids will love it. I shall have to write this down on my diary just in case we won't get snow again for a long time. Its winter wonderland out there Yesssss!!!!! Have you got snow as well? are you all going out to play and make snowman? or are you having a heat wave? hehehe.
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25 responses
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I am happy you are happy about the snow. We haven't had any snow in my little corner of the world yet, it is raining today and it has turned cooler. I was looking at the weather forecast and they have snow flurries in the forecast for tomorrow night, nothing that will stick I don't think. Did you take any pictures of the snow?
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
3 Feb 09
Hi Chevee,
Yes I was very excited about the beauiful snow today as we haven'#t had any for so many years and felt like a child, the children were all playing out in the snpw and they looked so happy, it was like children's day hehe. Thanks for your response hugs.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
8 Feb 09
i had no idea you never usually get snow. i had thought it was cold there a lot. no, we will not likely see snow here in the AZ desert
its seldom even that cold. altho some places are getting it this year that never did before. i loved it when i was in ohio, my home state. it has all the seasons right how they should be. 

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Feb 09
Would have been interesting to have the snow around Yule. Lighting the log with snow gently falling...quite an image for your part of the world.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
8 Feb 09
Hi bunnybon7,
Well we have rain, rain and more rain, and we lots of windy days as well which hate, when its really cold we ger fog and frost, so we don't often get the snow, as we live in the south of England it warmer but the north gets some snow but it has not been as bad as now, so its a big shock for us to get all that snow. Love and hugs.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
3 Feb 09
Hi gabs,
It was just lovely to watch the snow falling so thick and fast, we haven't seen snow like this for nearly 20 years and the children wer all out playing in it, it was a sight for so eyes, but now it is nearly gone but there is black ice and I won't go out as I am scared to fall, it may start sbowing again on Thursday, I hope Gissi love the snow, thanks for your comments Gabs. Hugs.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I remember when I lived in Texas...snow was such a rarity that we loved it when we finally got it. Since it's not so rare here in Missouri, I'm more than ready for it to be gone. As seen in my avatar, I am more than ready for Spring LOL
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
3 Feb 09
Hi twoey68,
Lol yes we had this beautiful mass of white stuff which we haven't seen for nearly 20 years and everything came to a stand still but the children really enjoyed themselfves plaing in the snow and now some of the snow has melted and in others parts it is turning to ice, I remember last time we had snow and ice I fell and broke my wrist, so now I won't venture out at all. Thanks for your lovely comments.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
8 Feb 09
Hi Nhey16,
You just have to come over here to have snowball fights hehe, all the snow have gone now and it is now raining, but we will be getting more snow tomorrow night into Tuesday and may go again on Wednesday, so we only a day and half to paly in the snow. Love and hugs.
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@crazygemini (129)
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
happy for you.. it seem very cold there. .. i wish to xperience it soon
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
3 Feb 09
Hi crazygemini,
Yes it is very cold here but the snow is so beautiful, until it gets very slushy so we have to make the most of it and make snowman, thanks for your coments.
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@crazygemini (129)
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
well can u send me some picture of you and your family enjoying the snow.... it would be great to see it. if its ok. thanks in advance
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
2 Feb 09
How exciting. Your area hasn't had snow in 13 years? Wish I could say the same about the midwest in the US. We had 6 inches of snow last week and a few flurries are predicted for tomorrow but no accumulation. I stay inside when it snows here since our kids are grown and I would look silly out there in a sled with no kids hanging on me. Gets too slick here too to drive anywhere.
Enjoy your snow,
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I'm 6 yrs. older than you and it would kill me to jump on a sled and go down a hill. I'd have bruises all over the London was on our local news tonight mentioning the 6 inches you got today and another 6 inches tomorrow. People were interviewed and I just love to hear the accents.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi carolbee,
Who said you can't have fun even if your kids are all grown up, yes I can just see you wheeee down the hill in your slede, hehehe, well you can always make a snowman, I did this morning and I'm 56 years young, yes it has been a long time since we had snow and now I have heard its 18 years since we had the white stuff, we just have rain most of the time so it is a change, everyone is having fun but then it will turn to ice as it is so cold already, but its still snowing though. Thanks for your response hugs.

@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
LMAO I hate snow LOL I live in Alberta Canada and we get way toooo much ours usually lasts from october to april that is 6 MONTHS!!!!! of the year. I would love to go 1 year without it.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
2 Feb 09
LOL I don't think you would want snow like we do lol it is very yukky!!! Another province in Canada got a lot of snow this year and it is not normal for them to get much and they were panicking too. The forcast is calling for more snow here too. I will upload a pic for you to see
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi StrawberryKisses,
Wow!! that seems to be a lot of snow you have, and yes we have snow but not as much, I think about 12 inches of snow.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi StrawberryKisses,
Wow!! how do your country cope? I'm sure they cope well but here in the UK we never get much snow and theis is the first time for many years that we are experiencing this weather, it is coming from the Russian front, and our airports are having problems already and closing some runways and I expect schools will be closed too, they are really panicking over here hehe, if we had snow like you do I wonder what we'll do. Thanks for you input in was interesting.

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Feb 09
Hi again,I just commented to another friend's discussion about the big BRRRR factor she has been experiencing in Ohio. With you having snow where you are I am beginning to wonder whether we should be talking about global cooling rather than warming.
Whenever us Northerners here enthusiasm for snow and cold we smile in an understanding way. However, this year I am not smiling as much because of the deep, deep freeze and piles of snow we are having.
I love to hear the glee in your words though...and being that it was 7 days ago I was wondering if the snow is gone...or still there? Enjoy it while it we will hunker down in snowy Manitoba and wait for maybe in April! (smiles.) There is photo of the snow in our area right now. Fun to share experiences!
Stay warm and have fun with it!
Snuggly hugs,
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
8 Feb 09
Hi Raia,
Lovely to see you arond here again, I know you are a busy lady but it is still nice to see you here. What a lovely picture that is and I haven't seen so much snow like what you have, all our snow is gone and the sun is shining but very cold, the weather man is telling us now that we are going to be getting more snow tomorrow night but not sure how much. There lots of snow up in the north of England and they are having problems with not enough grits and gritting trucks, only this country have problems it seems, but I love the snow. Thanks Raia for your lovely comments and your photo, its beautiful. Love and hugs.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Feb 09
Hi again,Thank you for the friend request I appreciate your friendship and exchanges no matter where they are.
I am glad you enjoyed the photo. Yes, when the sun shines on the snow it appears like millions of little shining gemstones. Those of who were born and raised in this climate know how to dress for it. Our cars have studded tires and we drive for conditions. Layering is the key to staying warm and by and large we do. So even though we may grumble a bit when the temperatures dip really low we are acclimatized and just keep on keeping on.
I loved picking up on the childlike enthusiasm you and Scorpio were sharing about your experiences and perceptions of the snow. That is why forums are such great fun...sharing ideas, geographical differences and so much more.
I have included one of the snow on our deck, garden and back yard. This the amount that has been here for the past six weeks because it is too cold to melt right now. Enjoy the snow if you get more and always stay safe dear one.
Hugs and warm, caring regards,
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
8 Feb 09
Here is a photo of ice daggers as kids like to call them...they can become rally large and rather dangerous when there is a particular type of melt...these are just "baby ones."
@ellie333 (21016)
2 Feb 09
Hi Tamara, I am in the West Country as you know as so far we haven't had any but I think it has been forecast later today or this evening. I spoke to my friend earlier in Surrey and her children were sent home from school and the snow is fairly heavy there too. Snow makes everything look so beautiful and the kids love playing it in. I do hope we get some as it hasn't snowed here since my sons first Christmas so he has never really seen snow to be able to play in bless. They are also doing all about weather at school so it would be great for them to experience for their poject work. Huggles. Ellie :D
@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi ellie,
Awwww ellie, I do so hope you get some snow and I am thinking you will, it is about 6 inches of snowfall here and still falling, lots of schools is closed and the kids are enjoying the snow, you should see their little faces how wonderful is that? I know your little boy will really be excited, have fun when it comes, love and hugs.
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@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
2 Feb 09
Hello Tamara. I am J E A L O U S :D It only snowed once in the true sense of the word here in Bucharest for about 4-5 hours, and the snow barely make it to the next day - it was to hot and i couldn't use it for building purposes. I do hope you enjoy the snow, and perhaps send some over in this part of the world, as i promised James i would make a snow Panda.
Have fun in the snow !
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi elitess,
I remember when you had snow and you sent a picture of you having fun in the snow and I was a little bit jealous hehe but now we have the white stuff and I have made a little snowman but I have not got a digital camera so I can't send you any pics, or the snow as I want it all to myself, you have yours next year hehe.
Thanks for your response.
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
3 Feb 09
LOL! I guess if you haven't had snow in 13 years it is exciting! I have seen enough snow here in New Jersey, although I really shouldn't complain since we haven't had more than an inch or two at a time so far this year. It is supposed to snow tomorrow, though, so that could change.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
3 Feb 09
Hi fluffysue,
Yesh it was exciting for the kids maimely as they have never seen real snow, I love the snow because I don't have to go outside. Thanks for your response,
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09

@scorpio19 (1363)
2 Feb 09
Hi Tamara,Yes!!!! we have the snow it was to bad this morning when I got up so took my kids to school but since coming home, it's really coming down very thickly, so think I will have to go pick them up early, then we can make a snowman. I love the snow and love playing with my kids in it!
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi scorpio,
Go on! admitted, you are a big kid at heart hehehe, its a shame your kids had to go to school as most of the schools were shut here in west sussex and the faces of the children were a picture, hubby whinged about going to work but he did in the end, and I went out to make a little snowman and felt a snowball on my head, I had a visit from a old friend, but I got him back on his way out, great fun eh? love and hugs.
@scorpio19 (1363)
2 Feb 09
Hi hun,
you sound like you've had great fun, well it's snowing here very heavily now and it's expected to carry on so hopefully schools will be closed tomorrow and I can build me snowman, sorry I mean I'II help my littlen build

@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
2 Feb 09
Hi tamarafireheat,
Iv'e heard from my friend who lives in Kent that they had snow in her
earea. Here it is sunny after the past week it rained heavily.
Unfortunately I never experienced real snow in my life. My friends
said that the dogs are loving the snow. I hope that you are too.
Have you prepared your shovel to play with snow?
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi ronaldinu,
Its not very often we have snow here, gosh! the last time was I've just heard 18 years ago which is a very long time, nope, I have got my shovel as I leave that to my husband but I have made a little snowman this morning hehehe,m thanks for responding.
@AmbiePam (96719)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Wow, thirteen years? That is incredible. I would be excited too. We haven't had much snow this past year, just a little dusting. But in December of 2007 it came down so hard about half our state went without power. Mine was out for four days. Hope you enjoy your snow! 

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@tamarafireheart (15384)
3 Feb 09
Hi AmbiePam,
Yes it has been many years since we had snow like his, London was covered in it and I think about 6/7 inches of snow and all the schools were closed so the children can p,lay out in the snow, reminded me of the old days when child used to play like that all the time, I think the snpw is going to turn into ice and it would be like a one big ice rink soon. Thanks for your response.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi Elic,
Thank you for your quick response, I should be sleeping but I'm mylotting hehehe, yes I love the white stuff because I am not venturing out, just love to watch it coming down, I and in my 50s so I won't be going out sledging lol I should try, nope perhaps not. I don't like it when its turns to ice though as I have broken my arms once on the ice and it makes me feel scared to go out in it. This weather coming from Russia by the way. Thanks Elic.
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@littleowl (7157)
2 Feb 09
Hi Tamara! Yes we have about 3-4inch snow today outside and its still snowing, though as we don't live far from each other am sure it is your end too..didn't realise how cold it was last night but yes there are children and teenagers making snowmen and playing snowball fights where I am. It is amazing to look out there and see how picturesque it is especially on the field behind me..but wait til it turns to ice and won't be so inviting then!!! hugs littleowl
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi littleowl,
Yes wew don't live too far from each other but we have had 6 inches here and I made a little snowman too, it is s beautiful at the moment and to top it all my two little robins came up to me for some bread and took it of my hands, isen't that sweet? poor little things. Keep warm please and thats an orde. Love and hugs.
@littleone3 (2063)
2 Feb 09
Yes we have snow, my children's schools are all closed. So have them at home today.
Have been outside taking photos this morning.
I will be going out later to make a snowman as i have promised my youngest son that we will build one together.
Will probably end up having a snowball fight with the rest of my children.
I don't usually like the snow but the excitement of my youngest son over the snow is rubbing off on me.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi littleone3,
The snow is so lovely and it does bring out the child in you and the kids must be so happy, no school and to play in the snow is great fun, make a big snowman, it will last longer. Have fun.
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
2 Feb 09
hello tamara
you sound about excited as i get when it snows outside. whoo hoo! go outside today and throw yourself a snowball. lol four inches of snow is a pretty good snowfall. and gosh, no snow for you in thirteen years? that is a long time without seeing any snow. i love to wake up in the mornings and have everything covered with snow. it is so beautiful. enjoy the snow before it melts.
take care and have a beautiful day today!
@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Feb 09
Hi TnWoman,
Yes its has been a long time since we had a good snowfall and yes I have been outside making a small snowman, it was fun, its going to really freeze soon and it will turn to ice so I'm staying indoors when that happens, don't want to slip and fall hehehe. Thanks for your coments, love and hugs.